
East Central Reporter

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Charleston Community Unit School District No.1 Board met September 19.


Charleston Community Unit School District No.1 Board met Sept. 19.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The following members were present:

Jason Coe, President

Scott Clarke, Vice President

Susan Daniels, Secretary

Kelly Miller, Treasurer

Brian Gough

Eva Ritchey

Matt Titus

The following member was absent:

Kelly Miller, Treasurer

The following staff members were present:

Todd J. Vilardo, Superintendent of Schools

Chad Burgett, Assistant Superintendent for Business Services

Kristen Holly, Assistant Superintendent for Student Services

Visitors 30 and 0 Member of the Press

Under Recognition, Mr. Vilardo presented a Certificate of Recognition to the Class of 1983. The CHS Class of 1983 recently had their 35th class reunion and as part of their celebration, the Class raised $4,300 through donations, Binga, and a silent auction. Principal Trevor Doughty introduced 1983 classmates, Kevin Oakley, Dana Matheny, Tracy Green, Kelly Bacon, and Kelly Scott. Mr. Oakley indicated that it was important to the Class that this donation be used in a manner that will benefit the school as a whole. Because of this, they would like to commit these funds toward the eventual refresh or remodel of the CHS Swickard Auditorium.

Under Public, Staff Comments or Questions, Written Communications, President Coe asked if there were any requests or written communications to the Board of Education. There were no requests to address the Board of Education.

Consent Agenda: President Coe asked if there were any items under the consent agenda that the Board of Education would like to remove to discuss in closed session. There were no requests.

Mr. Vilardo reviewed the items under Consent Agenda.

IV. Consent Agenda: Standard Items

A. Approve the minutes of the Special Meeting of August 8, 2018 and Regular Meeting of August 15, 2018.

B.1 Approve the bills and payrolls for the month of August 2018.

B.2 Approve the Activity Fund Reports for the attendance centers, period ending August 2018.

B.3 Approve the summary of revenues and expenditures year to date as presented by Assistant Superintendent Chad Burgett.

V. Consent Agenda: New Business

A. Approve the 2018 Administrator and Certified Teacher Salary Compensation Report to be posted on the school district website and submitted to the Illinois State Board of Education by October 1, 2018.

B. Approve an overnight/out of state trip request from CHS FFA Advisor Marlene Perkins and student members to travel to Indianapolis, Indiana on October 24 – 27, 2018 for the National Convention.

VI. Consent Agenda: Employment/Appointment

 Grant a leave of absence to Lauren Hennig, a 3rd grade teacher at Carl Sandburg Elementary School.

 Grant a leave of absence to Jami Goetten, an LBS1 teacher at Mark Twain Elementary School.

 Accept a letter of resignation from Jennifer Taylor, as an LBS1 teacher in the ED Transition Room at Charleston High School, effective immediately.

 Accept a letter of resignation from Andrew Shick as an Assistant Football coach at Charleston High School, effective immediately.

 Accept a letter of resignation from Brian Oakley as a Cross Country coach (split assignment) at Charleston High School, effective immediately.

 Accept a letter of resignation from Kaj Holm as an Assistant Girls’ Trach coach at Charleston High School, effective immediately.

 Approve the employment of Gena Bunch-Epperson to serve as a Driver Education instructor on a per hour basis at a rate of $25.00 to cover after school hours needed to complete the driving requirements for students attending Charleston High School during the 2018-19 school year.

 Approve the employment of Jerry Payne to serve as an Assistant Football coach at Charleston High School during the 2018-19 school year.

 Approve the employment of Greg Rogers to serve as a Co-Head Cross Country coach (split assignment) at Charleston High School during the 2018-19 school year.

 Approve the employment of Geoffrey Atsali to serve as an Assistant Boys’ Soccer coach at Charleston High School during the 2018-19 school year. This employment was contingent upon receipt of all required paperwork.

 Approve the list of individuals to serve as volunteer coaches at Charleston High School during the 2018-19 school year, contingent upon the receipt of all required paperwork.

 Approve the employment of Chelsie Doughty to serve as the Classroom Courier Sponsor at Charleston Middle School during the 2018-19 school year.

 Approve the recommendation for Roxanne Cornebise to serve as a volunteer Speech coach at Charleston Middle School during the 2018-19 school year.

 Approve the list of substitutes/volunteers, effective September 11, 2018.

President Coe recommended that the Board of Education approve items under IV through VII inclusive on the Consent Agenda. Dr. Clarke moved and Mrs. Ritchey seconded the motion.

On roll call vote:

AYE: Clarke, Ritchey, Gough, Titus, Daniels, Coe 

NAY: none 

Abstain: none

Motion carried

Under the Superintendent’s Report, Sixth Day Enrollment/Enrollment Projections Report, Mr. Vilardo presented the 2018-2019 sixth day enrollment statistics to the Board of Education. The statistics revealed a decrease of 8 students from last year. In addition, Mr. Vilardo provided enrollment projections for the school years: 2019-20 through 2022-23. This information is valuable for staffing and room assignments, estimating future state aid, as well as long range budget planning.

