
East Central Reporter

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Mattoon Community Unit School District 2 Board of Education met April 10.

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Mattoon Community Unit School District 2 Board of Education met April 10.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The meeting was called to order by Board President Michelle Skinlo and roll call taken.

Roll Call: Present: Colleen Garner, Gary Kepley, Ashli Overton, Susan Smith, Erika Weaver, Michelle Skinlo

Absent: Bill Standerfer

Reception Of Visitors: Agenda:

Chris Bough, assistant principal, Riddle Elementary School, and district sponsor of Young Authors, introduced this year’s winning authors. They included Mary Sanders, seventh-grader, Mattoon Middle School, Brooklynn Redfern, fourth-grader, Arland D. Williams Jr. Elementary School and Lexi Miller, fifth-grader, Riddle Elementary School. These students will represent Mattoon as they attend the conference in Bloomington where they will meet with authors and other student winners. Bough said more than 200 entries were received this year.

Laura Roberts, printing technology teacher and MHS WaveSkills SkillsUSA sponsor, recognized student Jessica Nichols for placing third in the National Graphic Communications Week Poster Design. It was the first time a high school student placed as all the previous winners were all college students. Roberts also recognized MHS student Trevin Cornwell whose T-shirt design was selected as the official 2018 SkillsUSA State Conference T- shirt. WaveSkills, the MHS chapter of SkillsUSA will be competing in the state competition April 20, 2018 at the Prairie State Convention Center. Laura, along with her husband Chris, both WaveSkills SkillsUSA sponsors, presented invitations to the competition to all school board members and district administrators. Board member Gary Kepley, who had attended last year’s competition, said it was impressive to watch the students as they competed in all types of events.


Consent Agenda: The Consent Agenda, consisting of the following items, was presented to the Board for approval:

- Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of the Board and approval of the Executive Session minutes of the Board both of which were held on March 13, 2018 as found in Exhibit 3.1a

- Financial – Payment of 2018 March bills, 2018 monthly financial reports by fund, and the 2018 Budget to Actual Report as found in Exhibits 3.2a, 3.2b, and 3.2c.

- Approval of the March 2018 Enrollment Report as presented - 3,318

- Freedom of Information Report – The Illinois Retired Teachers Association requested the names and email addresses of all teachers and administrators retiring 2018. The request was granted.

Kepley moved, seconded by Smith, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented.

Roll call vote as follows: Kepley, aye; Overton, aye; Smith, aye; Standerfer, absent; Weaver, aye; Garner, aye; Skinlo, aye. Nays, none. Motion carried.

Board Annual Report On Engergy Performance Contract-Jim Wolfe, Johnson Controls Inc. (Information Item)

Jim Wolfe of Johnson Controls Inc. presented an update on the performance contract it has with Mattoon Community Unit School District 2. MCUSD2 initially partnered with Johnson Controls in September 2004 to commence what eventually would become performance contracts with Mattoon High School, (2006) Mattoon Middle School (2008) and the elementary schools (2015). In 2017, Wolfe said the energy consultation Johnson Controls provided to the district resulted in a savings of $20,621 for natural gas and a savings of $16,461 for electric. Wolfe said the total consultation savings through the 11 years has resulted in a savings of $709,366 to the district. Other benefits to the district through projects with Johnson Controls includes improved lighting levels because of high efficiency lighting and suspended ceilings; improved comfort levels with the addition of air conditioning, the introduction of fresh outside air; an expanded system monitoring with the new Metasys computer system which closely monitors and controls the new heating and cooling systems.

See Exhibit 4.1a

Board Action To Solicit Bids For District Food Service Provider: Tom Sherman, assistant superintendent of business, requested permission from the board to allow him to solicit bids for a district food service provider. The district is in its final contract year with Aramark.

Motion by Overton, seconded by Weaver to solicit bids for a district food service provider.

A voice vote of “ayes” carried the motion. Nays, none.

See Exhibit 4.2a-4.5a

Board Action To Award Bid To Aj Walker For A Concrete Parking Area At Hawthorne School: Tom Sherman, assistant superintendent for business, requested the board to award a bid of $109,828.54 to AJ Walker for a concrete parking area at Hawthorne School.

Motion by Smith, seconded by Weaver to accept the bid as presented.

Roll call vote as follows: Smith, aye; Standerfer, absent; Weaver, aye; Garner, aye; Kepley, aye; Overton, aye; Skinlo, aye. Nays, none. Motion carried.

