City of Casey City Council met June 4.
Here is the agenda as provided by the council:
i. Call to Order - Mayor Groothuis
ii. Pledge of Allegiance
iii. Roll Call
iv. Public Forum
1. Fifteen Minutes Allotted for Pre-registered by signup only.
v. Community Affairs
vi. Meeting Minutes
1. Council Action: Approval of the Minutes of the May 21st, 2018
Council Meeting
vii. Officers Reports
1. Clerk Mumford
a. Council Action: Approval of the May 2018 Bills Paid
2. Treasurer Lorton
a. Council Action: Approval of May 2018 Treasurer’s Collection
Deposit Report $619,111.28
3. Attorney Shoaff
a. Possible Council Action: Approval of Contract with Advanced
Disposal Services
4. Superintendent Biggs
5. Chief Jenkins
a. Possible Council Action: Approval to purchase new Police Car
6. Collector Hickox
7. Economic Development Director Clark
8. EMA Director Brewer
viii. New Business
1. Park Committee Chairman to report on meeting held on 5/10/18
ix. Unfinished Business
1. Finance Chairman Nichols to report on meeting held on 5/24/18
2. Salary and License Chairman Todd to report on Meeting held on
a. Council Action: Approval to go into Executive Session for
discussion of Appointed Officials salaries
b. Council Action: Approval to resume regular meeting
c. Council Action: Approval of Appointed Officials salary
x. Alderman Reports
1. Ward I Jerome Williams
2. Ward I Mike Nichols
3. Ward II Jesse Dennis
4. Ward II Kelsey Washburn
5. Ward III Bob Dane
6. Ward III Pete Todd
xi. Mayor Groothuis Reports
xii. Adjournment – Council Action