City of Martinsville City Council met May 9.
Here is the minutes provided by the Council:
Roll call was answered by the following council members and elected officials: Chris Davidson, Melinda Lovell, Troy Propst, John Skinner and David Doran with Mike Cribelar absent. Also in attendance were Mayor Herman Davidson, Clerk Marlene Wilhoit and Treasurer Melinda Owen. Employees and citizens in attendance are attached to the back of the minutes.
**Motion by C Davidson 2nd by D Doran to approve minutes from 04-11-18 council meeting.
Upon roll call all council members present voted for the motion. (5)
**Motion by D Doran 2nd by M Lovell to approve treasurer report and presented.
Upon roll call all council members present voted for the motion. (5)
**Motion by C Davidson 2nd by T Propst to approve April 2018 bills payable May 2018 in the amount of $43,309.90.
Upon roll call all council members present voted for the motion. (5)
**Motion by C Davidson 2nd by D Doran to approve Resolution R2018-5-1 to appropriate the sum of $55,000.00 of
Motor Fuel Tax funds for the purpose of maintaining streets and highways under the applicable provision of the Illinois Highway Code from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018.
Upon roll call all council members present voted for the motion. (5)
**Motion by C Davidson 2nd by T Propst to hire Marcus Snearley & Ryan Seymour as part time summer workers with start date of June 4 and ending August 10 with wages of $8.50 per hour for a 32 hour work week.
Upon roll call all council members present voted for the motion. (5)
**Motion by J Skinner 2nd by D Doran to approve Ordinance No. 2018-5-1 titled; “An Ordinance to Approve the Editing and Inclusion of Certain Ordinances as Parts of the Various Component Codes of the Codified Ordinances.”
Upon roll call all council members present voted for the motion. (5)
**Brenda Littlejohn addressed council about upcoming events sponsored by Martinsville on the Move. They are charging people to attend the Heritage Day events at the Fairgrounds a fee of $5 this year. She asked council if they would be interested in sponsoring any of the events. She also stated that the surveyors have been working on the 2 lots north of the new restrooms at Linn Park. These 2 lots will be deeded over to the City.
**Motion by J Skinner 2nd by C Davidson to sponsor the June 8, 2018 “Lloyd Wood Show” at the cost of $1,500.00
** The deadline for quotes for the trees to be cut was mistakenly entered at the 10th of May so this will be tabled until the May 23rd meeting.
**Mayor Davidson announced his choice for committee appointments for the FY 2018-2019 with list attached to minutes.
**Motion by T Propst 2nd by M Lovell to approve committee appointments for the FY 2018-2019. Upon roll call all council members present voted for the motion. (5)
**Mayor Davidson announced that the ITEP grant application for new sidewalk work on west Cumberland Street to the High School was denied. He said we can reapply in the fall.
Chris Davidson has asked Jason Goble about a road grant from Marathon that he saw and Jason is to be coming in the talk to the Mayor.
Chris Davidson asked someone with the construction company building the Dollar General store about sidewalks to the store and was told that isn’t something they do.
**Motion by C Davidson 2nd by J Skinner to adjourn meeting @ 7:30PM.
Upon roll call all council members present voted for the motion. (5)