See Exhibit 4.2a-4.5a

Board Action To Award A Bid And Alternate Bid To Custom Playgrounds, Inc For The Purchase Of Playground Equipment At Franklin School: Tom Sherman, assistant superintendent for business, recommended the board accepted a bid of $124,100 from Custom Playgrounds Inc. for playground equipment at Franklin School. Custom Playgrounds Inc. submitted the only bid. Sherman also recommended the board accept the alternate bid of $1,500 from Custom Playgrounds Inc.

Motion by Overton, seconded by Garner to accept the bid and alternate bid from Custom Playgrounds Inc. for the purchase of playground equipment at Franklin.

Roll call vote as follows: Standerfer, absent; Weaver, aye; Garner, aye; Kepley, aye; Overton, aye; Smith, aye; Skinlo, aye. Nays none. Motion carried.

See Exhibit 4.2a-4.5a

Board Action To Accept A Bid From Gilbert Concrete For The Installation Of A Concrete Pad For The Playground At Franklin School: Tom Sherman, assistant superintendent for business, recommended the board accept a bid of $26,930 from Gilbert Concrete for the installation of a concrete pad for the playground at Franklin School.

Smith moved, seconded by Garner, to accept the bid as presented.

Roll call vote as follows: Standerfer, absent; Weaver, aye; Garner, aye; Kepley, aye; Overton, aye; Smith, aye; Skinlo, aye. Nays none. Motion carried.

See Exhibit 4.2a-4.5a

Board Action To Award Bid To Bj Fencing To Install A Fence At The Playground At Franklin School: The board was requested by Tom Sherman, assistant superintendent for business, to award a bid of $9, 965 to BJ Fencing to install a fence at Franklin School playground.

Motion by Weaver, seconded by Overton to accept the bid as presented.

Roll call vote as follows: Weaver, aye; Garner, aye; Kepley, aye; Overton, aye; Smith, aye; Standerfer, absent; Skinlo, aye. See Exhibit 4.2a-4.5a

Review Of Bid Process For Brown Shoe Factory: (Information item)

Tom Sherman, assistant superintendent for business, provided an update on the proposed sale of the old Brown Shoe Factory. A portion of the property is currently being used to park the buses and for some office space for transportation. The board gave approval during the March 13, 2018 meeting to sell the property. Sherman said the bids were opened on April 3, at 3 p.m. One bid was received. Sherman said the topic of the sale would be continued in executive session. The board would vote on whether to accept or reject the bid when they returned to open session. See Exhibit 4.6a

Board Action To Approve The Personnel Report – M.C.U.S.D. #2: Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources Dr. David Skocy presented the following C.U.S.D. #2 personnel report to the Board for approval:

Certified Resignations - C.U.S.D. #2-

- Krista Jackley, retiring as Mattoon High School guidance counselor (effective for the 2023-24 school year)

- Molly Masulis, retiring as Williams Elementary School teacher (effective for the 2023-24 school year)

Certified Leave of Absence – C.U.S.D. #2

- Meghan Hagen, requesting a one-year unpaid leave of absence (effective for the 2018-19 school year)

Certified Appointments – C.U.S.D. #2-

- Joy Miller, art teacher, Williams Elementary School (effective for the 2018-19 school year)

- Kayla Quick, intern district psychologist (effective 2018-2019 school year)

- James Whitmore, substitute teacher (effective immediately)

Classified Resignations - C.U.S.D. #2-

- Donica Brand, resigning as a paraprofessional at Hawthorne School (effective immediately)

-- Marjorie Salem, retiring as a paraprofessional at Mattoon High School (effective June 12, 2018)

Classified Appointments - C.U.S.D. #2-

- Keri Auffenorde, substitute secretary and substitute supervisor (effective immediately)

- Emily Bacino Althaus, volunteer (effective immediately)

- Renee Comstock, volunteer (effective immediately)

- Raynmond Hamilton, volunteer (effective immediately)

- Tanya Jewell, volunteer (effective immediately)

- Misti Neal Lewis, volunteer (effective immediately)

- Laura Pellegrino, volunteer (effective immediately)

- Rocky Reynolds, volunteer (effective immediately)

- David R. Skocy III, volunteer (effective immediately)

Extracurricular Resignations – C.U.S.D. #2-

- Sara Smith, resigning as Williams Elementary School RTI coordinator (effective at the end of the 2017-2018 school year)

- Tiffany Williams, resigning as Mattoon Middle School 8th Grade Girls’ Volleyball Coach coordinator (effective at the end of the 2017-2018 school year)

- Michelle Wilson, resigning as Mattoon Middle School 7th Grade Girls Volleyball Coach (effective at the end of the 2017-2018 school year)

Garner moved, seconded by Weaver to approve the Personnel Report for C.U.S.D. #2 as presented.