Parent/Teacher Conference Dates/Times

Mr. Vilardo announced that parent/teacher conference dates have been scheduled for October 18 - 19, 2018. On Thursday, October 18 there will be a half day of student attendance and on Friday, October 19, no student attendance.

Mrs. Ritchey moved and Dr. Clarke seconded a motion that the Superintendent’s Report was received by the Board of Education.

On roll call vote:

AYE: Ritchey, Clarke, Gough, Titus, Daniels, Coe 

NAY: none 

Abstain: none

Motion carried

Under Old Business: Adopt 2018-2019 CUSD #1 Budget

The superintendent recommended that the Board of Education adopt by resolution the 2018-19 budget for Community Unit School District No. 1. Mr. Titus moved and Mr. Gough seconded the motion.

On roll call vote:

AYE: Titus, Gough, Clarke, Ritchey, Daniels, Coe 

NAY: none 

Abstain: none

Motion carried

Under New Business: Contract Agreement/Refuse Service 2018-2021

Mr. Vilardo reported that the contract with Coles County Sanitation for trash refuse services in Charleston CUSD #1 concluded June 30, 2018. Facilities Director Jim Kuykendall met with Melody McGrath of Coles County Sanitation and have agreed to extend the trash refuse service for a three-year term, (2018-19, 2019-20, and 2020-21). The billing amount and services will increase $514.64 per month, a total of $27,786.60 per year, which is the first price increase in nine years. In addition, this price includes an additional 2.5 yards of pick-up at Ashmore Elementary School.

It was the recommendation of the superintendent that the Board of Education accept the renewal proposal from Coles County Sanitation for trash refuse services for Charleston CUSD #1, for a three-year term, (2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-2021).

Dr. Clarke moved and Mrs. Ritchey seconded the motion.

On roll call vote:

AYE: Clarke, Ritchey, Gough, Titus, Daniels, Coe 

NAY: none 

Abstain: none

Motion carried

Proposal/Renovation CHS Science Lab’s/Classrooms

Assistant Superintendent Chad Burgett and the Facilities Committee met on August 2, 2018 to review the status of current facilities projects and discuss the possibility of the renovation of the Charleston High School Science Labs and classrooms in partnership with the Charleston Area Charitable Foundation. Mr. Burgett outlined the recommendation of the Facilities Committee.

Mr. Burgett reported that the total cost of the work was estimated at $1,415,011. The scope of the work includes but not limited to:

- Asbestos abatement in six rooms

- Replacing lighting fixtures in the five science labs on the main floor, the science rooms in level 100, and the rooms below the science labs on the main level - Removing and replacing case work in the current science labs and installing case work in the level 100 science rooms

- Running water lines and gas lines to the seven science rooms

- New fume hoods in all of the science labs

- Replacing sinks and work stations

- Replacing eye wash stations

- Replacing furniture

- Renovating the two science classrooms in the 100 level that are currently being used by special education staff and students including the installation of sinks and casework.

Mr. Burgett stated that the renovation will be funded through receipt of the County Schools Facilities Tax money and contingent upon award of a Charitable Foundation Grant. He noted that the district would request that the Foundation fund half of the renovation costs.

Based upon the recommendation of Assistant Superintendent Burgett and the Facilities Committee, and contingent upon securing a grant from the Charleston Area Charitable Foundation, it was the recommendation of the superintendent that the Board of Education authorize the renovation of the Charleston High School Science Labs and classrooms at an estimated cost of $1,415,011.

Mr. Gough moved and Mr. Titus seconded the motion.

On roll call vote:

AYE: Gough, Titus, Clarke, Ritchey, Daniels, Coe 

NAY: none 

Abstain: none

Motion carried

At 7:07pm, President Coe recommended that the Board of Education adjourn into closed session to consider information regarding appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the District or legal counsel for the District, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee or against legal counsel for the District to determine its validity.

5 ILCS 120/2/(c)(1)

Litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular District has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the District finds that an action is probable or imminent in which case the basis for the finding shall be recorded and entered into the closed meeting minutes. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11).

Dr. Clarke moved and Mr. Gough seconded the motion.

On roll call vote:

AYE: Clarke, Gough, Ritchey, Titus, Daniels, Coe 

NAY: none 

Abstain: none

Motion carried

At 7:48pm, Dr. Clarke made a motion to reconvene from closed session. Mr. Gough seconded the motion.

On roll call vote:

AYE: Clarke, Gough, Ritchey, Titus, Daniels, Coe 

NAY: none 

Abstain: none

Motion carried

At 7:49pm Mr. Titus moved to adjourn from the board meeting. Mr. Gough seconded the motion.

On roll call vote:

AYE: Titus, Gough, Clarke, Ritchey, Daniels, Coe

NAY: none 

Abstain: none

Motion carried
