
East Central Reporter

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Cumberland Community Unit School District 77 Board met April 19.

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Cumberland Community Unit School District 77 Board met April 19.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Jack Ingram. Members present included Ben Bland, Steve Layton, Bob Blade, Pam Ross, Anita Hayden and Wes Chambers. Others present included High School Principal Kevin Maynard, Middle School Principal Stacy Keyser, Elementary Principal Daniel Huffman and Todd Butler, Superintendent. The Board and guests started the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.

The President welcomed members of the audience. Visitors included Kari Bierman, Jadyn Bierman, Marnie Blade, Ed Blade, Charlotte Castle, Brad Becker, Traci Becker, Roberta Fritts, Nicole Saylor, Mariellen Taylor, Austin Becker, Mitchell Blade, Griffin Saylor, Kaleb Bierman, Stephanie Nichols and Jenna Young.

Mrs. Nichols, elementary music teacher, brought Austin Becker, Mitchell Blade, Kaleb Bierman and Griffin Saylor to the meeting to showcase their musical talents on the recorder. These four young men earned the highest degree of black belts in the recorder karate method of instruction this year. They performed “Ode to Joy” for the attendees at the meeting.

President Ingram and the Board reviewed the Consent Agenda items:

Approval of the minutes from March 15, 2018 regular meeting, April 12, 2018 Building and Grounds committee meeting and the April 12, 2018 Policy committee meeting.

b. Review financial and budget reports

c. Approve current invoices for payment

d. Approve the Substitute List

e. Approve the purchase of Treasurer’s bonds

f. Approve IESA membership

g. Approve 2018-2019 fees

h. Approve facility use application

It was moved by Steve Layton and seconded by Ben Bland to approve the Consent Agenda A-H. All members voted “Aye.”

High School Board Report submitted by Kevin Maynard

Congratulations to Hannah Puckett. Hannah was awarded the Horatio Alger Association of Distinguished Americans Award. Hannah traveled to Washington DC on April 4th through April 8th to receive her award.

Congratulations to Sierra Starwalt, Micah Zucco, Save Wanasinchai, Shelby Loy, Logan Morgan, Mallory James and LeeAnna Gank. These students had artwork that was selected and displayed at EIU’s Tarble Arts Center from March 31st through April 15th.

FFA captured first place in the District Parliamentary Procedure CDE contest. Individual results were:

Jame Ryder = Second as chairman

Cora Coatney = First as floor member and third as secretary

Penny Flood = Second as floor member

Jacob Mayes = Third as floor member

Jenna Flood and Josie Scott = Finished in the top ten as floor members

FFA State awards were presented to the following students:

Penny Flood = First in Ag. Communications

Ryley Brown = Second in Sheep Production

Jacob Mayes = Second in Home and Community Development

Congratulations to Drew Warner. Drew received second team All-State honors in Scholastic Bowl.

Tyson Magee and Claire Guyon represented Cumberland High School at the annual LOVC luncheon on Wednesday, April 18th in Arthur.

Congratulations to Tyson Magee and Zach Wolke. Both of these young men represented Cumberland High School on the JG-TC All area boys’ basketball team.

The visual arts and the performing arts will host the Fine Arts Night on Tuesday, May 8th at 6:30 in the high school gym.

Academic Awards will be held on Wednesday, May 16th starting at 1:30 in the high school gym. The public is invited to attend.

Baccalaureate and Graduation will be held on Sunday, May 20th. Baccalaureate will start at 2:00 with Graduation starting at 3:00.

Congratulations to Drew Warner for earning first place in Engineering Graphics and fifth place in computer science at the U of I WYSE competition.

Congratulations to Sierra Starwalt for being named the winner of the IEA Hindman Award.

Extracurricular Activities

Spring activities have been fighting the weather lately. Softball will host home events on April 20th, 27th and 30th. Baseball is scheduled for home events on April 20th, 24th, 26th and 30th. Track is scheduled for home events on April 17th with a boy invite and April 27th for a girls invite.

Middle School Board Report submitted by Stacy Keyser

Our 5th and 8th grade students will participate in the ISA (Illinois Science Assessment) on Thursday, April 26. This is the last of the state mandated tests for this school year.

Our track team has participated in a couple of meets so far despite the chilly and wet weather. They have home meets on April 19 and 26 which start at 4:30 p.m.

Thank you to Jaylynn Maxey and the Cumberland County 4-H organization for organizing the Operation Safe Kids events with our 5th graders this year!

The middle school will host a family educational event on Tuesday, May 8 from 4-6:30 p.m. called THEMES night. The middle school will be displayed as a “Night at the Museum”. All students will have multiple projects on display. There will be tacos in a bag and some other food items in the cafeteria along with cake celebrating the school’s 50th anniversary. The PTO will be hosting their spring book fair on this night, as well, in the old gym from 3:30-7:30 p.m. Your child should be bringing home information about this event in the next couple of weeks. We would love to have a great turn out for a fun evening of showing off our

intelligent, talented students and their work!

