City of Olney Council met May 14.
Here is the agenda provided by the Council:
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag - Prayer
3. Roll Call
4. Presentation of Consent Agenda
4-A Approve Minutes of Council Meeting on April 23, 2018
4-B Approve and Authorize Payment of Accounts Payable May 15, 2018
4-C Resolution: Authorize an Amendment to Employment Agreement with L. Allen Barker as City Manager
4-D Application for Permit to Sell Merchandise in City Park-Farmers Market
4-E Raffle License: Fraternal Order of Police #402
4-F Raffle License: Shelter Friends
4-G Raffle License: Olney Eagle Aerie #2549
4-H Raffle License: American Legion Post #30
4-I Raffle License: Olney Quilt Guild
5. Removal of Items from Consent Agenda
6. Consideration of Consent Agenda
7. Consideration of Items Removed From Consent Agenda
8. Presentation of Ordinances, Resolutions, Etc.
8-A Ordinance: Rezone 1403 E. Elm Street from R-2 (Single Family Residence District) to R-3 (Two Family Residence District) as Applied for by Doll Real Estate, LLC. (City Manager Barker/Doll Real Estate, LLC.)
8-B Request: Class S Liquor License for HV’s Food & Spirits’ Anniversary Party (Michelle Weiler)
8-C Request: Class S Liquor Licenses for the Sounds of Summer Free Concert Series (Tosha Hancock)
8-D Appointment: Mayor Pro-Tem (Mayor Lambird)
8-E Adoption of a Resolution for Maintenance of Streets and Highways by Municipality Under the Illinois Highway Code (City Manager Barker)
8-F Discussion/Possible Action: Ordinance to Allow Food Trucks on Public Property (City Manager Barker)
8-G Resolution: Accept Quote for Rehab to the Fehrenbacher Lift Station and Waive Formal Bidding Procedures (City Manager Barker)
8-H Resolution: Accept Quote for Two Riding Lawn Mowers for the Park Department, and Waive Formal Bidding Procedures (City Manager Barker)
8-I Ordinance: Amend Section 12.08.020 (Creation and Establishment of a City Tree Board) of the City of Olney Municipal Code (City Clerk Sterchi)
8-J Ordinance: Sale of Personal Property on – Street Department (City Manager Barker)
8-K Discussion/Possible Ordinance: Amend Section 12.12.130 (Summer Recreation Fees) of the City of Olney Municipal Code (Councilman McLaughlin)
9. Reports from Elected and Appointed Officials
9-A Status Report-City Manager
9-B RCDC Report
9-C Chamber of Commerce Report
9-D Parks & Recreation Board Report
9-E Tourism Board Report
10. Public Comments/Presentations
11. Closed Session: Sale or Lease Price of Real Property; Acquisition of Real Property; Appointment, Employment, Compensation, and Performance of Specific Employees; and Collective Negotiating Matters
12. Reconvene Open Session
12-A Discussion/Possible Resolution: Cancellation or Rescheduling of City Council Meeting Scheduled for May 28, 2018 (City Manager Barker)
13. Adjourn