Marshall City Council met May 14.
Here is the agenda provided by the Council:
I. Roll Call (6:30 P.M.)
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Minutes of Previous Meeting and correction and/or approval of same
IV. Public Comments (Persons wishing to address the council will have a time limit of 3 minutes)
V. New Business
VI. Consider and take action on the Appropriation Ordinance
VII. Consider and take action on Change Order No. 3 with Hoerr Construction Inc. for the amount of $ 1,100.00 on the Sewer Lining - 2018 project.
VIII. Consider and take action on Pay Application No. 3 and FINAL with Hoerr Construction, Inc. for the amount of $ 55,095.70 on the Sewer Lining - 2018 project.
IX. Consider and take action on a agreement between the City of Marshal and BHMG Engineers Inc. for the SCADA HMI Upgrade
X. Consider and take action on Pay Application #2 to Leander Construction Inc. in the amount of $256,700.44.
XI. Consider and take action on an agreement between the City of Marshall, Illinois and the International Union of Operating Engineers Local No. 841.
XII. Consider and take action on a street closing request from Heritage Trail Abate of Illinois for Saturday, May 19, 2018.
XIII. Consider and take action on Mayoral Appointments: Dir. Of Public Works, Superintendent of Public Works, Senior Technician, Office Manager, Police Chief and City Attorney
XIV. Consider and take action on Mayoral Committee Appointments
XV. Consider and take action on Purchase of Property, Candy Kitchen – 607 Archer Avenue.
XVI. Committee Reports
XVII. Pay Bills
XVIII. Adjourn