The middle school band and choir spring concert will be on Monday, May 14 at 7:00 p.m. in the new gym.

The 8th grade dance will be held on Friday, April 27 from 7-9:30 p.m. in the old gym. Only Cumberland 8th graders are allowed to attend. Tickets are on sale for $5.00 from any student council member.

8th grade recognition will be held on Tuesday, May 22 at 6:30 p.m. in the new gym. This will be the 8th graders’ last attendance day for school, as well.

5th-7th grade academic awards will be on Wednesday, May 23 at 9:00 a.m. in the new gym. All parents and community members are invited to attend. Please sign in upon arrival in the main office prior to coming down to the gym for the awards assembly. This will be the last day of attendance for all students.

Report cards will be emailed home to students upon the conclusion of the school year.

Reflection on the third quarter grades shows the following:

a. 37% high honors and 10% honors for 5th grade

b. 37% high honors and 15% honors for 6th grade

c. 21% high honors and 18% honors for 7th grade

d. 31% high honors and 7% honors for 8th grade

Congratulations to our students who strive for academic excellence in the classroom!

Elementary School Report submitted by Daniel Huffman

Third and Fourth grade PARCC Testing concluded on April 13th. There will be a few make-up tests administered before the April 20th deadline. We are very thankful for flawless technology and a strong Wifi network that contributed to a successful completion of the state test. Thank you to the 3rd and 4th Grade teachers and the staff members who did an excellent job administering the test. Thank you to Ms. Plummer and Mr. Wheeler for doing many behind the scenes tasks to have the testing process ready to go. In addition, thank you to the rest of teachers and staff that encouraged the students and provided treats and food to the teachers that were involved in the testing process. We had an awesome display of teamwork during the entire testing process.

Our annual Tornado Drill was conducted on March 19th

Kindergarten registration and screening will be held on May 23, at the Toledo Christian Church from 1:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Parents/guardians may call the office at 217-923-3135 Starting on May 7th to schedule an appointment. Calls need to be made between 9:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. if possible. (this information will be finalized before it is published in the papers)

Upcoming Field Trips:

PK-May 14 & 15th -Phoenix Elite, Mattoon

K- May 21st- Effingham-Mattoon Train Stations, Douglas Hart, Charleston Park

1st Grade- May 21st- Children's Museum and Scovill Zoo, Decatur

2nd Grade- May 17th- Aikman's Wildlife Adventure, Arcola

3rd Grade- May 16th- Ballard Nature Center, Altamont

4th Grade- May 4th-Conservation Tour, Fox Ridge

There were 77 students that participated in the Stang Arts’ after school program on March 21st. The next session will be April 25th.

Mr. Miller has finished the Fitnessgram state assessment for the school year. All 3rd and 4th grade students are required by the state to participate in the physical education assessment.

To increase the safety of our building, a staff member has been placed at the front entrance to greet the students and welcome guests as they arrive before school. The greeter is asking all guests to sign in at the office before entering the building. Until now, guests have been able to go freely within the building before school. Thank you to Mrs. McElravy, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Ryan and Mrs. Tipton for volunteering to finish out this school year as our greeters.

There were no Preschool classes on April 17th, due to teacher and aide training at EIASE.

April 27th will be our final ½ in-service of this school year. The afternoon will focus on security measures and curriculum planning. There will be a 12:20 p.m. dismissal for students on this day.

The PBIS mid-quarter celebration will be held during the week of April 23th. Students that did not receive a major office referral since the beginning of the 4th quarter will get to participate in PLINKO during their computer time.

Teacher/Staff Appreciation week will be May 7-11th. Several special things are in the works to show the teachers/staff how much they are appreciated. Students are encouraged to do something special during the week that to show their appreciation. A simple note of thanks brings a lot of joy to a teacher or staff member.

On May 19th the teachers and staff of our school will be the parade marshals for the Toledo Spring Festival parade. We are inviting former staff members to join us as well. We are very excited and honored to have this opportunity to publicly celebrate our schools’ 50th anniversary.

Our End-of-the-Year Benchmark Assessment testing window will open on April 30th and will close on May 14th. Students will take the STAR Reading and Math assessments. The assessment is our required Curriculum-based Measurement. It will show the progress that was made by the students. The data will be used to make curriculum changes and RtI (Response to Intervention) strategies for the next school year.

Superintendent Report from Todd Butler

Saturday March 24, 2018 the following community members met and volunteered their time to install classroom door locking devices. Their help and expertise is greatly appreciated.

