
East Central Reporter

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Casey Westfield Community Unit School District C-4 Board of Education met May 21


Casey Westfield Community Unit School District C-4 Board of Education met May 21. 

Here is the agenda as provided by the board:

Finance Committee members Howe and Overbeck and rotating member Gelb should be here at 6:45 p.m. to review invoices for payment.

Call to order at 7:00 p.m.

I. Roll call.

II. Recognize visitors. Individual visitors are allowed to bring up topics for Board discussion, information, or consideration at this time and/or indicate agenda items they may be interested in addressing later in the meeting. Complaints or certain situations involving specific employees or students are not to be addressed in open session of the Board meeting. The Board may hear complaints or certain situations involving specific employees or students in closed session. The Board president shall determine whether a situation requires addressing in closed session.

III. Act upon approval of the following consent agenda items:

     A. Minutes of the regular meeting of April 16 and the special meeting of May 8, 2018.

     B. Current invoices for payment and review of the financial and budgetary reports.

     C. Minutes of the closed session meeting of November 21, 2016; and approval of the destruction of the                       verbatim record of those meetings as authorized by Board Policy 220 and 220-E1.

     D. Final FY18 school calendar.

     E. IASB membership for the 2018-2019 school year.

IV. Act upon approval of resolution approving the submission of 2018-2019 School Technology Revolving                       Loan Program Application

V. Act upon approval/award of the following summer projects:

     A.  Asphalt sealing and striping work.

     B.  Removal of Monroe playground equipment.

     C.  Purchase and installation of new playground equipment for Monroe.

VI. Act upon approval Board and Administrator Reports

     A. Board

     B. Administration

          1. Buildings

               i. Monroe-Mrs. Campbell

               ii. Jr/Sr High School-Mr. Sullivan

          2. District – Mrs. Scott

VII. Addendum

VIII. Act upon approval to adjourn to closed session under c1 (employment) and c21 (discussion closed                         meeting minutes) of section 5 ILCS 120/1 et seq. of the Illinois Open Meetings Act.

IX. Act upon approval to reconvene to regular session.

X. Act upon approval of the following consent agenda items:

     A. Closed session minutes of April 16 and May 8, 2018.

     B. Support staff recommendations.

     C. Certified staff recommendations.

     D. Co-curricular staff recommendations.

     E. Administrative staff recommendations.

XI. Addendum

XII. Act upon approval to adjourn
