
East Central Reporter

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Casey Westfield Community Unit School District 4C Board met November 19.

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Casey Westfield Community Unit School District 4C Board met Nov. 19.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

I. The Casey-Westfield Board of Education met in regular session at 7:00 P.M. on Monday, November 19, 2018 at the Unit Office, 502 E Delaware, Casey, IL. Upon roll call, members present were Gelb, Hickox, Huisinga, Hutton, Navel, Overbeck and Tutewiler. Administrators present were Linda Campbell, Kacie Rhoads, Chris Seaton, Jim Sullivan and Dee Scott.

II. President Tutewiler recognized visitors Megan Laughton, Kim Evans and Barry Eckerty.

III. Act upon the following consent agenda items:

A. Minutes of the regular meeting of October 15, 2018;

B. Financial and budgetary reports and current invoices for payment;

C. Minutes of the closed session meetings of May 15, 2017; and approval of the destruction of the verbatim record of those meetings as authorized by Board Policy 220 and 220-E1;

D. School Report Cards.

Motion by Hutton and seconded by Huisinga. Upon roll call, members voting yea were Gelb, Hickox, Huisinga, Hutton, Navel, Overbeck and Tutewiler. The President declared the motion carried.

IV. Act upon approval of 1/1/2019 Worker’s Compensation Renewal in the amount of $34,666 with IPRF.

Motion by Overbeck and seconded by Hickox. Upon roll call, members voting yea were Gelb, Hickox, Huisinga, Hutton, Navel, Overbeck and Tutewiler. The President declared the motion carried.

V. Review of the Proposed 2018 Tax Levy—Dee Scott reviewed the tentative 2018 Certificate of Tax Levy.

VI. Board and Administrator Reports

A. Board members shared information from the 2018 Joint Annual Conference attended this past weekend in Chicago.

B. Administration

1. Buildings

i. Monroe-Mrs. Campbell noted that the PK playground equipment is installed and the students are using it.

ii. Jr/Sr High School-Mr. Sullivan

2. District – Mrs. Scott—District personnel met with a representative from HRC to

discuss making available HRC social work services to students at school during the school day. Many students could benefit from these services but travelling to another community to receive them often isn’t possible. HRC is very excited about this idea and hopes to be able to provide those services on a part time basis in the near future. Community services was another topic of discussion that both HRC and the district hope to pursue further. Meeting space would be available at Roosevelt School.

VII. Addendum

VIII. Act upon approval to adjourn to closed session under c1 (employment) and c21 (discussion closed meeting minutes) of section 5 ILCS 120/1 et seq. of the Illinois Open Meetings Act at 7:33 p.m.

Motion by Gelb and seconded by Overbeck. Upon roll call, members voting yea were Gelb, Hickox, Huisinga, Hutton, Navel, Overbeck and Tutewiler. The President declared the motion carried.

IX. Act upon approval to reconvene to regular session at 7:56 p.m.

Motion by Hickox and seconded by Hutton. Upon roll call, members voting yea were Gelb, Hickox, Huisinga, Hutton, Navel, Overbeck and Tutewiler. The President declared the motion carried.

X. Act upon the following consent agenda items:

A. Act upon approval of closed session minutes of October 15, 2018.

B. Act upon approval of support staff recommendations.

1. Accept resignation from Brittany Kibler as Title I Teaching Assistant effective November 23, 2018.

2. Employ Angel Davis as 2-hour Supervisor at Monroe for the 2018-2019 school year.

3. Employ Roger Clark as Student Aide at the Jr/Sr High School for the 2018-2019 school year.

C. Act upon approval of certified staff recommendations. None.

D. Act upon approval of co-curricular recommendations.

1. Employ Riley Donhou as Jr. High Girls’ Volleyball Coach for the 2018-2019 school year.

E. Act upon approval of administrative staff recommendations. None.

Motion by Gelb and seconded by Huisinga. Upon roll call, members voting yea were Gelb, Hickox, Huisinga, Hutton, Navel, Overbeck and Tutewiler. The President declared the motion carried.

XI. Addendum

XII. Act upon approval to adjourn at 7:58 p.m.

Motion by Tutewiler and seconded by Hickox. Upon roll call, members voting yea were Gelb, Hickox, Huisinga, Hutton, Navel, Overbeck and Tutewiler. The President declared the motion carried.