Quentin Dittamore

Dittamore Communications

Lucas Chancellor

Chancellor Concrete

Travis Brading

Brading Construction

Ryan Dittamore

Ottobaum Construction

Tom McGinnis

Ottobaum Construction

Grant Cox

Cox's Auto Body

Larry Farris

Dustin Thornton

Thornton Overhead Doors

Todd Whitaker


John Wormhoudt

Grunloh Construction

George Hensley

Cumberland Maintenance Director

Also, I want to thank Scott’s Building Center and Milwaukee Tools for the donation of a masonry bit and tools for installing and maintaining the devices.

Action Items:

A motion was made by Anita Hayden to approve the overnight field trip to Carbondale, Illinois June 7-8, 2018 for the State FFA Cooperative Conference. It was seconded by Pam Ross. All present voted “Aye.”

A motion was made by Wes Chambers to approve the middle school state track meet trip on May 11-12, 2018 to Peoria, Illinois. It was seconded by Bob Blade. All present voted “Aye.”

A motion was made by Pam Ross to approve the High School Student Council trip on May 3-5, 2018 to Springfield, Illinois. It was seconded by Ben Bland. All present voted “Aye.”

A motion was made by Steve Layton to approve the high school band incentive trip to Kings Island in Mason, Ohio on May 29, 2018. Anita Hayden seconded the motion. All present voted “Aye”.

A motion was made by Bob Blade to approve the High School Scholastic Bowl trip to Chicago, Illinois on June 8-11, 2018 for the National Scholastic Bowl Championship Tournament. It was seconded by Pam Ross. All present voted “Aye.”

A motion was made by Ben Bland to approve the student handbook changes for the 2018-2019 school year. It was seconded by Anita Hayden. All present voted “Aye.”

A motion was made by Steve Layton to approve the destruction of executive session recordings older than 18 months. It was seconded by Ben Bland. All present voted “Aye.”

A motion was made by Bob Blade to keep executive minutes closed. It was seconded by Pam Ross. Wes Chambers voted “no” and other present board members voted “Aye”.

A motion was made by Wes Chambers to establish a Budget Hearing on June 28, 2018 at 6:00

p.m. for public discussion regarding the FY18 budget. It was seconded by Anita Hayden. All present voted “Aye.”

A motion was made by Ben Bland to approve the first reading of updated policies 2:260, 4.40, 5.20, 5:200. It was seconded by Pam Ross. All present voted “Aye.”

A motion was made by Anita Hayden to accept bid from T-N-Tuckpointing for the completion of tuckpointing at the high school. It was seconded by Wes Chambers. All present voted “Aye.”

A motion was made by Wes Chambers to accept bid from Sealcoat Inc. for asphalt sealing, striping and asphalt maintenance work on roadways, parking areas, blacktop playgrounds, track walkway and spectator areas. It was seconded by Ben Bland. All present voted “Aye.”

A motion was made by Wes Chambers to reject a request to support the detachment of property from the Cumberland School District. It was seconded by Steve Layton. Ben Bland voted “no”. Other board members voted “Aye”.

A motion was made by Steve Layton and seconded by Bob Blade to move into executive session for the purposes of the discussion of employment, appointment, resignation, evaluation of personnel, matters relating to an individual student, and negotiations at 6:28 p.m. All present voted “Aye.”

The Board entered into open session at 6:34 p.m.

A motion was made by Wes Chambers to employ John Hendrix as the middle school assistant softball coach for the 2018-2019 school year. It was seconded by Steve Layton. All present voted “Aye.”

A motion was made by Wes Chambers to employ Samara James as the 2018-2019 middle school girls assistant basketball coach. It was seconded by Ben Bland. All present voted “Aye.”

A motion was made by Steve Layton to accept the resignation from Brittany Holsapple effective at the end of the 2017-2018 school year. It was seconded by Bob Blade. All present voted “Aye.”

A motion was made by Ben Bland to accept the resignation from Tiffany Richter effective at the end of the 2017-2018 school year. It was seconded by Anita Hayden. All present voted “Aye.”

A motion was made by Wes Chambers to accept the resignation from Jessi Allison as a middle school assistant volleyball coach effective immediately. It was seconded by Steve Layton. All present voted “Aye.”

A motion was made by Steve Layton to post the position of middle school teacher. It was seconded by Pam Ross. All present voted “Aye.”

A motion was made by Ben Bland to post the position of guidance counselor. It was seconded by Bob Blade. All present voted “Aye.”

A motion was made by Steve Layton to post the position of head middle school volleyball coach. It was seconded by Anita Hayden. All present voted “Aye.”

A motion was made by Steve Layton to post the position of assistant middle school volleyball coach. It was seconded by Ben Bland. All present voted “Aye.”

A motion was made by Bob Blade to accept the irrevocable letter of retirement from Julia Sappington effective at the end of the 2021-2022 school year. It was seconded by Pam Ross. All present voted “Aye.”

Steve Layton made the motion to adjourn with Ben Bland seconded to the motion. The meeting adjourned at 6:39 p.m.



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