Arcola City Council met May 21.
Here is the minutes as provided by the council:
Mayor Ferguson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Members present were
Alderpersons Foran, Huckstep, Smith, Hensley and Ferguson. Alderman Guyot was not present.
City Administrator Wagoner, Treasurer Anderson and Attorney Bequette were also present.
Pledge of Allegiance Alderman Foran led the council and audience in the Pledge of
Public Comment There was none.
Approval of May 07, 2018 Council Meeting Minutes Alderman Foran moved to approve the
May 07, 2018 council meeting minutes as presented and was seconded by Alderman Smith. Roll
call vote, all ayes. Motion carried.
Approval of May 05, 2018 – May 18, 2018 Bills Alderwoman Huckstep moved to approve the
May 05, 2018 – May 18, 2018 bills as presented and was seconded by Alderman Smith. Roll call vote,
all ayes. Motion carried.
Consider and Approve Budget For FY 2019 Alderwoman Huckstep moved to approve Budget
for FY 2019 and was seconded by Alderman Foran. Roll call vote, all ayes. Motion carried.
Report from the Zoning Board of Appeals The Zoning Board of Appeals met May 07th reviewed
and recommended the council approve an application from Christopher Robinson for a variance to
construct an apartment complex in excess of the density standards at property located at Bartel’s
Subdivsion of Lots 1 & 2 Block 6 of Chandler and Bales 2nd Addition Lot 7, 8, 9 & 10. Alderman Smith
moved to accept the recommendation of the Zoning Board of Appeals and was seconded by
Alderwoman Ferguson. Roll call vote, all ayes. Motion carried.
Adoption of Ordinance No. 18-C-3, An Ordinance Amending Chapter 25 of the Arcola Municipal
Code – Special Use Permit for Apartment in Commercial Zoned Districts Alderwoman Huckstep moved
to approve Ordinance No. 18-C-3 and was seconded by Alderman Hensley. Roll call vote, all ayes.
Motion carried.
Consider and Adopt the Bid Bond and Award Bid for Seal Coat Maintenance Program – Earl
Walker Company Alderman Foran moved to adopt the bid bond and award bid for seal coat
maintenance program – Earl Walker Company in amount of $54,377.50. Alderman Smith seconded the
motion. Roll call vote, all ayes. Motion carried.
Consider and Approve Change Order #1 – Water Main Replacement Section B – B & T Drainage
$56,179 Alderman Foran moved to approve Change Order #1 – Water Main Replacement Section
B – B & T Drainage $56,179. Alderwoman Huckstep seconded the motion. Roll call vote, all ayes.
Motion carried.
Consider and Approve Pay Request No. 1 – Water Main Replacement Section B – B & T
Drainage $110,950.20 Alderwoman Huckstep moved to approve Pay Request No. 1 – Water Main
Replacement Section B – B & T Drainage $110,950.20. Alderman Foran seconded the motion. Roll
call vote, all ayes. Motion carried.
Consider and Award Bid for Pavilion Construction Alderman Foran moved to approve awarding
bid for pavilion construction to low bidder, Fuller Wente Construction in amount of $83,507.93.
Alderwoman Huckstep seconded the motion. Roll call vote, all ayes. Motion carried.
Committee Reports
Alderman Foran Reported the Park, Street & Alley Committee met
prior to this meeting and discussed the bid from
Earl Walker Co. for seal coat maintenance. Also
discussed the low bid from Fuller Wente
Construction for pavilion.
Alderwoman Huckstep Reported the Water & Sewer Committee met prior
to this meeting and discussed the change order #1
and payment #1. Discussed requesting $120,000
TIF grant for water main replacement. Also
discussed the revised water budget and waste
treatment plant solar proposal.
Alderman Smith Reported the Police, Ordinance & Enforcement
Committee following last regular meeting and went
into executive session.
Alderman Hensley Had nothing at this time.
Alderwoman Ferguson Reported the Employee Relations Committee will
meet following this meeting.
As this concluded the business of the meeting, Alderwoman Huckstep moved to adjourn
and was seconded by Alderman Smith. Roll call vote, all ayes. Motion carried.
Adjourned at 7:13 p.m.