Mattoon City Council met June 5.
Here is the agenda provided by the Council:
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
Electronic Attendance
Consent Agenda:
Items listed on the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in nature and will be enacted by one motion. No separate discussion of these items will occur unless a Council Member requests the item to be removed from the Consent Agenda. If an item is removed from the Consent Agenda, it will be considered elsewhere on the agenda for this meeting. Prior to asking for a motion to approve the Consent Agenda, the Mayor will ask if anyone desires to remove an item from the Consent Agenda for public discussion.
1. Minutes of the Regular Meeting May 15, 2018
2. Bills and Payroll for the last half of May, 2018.
Presentations, Petitions And Communications:
This portion of the City Council meeting is reserved for persons who desire to address the Council. The Illinois Open Meetings Act mandates that the City Council may NOT take action on comments received on matters that have not been identified on this agenda, but the Council may direct staff to address the topic or refer the matter for action on the agenda for another meeting. Persons addressing the Council are requested to limit their presentations to three minutes and to avoid repetitious comments. We would ask you to state your name for the record as well as stand when speaking.
• Public comments/presentations and non-agenda items
New Business:
1. Motion – Adopt Resolution No. 2018-3019: Establishing the prevailing rate of wages in the Coles County Area as determined by the Illinois Department of Labor as the wages that must apply to public works of the City of Mattoon consistent with mandates of Illinois statute. (Graven)
2. Motion – Adopt Special Ordinance No. 2018-1675: Declaring personal property owned by the municipality surplus and authorizing the sale or disposal of the property. (Gover)
3. Motion – Approve Council Decision Request 2018-1854: Ratifying the re-appointment of Clay Dean and the appointments of Teresa Righter and Chris Pilson to the Mattoon Public Library Board for terms ending 06/30/21. (Gover)
4. Motion – Adopt Special Ordinance No. 2018-1676: Granting a rezoning from RSC-4 (Rural Suburban/Commercial) to C3 (Service Commercial District), special use and annexation of 43 acres located at 1021 N. 33rd Street for the purpose of constructing a solar farm. Serenity Solar, LLC and Marilyn Degler McClean – Petitioners (Gover)
5. Motion Adopt Special Ordinance No. 2018-1677: Granting a rezoning from ARG (Agricultural) to C3 (Service Commercial District), special use and annexation of 1104-1120 Old State Road for the purpose of a Go-Kart Track. Zax Trax, L.L.C. – Petitioner (Gover)
6. Motion – Adopt Special Ordinance No. 2018-1678: Granting the rezoning from C3 (Service Commercial District) to C4 (General Commercial District) of 4814 Paradise Road for the purpose of a school bus barn. Barak Properties, L.L.C. Series 4 – Petitioner (Gover)
7. Motion – Adopt Special Ordinance No. 2018-1679: Granting a rezoning from C3 (Service Commercial District) to C4 (General Commercial District) of 4112 Lake Land Boulevard for the purpose of the operation of ILMO Wholesale Welding Supply Company. Roy Schmidt Motors Holdings, L.L.C. – Petitioner (Gover)
8. Motion – Adopt Ordinance No. 2018-5406: Ratifying the municipal code Chapter 34 Sections 34.090-34.999 to repeal and reenact the City’s Private Medical Transportation; Ambulance Service Regulations. (Hall)
Department Reports:
City Administrator/Community Development
City Attorney
City Clerk
Public Works
Arts And Tourism
Comments By The Council:
Recessed to closed session pursuant to the Illinois Open Meetings Act for the purpose of the discussion of collective negotiating matters between the City of Mattoon and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees (5ILCS/20 (2)(C)(2)); the appointment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the City or legal counsel for the City. (5ILCS/20 (2)(C)(1)); and litigation that is affecting the City and an action is probable or imminent (5ILCS/20 (2)(C)(11)). (Gover)