
East Central Reporter

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

City of Casey City Council met April 2.

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City of Casey City Council met April 2.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

The Regular Meeting of the City Council was held Monday April 2nd, 2018; beginning at 6:00 p.m. Mayor Nik Groothuis was absent so Clerk Jeremy Mumford called the Meeting to Order and led the Pledge of Allegiance:

Roll Call:

Present: Alderman Dennis

Alderman Nichols

Alderman Todd

Alderman Washburn

Alderman Williams

Absent: Mayor Groothuis

Alderman Dane

A quorum was declared.

Clerk Mumford asked for a nomination for Chairman for tonight’s meeting. Alderman Washburn nominated Jesse Dennis for Chairman for tonight’s meeting, seconded by Alderman Todd. Upon roll call the vote was:

Ayes: 4 – Nichols, Todd, Washburn and Williams

Nays: 0 – None

Absent: 1 – Dane

Abstain: 1 – Dennis

Motion declared carried

Public Forum:


Community Affairs:


Meeting Minutes: Chairman Dennis looked for approval of the Minutes of the March 19th, 2018 Council Meeting. Alderman Todd motioned approval of the March 19th, 2018 Council Meeting Minutes, seconded by Alderman Nichols. Upon roll call the vote was:

Ayes: 5 – Dennis, Nichols, Todd, Washburn and Williams

Nays: 0 – None

Absent: 1 – Dane

Motion declared carried

Officers Reports:

Clerk Mumford requested approval of the March 2018 Bills Paid.

Alderman Nichols motioned approval of the March 2018 Bills paid totaling $548,706.18, seconded by Alderman Williams. Upon roll call the vote was:

Ayes: 5 – Dennis, Nichols, Todd, Washburn and Williams

Nays: 0 – None

Absent: 1 – Dane

Motion declared carried

Treasure Lorton was absent; Clerk Mumford presented the Treasurer’s Collection Deposit Report for March 2018.

Alderman Williams motioned approval of the March 2018 Treasurer’s Collection Deposit Report in the amount of $775,288.05, seconded by Alderman Washburn. Upon roll call the vote was:

Ayes: 5 – Dennis, Nichols, Todd, Washburn and Williams

Nays: 0 – None

Absent: 1 – Dane

Motion declared carried

Attorney Shoaff was absent, Clerk Mumford reported that she will meet with the Salary and License committee at the next committee meeting and present the Ordinance Change then.

Superintendent Biggs looked for approval to start advertising for Summer Help. The age for this position will be 16-19 years old and must have a valid driver’s license. They will be paid minimum wage and will work for approximately 10 weeks.

Alderman Nichols motioned approval to start advertising for Summer help, seconded by Alderman Washburn. Upon roll call the vote was:

Ayes: 5 – Dennis, Nichols, Todd, Washburn and Williams

Nays: 0 – None

Absent: 1 – Dane

Motion declared carried

Superintendent Biggs also reported that the EPA is requiring the City to do a survey for all water customers. The survey will ask them what their service line from the meter to the house is made of. The City will be sending out a mailing for this survey.

Chief Jenkins was absent.

Economic Development Director Clark reported that the current Clark County Enterprise Zone expires in 2022. It will cost approximately $50,000 to do a study for the new application and the Cities share will be around 17% of that.

Economic Development Director Clark has also started a Business Facebook group to let the business in the City update on things they would like done and also to inform them of when tour busses will be in town.

They have also received 4 applications for the summer internship position.

They have received 5 food trucks registrations for the Food Truck Festival coming up this month.

Intern Thomas reported that on April 23rd from 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. she will have her final presentation on her internship at City Hall. It will be open to the public and invites all to attend.

New Business:

Park Committee Member Todd reported on the meeting held on 4/2/18 for discussion of the Disc Golf Course at the park. The only issue that was brought up was if the group starts having tournaments and regular leagues they would need to provide a liability policy to the City. They understood that risk. The group will donate all the materials and labor to install the course, and Todd told them if approved to get with Superintendent Biggs to go over the hole locations. Alderman Todd motioned approval of the Disc Golf Course at the park, seconded by Alderman Washburn. Upon roll the vote was:

Ayes: 5 – Dennis, Nichols, Todd, Washburn and Williams

Nays: 0 – None

Absent: 1 – Dane

Motion declared carried

Unfinished Business:


Alderman Reports:

Alderman Todd – reported on some drainage issues that Shelby is now aware of. Todd also talked about properties in his ward that needs to be looked at.

Alderman Nichols will get with Treasurer Lorton and get some Finance Committee Meetings scheduled to start the FY19 Appropriations process.

Mayor Reports:


There was no further Business of the City Council for the April 2nd, 2018 Meeting.


Alderman Nichols motioned to adjourn, seconded by Alderman Todd. Upon roll call the vote was:

Ayes: 5 – Dennis, Nichols, Todd, Washburn and Williams

Nays: 0 – None

Absent: 1 – Dane

Motion declared carried

Adjournment of the City Council was at 6:20 p.m.
