
East Central Reporter

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Villa Grove Community Unit School District 302 Board met March 19.

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Villa Grove Community Unit School District 302 Board met March 19.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

A Regular meeting of the Board of Education of the Villa Grove Community School District #302 of Douglas and Champaign Counties, Illinois was called and held Monday March 19, 2018 at the Villa Grove Community Unit School District Building within the boundaries of said district. Upon roll being called the following members were found to be present: Jim Clark, Jill Stevens, Carol Ezell, Jim Kestner, Charlie Mitsdarfer and Bill Fulk.

Time: 6:03 pm

Administrators present: Mr. Tracy, Mr. Killion, Mrs. Jones, Mr. Beck

VGEA Representatives present: Andrea Willmore and Hannah King

Visitors present: Cassandra Eversole-Gunter, Mike Leon, Shirley Badman, Randy Lake, Wade Czerwonka, Traci Poe. Callie Parr presentation is on hold.

Clark moved and Kestner seconded a motion to approve the consent agenda for closed session minutes, bills paid and treasurer’s report. All members present voted in favor.

Clark moved and Fulk seconded a motion to approve the regular session minutes with 2 changes in wording as discussed. All members present voted in favor.

Clark moved and Kestner seconded a motion to approve the IHSA membership renewal. All members present voted in favor.

Clark moved and Kestner seconded a motion to approve Allred’s quote for gym floor maintenance. All members present voted in favor.

Clark moved and Fulk seconded a motion to approve the QNS quote for technology upgrades for 2018-2019. All members present voted in favor.

Discussion – Will need to do a budget amendment to include $268 increase in administrative cost.

Fence bids were referred back to the Athletic Committee for further review.

2 proposals were presented for the 2018-2019 school calendars. Teachers are currently


Kestner moved and Clark seconded a motion to approve a $1000 contribution to the CEO Program. All members present voted in favor.

Clark moved and Kestner seconded a motion to approve the Health/Life Safety Amendment by Upchurch Group to replace the kitchen flooring. All members present voted in favor.

Superintendent’s Report:

Bill Fulk is the district EIASE Representative

Electrical work for Ag Education - welders and Green House is complete

City officials and School Administration meet on March 13 to discuss safety.

There is a CD in the bank given as a gift for Building and Trades. Will need to discuss how it should be used. Tabled for more information.

IDOT called to talk about the needed work on the bridge by the school.

District will do ALICE training again next school year.

Carle/OSF hospitals have offered to do training on how to handle emergencies.

Principal’s Report:

FFA Breakfast had a great turnout

Thank you, Kelly Vail for organizing Reading week and PTO for sponsoring reading night.

Parent/Teacher conferences were held March 8th and 9th

Preschool screening was held on March 15th and 16th

PARCC Testing starts on March 19th for 3rd-8th ELA/Math

Illinois Youth Survey was given to 10th and 12th grade students. Student and parent can sign a letter to opt out. Survey asks questions about problems HS students face. Complete anonymous. Answers are given to administration.

Scholastic Bowl received 1st place in the LOVC

HS Girls Basketball Banquet gave the following awards:

•Coaching Award – Dan Sappenfield for 15 years coaching HS girls basketball

•MVP – Kyleigh Block

•Offensive Award – Aliya Holloman

•Defensive Award – Jordyn Ray

•Hustle Award – Sammy Campbell

•Dedication Award – Maddie Shunk and Hannah Hudson

•VG Booster Club Spirit Award – Maddie Shunk

HS Dance Banquet gave the following awards:

•MVP – Jessica Rose

•Spirit Award – Alexis Vandeventer

•Most Improved Award – Sara Stutz

•You Can’t Stop Me Award – Gracyn Kestner

Hunger games with the Rotary Club will collect non-perishable food items or $1 donations. No Nut Products Will Be Accepted.

Community/Administration Emergency Action Plan Safety meeting will be held on April 11. VGPD, VGFD, ISP, County Sheriff Department are all invited to join.

Clark moved and Fulk seconded a motion to move to closed session. All members present voted in favor.

7:09 pm

Clark moved and Kestner seconded a motion to re-convene to open session. All members present voted in favor.

8:35 pm

Ezell moved and Kestner seconded a motion to accept the resignations from Brooklyn Howard, Elementary Special Education, Amanda Smith, JH Volleyball and Blake Wilhelm, HS Football. All members present voted in favor.

Ezell moved and Fulk seconded a motion to approve the employment of Anthony Napolitano, Band Director pending the successful completion of all required federal and Illinois background checks. All members present voted in favor.

Ezell moved and Clark seconded a motion to approve the employment of Matthew F. Hoskins, Special Ed Bus Aide. All background checks have been completed. All members present voted in favor.

Ezell moved and Kestner seconded a motion to approve the employment of Britny Heinzelmann, Elementary Special Education, pending the successful completion of all required federal and Illinois background checks. All members present voted in favor.

Ezell moved and Kestner seconded a motion to approve granting Tenure Status to Katrina Freehill, Christine Killion and Bryan Thomas. All members present voted in favor.

Ezell moved and Clark seconded a motion to approve the RIF’s for the following Special Education and Classroom Aides: Heather Wehrheim, Cullen Porter, Emily Nusbaum, Elizabeth Neito-Sanchez, Emily Schlueter, Kimberly Cress, Aletha (Jo) Costa, Sarah Sappenfield, Nichole Poe and Jamie Dahl. All members present voted in favor.

Ezell moved and Kestner seconded a motion to adjourn. All members present voted Aye.

Meeting adjourned: 8:40 pm
