City of Newton City Council met June 19.
Here is the agenda as provided by the council:
1. Call to Order: Mark Bolander, Mayor
2. Pledge of Allegiance led by Alderman Eric Blake
3. Roll Call: Rosetta York, City Clerk
4. Adopt or Amend Agenda
5. Approval of Regular Minutes of June 5, 2018
6. Approval of Bills & Accounts Payable
7. Public Comments/Communications: Mandy Reiman, RN-Jasper County
Health Department
8. Old Business:
a. Consider and act on the Newton Police vehicle bid.
b. Consider and act on Ordinance18-06 Prevailing Wage.
9. New Business:
a. Consider and act on Ordinance 18-07 No Parking on W. Decatur.
b. Consider and act on Ordinance 18-08 Cable Television Franchise Fees.
c. Consider and act on Ordinance 18-09 Certain Alley and Street in Picquet’s
10.Committee Reports or Council Representative Reports: Finance
Committee Meeting 6-14-18
11. Statements By: Council Members, City Attorney, City Treasurer, City Clerk
(Street Department PO #7483), Mayor
12. Next Regular Meeting: Wednesday, July 3, 2018 at 6:00 PM
Scheduled Committee Meetings: schedule these meetings,
Street Committee ___________________________ and
Electric Committee_____________________.
13. Executive Session: Litigation, potential litigation and sale of real estate
14. Adjournment