
East Central Reporter

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Village of Dieterich Board of Trustees met April 18.

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Village of Dieterich Board of Trustees met April 18.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The Dieterich Village Board met in regular session on Wednesday, April 18, 2018 at 6:30 pm at Village Hall.

The meeting was called to order by President Brad Hardiek and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

The following Trustees were present: Carrie Galbraith; Steve Kibler; Jeff White; Mike Meyer and Mike French. Trustee Jennie Vail was absent. With five Trustees present, a quorum was declared to be present. Also at the meeting were: Clerk Brittny Gipson; Lee Beckman; Lee Goeckner and Amy Goeckner.

A motion was made by Trustee M. Meyer; seconded by Trustee C. Galbraith to approve the omnibus agenda; approve minutes of the April 2, 2018 regular meeting. Roll call was 5 yes and 0 no.

Engineer Lee Beckman updated the Board on the status of the 2013 ITEP project. AJ Walker will have the storm sewer installations on Section Street complete early next week and then they will start on sidewalks. The storm sewers have been very difficult to install, since AJ has had to weave the pipe through several other utility lines in the right-of-way.

Lee reported that we are still waiting on IDOT for the 2016 ITEP project Joint and Engineering Agreements. It’s been 13 months since those were submitted to IDOT.

Lee reported the Hartke Subdivision pre-construction meeting was held with Effingham Asphalt 2 weeks ago. It has been too wet to start construction, but hopefully within the next week they will be able to start. Effingham Asphalt delivered some equipment to the site today, so that is a good sign. They will start with the sanitary sewer installs first, then the storm sewers and finish with water lines. Lee discussed using GPS to mark all laterals and conduits for water, sewer and storm sewer lines. This was not in the original budget for the Hartke Subdivision engineering work. Given the difficulties we have experienced in the past trying to find these items 1 to 2 years later, the Board agreed it was a good idea to add this to the Milano and Grunloh scope of work.

A motion was made by Trustee M. French; seconded by Trustee J. White to approve Ordinance 887-18: Authorizing the Execution of Release of Reservation of Possibility of Reverter (B&E Developers – Lot 83). Roll call was 5 yes and 0 no.

A motion was made by Trustee M. Meyer; seconded by Trustee M. French to approve Ordinance 888-18: Authorizing the Execution of Release of Reservation of Possibility of Reverter (Alex & Lindsay Wright – Lot 86). Roll call was 5 yes and 0 no.

A motion was made by Trustee M. Meyer; seconded by Trustee J. White to approve Ordinance 889-18: Amending Traffic Control Ordinance No. 439. Roll call was 5 yes and 0 no.

A motion was made by Trustee M. French; seconded by Trustee J. White to approve Ordinance 890-18: Amending Appointment Ordinance No. 843-17. Roll call was 5 yes and 0 no.

A motion was made by Trustee M. Meyer; seconded by Trustee S. Kibler to approve Resolution 461-18: Authorizing the Execution of a Wastewater Operator Contract with EJ Water. Roll call was 5 yes and 0 no.

The Board discussed changes that needed to be made to the annual Appropriations Ordinance. Clerk Gipson will review the changes with the Village Attorney and draft the final ordinance for passage at a later meeting.

During the Comments portion of the agenda, President Hardiek wanted to recognize Village Clerk Sarah French for her 6 year anniversary with the Village on April 9th.

At 7:17 pm a motion was made by Trustee J. White; seconded by Trustee C. Galbraith to go into Closed Executive Session to discuss a personnel matter and a land purchase. Roll call was 5 yes and 0 no.

At 8:21 pm the Board returned from Closed Executive Session. Upon roll call the following Trustees were present: Carrie Galbraith; Steve Kibler; Mike French; Mike Meyer and Jeff White. President Brad Hardiek presided over the meeting. Also at the meeting was Clerk Brittny Gipson.

In other comments, Clerk Gipson reported she had researched the golf cart policies of Newton and Teutopolis and wondered if the Board wanted her to gather any more information. After discussion, the Board agreed they did not want to explore the idea of passing an ordinance to allow golf carts on Village streets. Since golf cart rules would need to be enforced and inspections would have to be conducted by the Village, it would be too much of a burden for our existing staff. All municipalities that currently allow golf carts have a local police department to conduct the inspections and issue permits. Dieterich does not have a police department to conduct these inspections.

At 8:47 pm a motion was made by Trustee C. Galbraith; seconded by Trustee J. White to adjourn the meeting. Roll call was 5 yes and 0 no.
