City of Effingham City Council met May 15.
Here is the agenda as provided by the council:
1. Opening
1.1 Mayor calls meeting to order
1.2 Roll Call
1.3 Pledge of Allegiance
2. Omnibus Vote Agenda
2.1 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes (05/01/2018) - Deputy City Clerk Nosbisch
2.2 Ordinance No. 038-2018, An Ordinance Authorizing the Sale and/or Disposal of Personal Property - Deputy City Clerk Nosbisch
2.3 Resolution No. 063-2018, A Resolution Accepting Proposal of Vandevanter Engineering Co. for Petro Lift Station - Director of Public Works Miller
2.4 Resolution No. 066-2018, A Resolution Granting Permission to Allow A Portion of Streets to be Temporarily Closed for Middle of America Craft Brew Fest - Tourism Director Thoele
2.5 Resolution No. 075-2018, A Resolution Authorizing Acceptance of Bid for 2018 Concrete Crushing Program from Charles Heuerman Trucking Company - City Engineer Heuerman
2.6 Resolution No. 076-2018, A Resolution Accepting Proposal for 2018 Sidewalk Replacement Project - City Engineer Heuerman
2.7 Petition for Annexation - Purcell - Marguerite Lane - City Engineer Heuerman
2.8 Petition for Annexation - Koester - Rickelman Avenue - City Engineer Heuerman
2.9 Letter of Recommendation - Petition to Vacate a Portion of an Alley - City of Effingham, Illinois - City Engineer Heuerman
2.10 Letter of Recommendation - Petition to Rezone -FN Properties, LLC - 926 E Fayette Avenue - City of Effingham, Illinois - City Engineer Heuerman
2.11 Letter of Recommendation - Petition for Special Use Permit - FN Properties, LLC - 810, 812, and 816 N. Third Street - City of Effingham, Illinois - City Engineer Heuerman
2.12 Letter of Recommendation - Petition for Text Amendment - City of Effingham, Illinois - City Engineer Heuerman
2.13 Letter of Recommendation - Petition to Rezone - Chris Alan Koester - City of Effingham, Illinois - City Engineer Heuerman
2.14 2017 Charlotte Street Storm Sewer Certificate of Project Completion - City Engineer Heuerman
2.15 Litter Abatement Program/Vantage Outsourcing - N. Raney Street from Mid America to Rickelman - Administrator Arndt
2.16 Omnibus Vote Agenda Approval
3. Presentations/Proclamations
3.1 Introduction of Officer Jacob Lustig, Officer Matthew Hoelscher and Officer Brittany Webb - Chief Fuesting
4. Ordinances/Resolutions - Action Items
4.1 Ordinance No. 042-2018, An Ordinance Amending Appendix B of the Municipal Code of Effingham Illinois - Amending Article 26. Special Uses - (9) Any public or government building or privately owned emergency service operation - City Engineer Heuerman
4.2 Ordinance No. 039-2018, An Ordinance Granting a Special Use Permit in the City of Effingham, Effingham County, Illinois - FN Properties, LLC, by Doug Murrell, Manager - 812 N Third Street - City Engineer Heuerman
4.3 Ordinance No. 040-2018, An Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Effingham, in the County of Effingham, and State of Illinois - FN Properties, LLC, by Doug Murrell, Manager - 926 E. Fayette Avenue - City Engineer Heuerman
4.4 Ordinance No. 041-2018, An Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Effingham, in the County of Effingham, and State of Illinois - Chris Alan Koester, Owner- City Engineer Heuerman
4.5 Ordinance No. 043-2018, An Ordinance Authorizing Grant of an Easement by Permanent Easement Agreement (Wabash Communications, Coop.) - City Engineer Heuerman
4.6 Ordinance No. 044-2018, An Ordinance to Vacate an Alley Between Second Street and First Street and Washington Avenue and Jefferson Avenue (Block 5 in Broughton Addition to the City of Effingham - BHR Investments & Knierim) - City Engineer Heuerman
4.7 Ordinance No. 045-2018, An Ordinance Annexing Territory to the City Effingham, Illinois - Purcell - Marguerite Lane - City Engineer Heuerman
4.8 Resolution No. 072-2018, A Resolution Authorizing Acceptance of Proposal From Civil Design (Vulcan Drive Reconstruction) - City Engineer Heuerman
5. Other Action Items
5.1 Bills and Requisitions
6. Discussion
6.1 Resolution No. 071-2018, A Resolution Accepting Proposals of Vandevanter Engineering for SCADA Work and Programming at the Water Treatment Plant and Offsite - Director of Public Works Miller
6.2 Resolution No. 073-2018, A Resolution Authorizing Execution of Engineering Services Agreement with Milano & Grunloh Engineers, LLC (Concrete Patching/Pavement Project - 2018) - City Engineer Heuerman
6.3 Resolution No. 074-2018, A Resolution Accepting Proposal from Green Wave Consulting, LLC - Water Treatment Plant - Underground Storage Tank (UST) Removal - Director of Public Works Miller
6.4 Resolution No. 077-2018, A Resolution Authorizing Execution of an Agreement with GFI Digital Inc. - City Clerk Lock
6.5 Resolution No. 078-2018, A Resolution Granting Permission to Allow a Portion of Streets to be Temporarily Closed for Mayoral Milking Contest - Tourism Director Thoele
6.6 Bid Letting - Henrietta Street Reconstruction - City Engineer Heuerman
6.7 Bid Letting - Crack and Joint Seal Program - City Engineer Heuerman
6.8 Bid Letting - Hot and Cold Mix - City Engineer Heuerman
6.9 Bid Letting - Oil and Chip Program - City Engineer Heuerman
6.10 Bid Letting - Gutter Replacement Program - City Engineer Heuerman
7. Quarterly Reports
7.1 Quarterly Effingham Public Library Report
8. Announcements/Commissioner Comments
8.1 Reports from Commissioners
8.2 Reports from Staff - City Administrator Arndt; Public Works Director Miller; City Engineer Heuerman; Economic Development Director Hull; Fire Chief Holomy; Police Chief Fuesting; Tourism Director Thoele; City Clerk Lock; City Treasurer Phillips; Deputy City Clerk Nosbisch
8.3 Mayoral Proclamations - Jane Summers Day - May 4, 2018 - Chamber Employee Appreciation Day Recipient
8.4 Public Participation
9. Recess in Executive Session
9.1 Recess into Executive Session For the purpose of consideration of the following subjects, pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 (c); Personnel- Section 2 (c) (1); Collective Bargaining- Section 2 (c) (2); Purchase or Lease of Real Estate - Section 2 (c) (5); Sale or Lease of Property - Section 2 (c) (6); Litigation - Section 2 (c) (11); and Review of Executive Session Minutes - Section 2 (c) (21). (If the Council desires to recess into executive session, the Council shall specifically indicate the desired topic of discussion for public record.)
9.2 Roll Call
10. Adjournment
10.1 Adjournment