Coles County said "yes" to one referendum and had equal voting results on another on Nov. 6.
Voters in Coles County voted to support the Second Amendment, approving the question: “Should the Illinois General Assembly pass legislation protecting a citizen’s right to keep and bear arms as defined by the second amendment of the United States Constitution?”
With 100 percent of the votes counted, the referendum had 13,604 votes in favor and 3,178 opposed.
Voters were split equally on a referendum about the Oakland Community Unit School District No. 5, regarding board membership at large: “Shall members of the Board of Education of Oakland Community Unit School District No. 5, Coles, Douglas, and Edgar Counties, Illinois, be elected in 2019 and thereafter, at large and without restriction by area of residence within the district instead of the current restriction that not more than three members on the board of education may be selected from one congressional township in the school district?”
With 100 percent of the votes counted, the referendum had three votes in favor and three opposed.