Casey Westfield Community Unit School District 4C Board of Education met July 16.
I. The Casey-Westfield Board of Education met in regular session at 7:00 P.M.
II. President Tutewiler recognized visitors Mark Coffey and Sharon Durham.
III. Presentation by Mark Coffey of Midwest Wind & Solar. Mark presented a no-cost proposal to install a solar field in the district that would save over $1.7 million in electric costs over the next 25 years. An investor would assume all costs including maintenance and insurance for the field and the district would purchase the generated power at a reduced rate. The annual savings would allow the district to spend more on education and less on electricity.
IV. Act upon approval of the consent agenda items:
A. Minutes of the regular meeting of June 18, 2018;
B. Minutes of the closed session meeting of January 23, 2017; and approval of the destruction of the verbatim record of those meetings as authorized by Board Policy 220 and 220-E1;
C. Current invoices for payment and review of the financial and budgetary reports;
D. Revision to board policy 5:185 Family and Medical Leave;
E. 2018-2019 Student-Parent, Staff, Substitute and Support Staff Handbooks;
F. Certified Staff Evaluation Plan;
Loan Program Application;
H. Resolution to continue the annual Health Life Safety nickel levy to fund fire prevention, safety, energy conservation, disabled accessibility, school security and specified repair purposes.
Motion by Gelb and seconded by Overbeck. Upon roll call, members voting yea were Gelb, Hickox, Huisinga, Overbeck and Tutewiler. The President declared the motion carried.
V. Board and Administrator Reports
VI. Addendum
VII. Act upon approval to adjourn to closed session under c1 (employment) and c21 (discussion closed meeting minutes) of section 5 ILCS 120/1 et seq. of the Illinois Open Meeting Act at 7:54 p.m.
Motion by Hickox and seconded by Huisinga. Upon roll call, members voting yea were Gelb, Hickox, Huisinga, Overbeck and Tutewiler. The President declared the motion carried.
VIII. Act upon approval to reconvene to regular session at 8:15 p.m.
Motion by Gelb and seconded by Huisinga. Upon roll call, members voting yea were Gelb, Hickox, Huisinga, Overbeck and Tutewiler. The President declared the motion carried.
IX. Act upon consent agenda items:
A. Act upon approval of closed session minutes of June 18, 2018.
B. Act upon recommendation to keep closed session minutes confidential.
C. Act upon approval of support staff recommendations.
1. Accept letter of retirement from Sandra Hibschman effective February 1, 2023 and invoking the 6% for
2. Employ for the 2018-2019 school year:
a. Brittany Kibler as Title One Tutor.
b. Megan High as Title One Tutor.
c. Toni Budd
d. Suzann Robinson
D. Act upon approval of certified staff recommendations. None
E. Act upon approval of co-curricular recommendations.
1. Extra Duty Schedule
F. Act upon approval of administrative staff recommendations. None
Motion by Overbeck and seconded by Hickox. Upon roll call, members voting yea were Gelb, Hickox, Huisinga, Overbeck and Tutewiler. The President declared the motion carried.
X. Addendum—Casey Overbeck shared that she had met with a group regarding use of existing county safety tax proceeds to fund increased safety measures in the county schools. The board discussed that a resource officer would be the top priority for use of funds with enhanced safety measures in buildings being the next priority.
XI. Act upon approval to adjourn at 8:26 p.m.
Motion by Tutewiler and seconded by Overbeck. Upon roll call, members voting yea were Gelb, Hickox, Huisinga, Overbeck and Tutewiler. The President declared the motion carried.