Roll call vote as follows: Garner, aye; Kepley, absent; Overton, aye; Smith, aye; Standerfer, absent; Weaver, aye; Skinlo, aye. Nays, none. Motion carried.

Board Action To Establish Board Meeting Dates, Times, And Places For 2018-2019 SY: Superintendent Larry Lilly presented a list of board meeting dates, time and place for 2018-2019. The board meets the second Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Board of Education offices located at 1701 Charleston Avenue. An additional meeting is scheduled at noon June 29, 2018 wrap up the Fiscal Year and pay any remaining bills

Motion by Overton, seconded by Kepley to establish meeting dates as presented.

A voice vote of “ayes” carried the motion. Nays, none.

Presentation Of Preschool Prevention Initiative Grant: (Information Item)

Curriculum Director Tim Condron presented information about the pre-k programs and grant.

Early Childhood Preschool For All

• Serves 120 students through six half-day preschool classes, three in the morning and three in the afternoon

• All classes currently housed at Hawthorne

• Will move to Franklin Preschool August 2018

• Students must be 3-5 years old and meet risk factor be enrolled (homelessness, child welfare, IEP, and or family income)

Preschool For All Expansion Grant

• Serves 40 students in a full day preschool program in two classes of 20 students each.

• One class at Hawthorne and one class at Riddle Elementary School currently.

• Will move to Franklin Preschool August 2018

• Students must be 4-years-old and meet risk factors to be enrolled (homelessness, child welfare, IEP, and or family income)

Prevention Initiative

• Provides child development and family support services for expecting parents and families with children ages birth to three.

• Grant start date will be April/May2018 to serve up to 45 families and be offered year-round.

• Grant will employ three home visiting staff, a home visitor director, a secretary, and mental health providers to accompany support for families.

See Exhibit 7.1a

Presentation Of Social-Emotional Learning Curriculum Planning: (Information Item)

Christy Hild, principal, Riddle Elementary School, updated the board on the current planning process to add social-emotional learning curriculum. Hild defined social-emotional learning as the process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to:

• understand and manage emotions

• set and achieve positive goals

• feel and show empathy for others

• establish and maintain positive relationships, and

• make responsible decisions

Hild said in order to begin the process of implementing this curriculum, the district needs to:

• determine the professional needs of staff

• determine instructional supports requested by families

• plan professional development for 2018-2019

• evaluate and select consistent programming options for students

• support implementation of consistent programming through professional development and ongoing assessment

• explore options for enhanced communication regarding students’ social-emotional learning progress

See Exhibit 7.2a

Executive Session: Overton moved, seconded by Kepley to go in Executive Session at 8:07 p.m. to discuss matters pertaining to the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employee and to discuss matters pertaining to the sale and purchase of property.

A voice vote of “ayes” carried the motion. Nays, none.

Board President Michelle Skinlo declared the motion carried and the Board of Education to be in closed session.

Others present for the Executive Session were: Superintendent Larry Lilly, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources Dr. David Skocy, Assistant Superintendent for Business Tom Sherman and Curriculum Director Tim Condron, Kent Metzger, facilities engineer and Mark Nelson, transportation director.

Open Session: Board President Skinlo declared Executive Session closed and open session reconvened at 9:18 p.m.

Board Action On The Sale Of The Former Brown Shoe Factory Property Located At 1400 Piatt Avenue, Mattoon, Illinois 61938:

The Board accepted a bid of $3,000 from George Duncan of Gold Nugget Properties, LLC, located in Meadville, Missouri for the sale of the former Brown Shoe Factory Property located at 1400 Piatt Avenue, Mattoon, Illinois 61938.

Garner moved, seconded by Kepley to approve the sale of the former Brown Shoe Factory property as presented.

Roll call vote as follows: Garner, aye; Kepley, aye; Overton, aye; Smith, aye; Standerfer, absent; Weaver, aye; Skinlo, aye. Nays, none. Motion carried..

Adjournment: Overton moved, seconded by Kepley, to adjourn the meeting at 9:20 p.m.

Roll call vote as follows: Garner, aye; Kepley, aye; Overton, aye; Smith, aye; Standerfer, absent; Weaver, aye; Skinlo, aye. Nays, none. Motion carried.
