
East Central Reporter

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Casey Westfield Community Unit School District 4C Board met September 17.


Casey Westfield Community Unit School District 4C Board met Sept. 17.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

I. The Casey-Westfield Board of Education met in regular session at 7:00 P.M. on Monday, September 17, 2018 at the Unit Office, 502 E Delaware, Casey, IL. Upon roll call, members present were Gelb, Hickox, Huisinga, Hutton, Overbeck and Tutewiler. Administrators present were Linda Campbell, Kacie Rhoads, Chris Seaton, Jim Sullivan and Dee Scott.

II. Hearing on proposed 2018-2019 Budget

A. Open hearing at 7:00 P.M.

B. Review of the proposed Budget – Mrs. Scott reviewed the budget, noting that it is a balanced budget.

C. Questions and answers – audience

D. Close hearing at 7:02 P.M.

III. President Tutewiler welcomed visitors Gary Strohm, Mark Shipman, Betsy Collins, Aaron Janssen and Jeremy Perie.

IV. Act upon approval of the consent agenda items:

A. Minutes of the regular meeting of August 13, 2018;

B. Minutes of the closed session meetings of March 20, 2017; and approval of the destruction of the verbatim record of those meetings as authorized by Board Policy 220 and 220-E1;

C. Current invoices for payment and review of the financial and budgetary reports;

D. 2018-2019 Budget;

E. FY18 Salary and Benefits report;

F. Curriculum lists

G. School Resource Officer Agreement

Motion by Gelb and seconded by Huisinga. Upon roll call, members voting yea were Gelb, Hickox, Huisinga, Hutton, Overbeck and Tutewiler. The President declared the motion carried.

V. Board and Administrator Reports

A. Board—Wabash Valley Division Dinner, Tuesday, October 2 nd , 6:30 pm Robinson High School

B. Administration

1. Buildings

i. Monroe – Mrs. Campbell—written report provided

ii. Jr/Sr High School – Mr. Sullivan—written report provided

2. District – Mrs. Scott

i. FOIA Request—Josh Fine, Senior Segment Producer for HBO Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel requested information regarding football participation and free/reduced lunch via email on 9-10-18. Available information was provided on 9-11-18 via email.

ii. Utility Truck—Mrs. Scott noted the information provided in the board packet and asked for the board’s direction to proceed with locating and purchasing a truck. The board requested that Mark Shipman physically inspect potential low mileage used trucks to be considered. A state purchasing contract also exists and the cost of the used trucks will be compared to the cost of purchasing a new truck.

iii. Parking Lot Lighting—The City of Casey will install a pole along the south edge of the Arts Hall lot and 2 LED lights. City will also install

LED lights on existing poles surrounding the lot south of the tennis courts. The only cost to the district will be electricity used to power the lights.

iv. Tennis Court Light Poles—The light poles at the tennis court need maintenance at the bases due to cupping of washers. Central State Construction will be doing this work.

VI. Addendum

VII. Act upon approval to adjourn to closed session under c1 (employment), c3 (board vacancy) and c21 (discussion closed meeting minutes) of section 5 ILCS 120/1 et seq. of the Illinois Open Meeting Act at 7:30 p.m.

Motion by Hutton and seconded by Hickox. Upon roll call, members voting yea were Gelb, Hickox, Huisinga, Hutton, Overbeck and Tutewiler. The President declared the motion carried.

VIII. Act upon approval to reconvene to regular session at 8:15 p.m.

Motion by Hickox and seconded by Huisinga. Upon roll call, members voting yea were Gelb, Hickox, Huisinga, Hutton, Overbeck and Tutewiler. The President declared the motion carried.

IX. Act upon consent agenda items:

A. Act upon approval of closed session minutes of August 13, 2018.

B. Act upon approval of support staff recommendations.

1. Accept letter of retirement from Rosemary Glidewell effective at the end of the 2021-2022 school year and invoking the 6% for 4 years retirement incentive.

2. Employ Nina Fletcher as Custodian at the Jr/Sr High School for the 2018-2019 school year.

C. Act upon approval of certified staff recommendations. None.

D. Act upon approval of co-curricular recommendations.

1. Employ Mike Leichty as Athletic Director for the 2018-2019 school year.

E. Act upon approval of administrative staff recommendations. None.

Motion by Hutton and seconded by Huisinga. Upon roll call, members voting yea were Gelb, Hickox, Huisinga, Hutton, Overbeck and Tutewiler. The President declared the motion carried.

X. Act upon approval to appoint Wendy Navel as board member to fill the remainder of the vacated term through April 2019.

Motion by Gelb and seconded by Huisinga. Upon roll call, members voting yea were Gelb, Hickox, Huisinga, Hutton, Overbeck and Tutewiler. The President declared the motion carried.

XI. Addendum

XII. Act upon approval to adjourn at 8:19 p.m.

Motion by Huisinga and seconded by Overbeck. Upon roll call, members voting yea were Gelb, Hickox, Huisinga, Hutton, Overbeck and Tutewiler. The President declared the motion carried.
