
East Central Reporter

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

City of Olney Council met May 14.

Webp meeting 02

City of Olney Council met May 14.

Here is the agenda provided by the Council:

1. Call to Order

2. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag - Prayer

3. Roll Call

4. Presentation of Consent Agenda

4-A Approve Minutes of Council Meeting on April 23, 2018

4-B Approve and Authorize Payment of Accounts Payable May 15, 2018

4-C Resolution: Authorize an Amendment to Employment Agreement with L. Allen Barker as City Manager

4-D Application for Permit to Sell Merchandise in City Park-Farmers Market

4-E Raffle License: Fraternal Order of Police #402

4-F Raffle License: Shelter Friends

4-G Raffle License: Olney Eagle Aerie #2549

4-H Raffle License: American Legion Post #30

4-I Raffle License: Olney Quilt Guild

5. Removal of Items from Consent Agenda

6. Consideration of Consent Agenda

7. Consideration of Items Removed From Consent Agenda

8. Presentation of Ordinances, Resolutions, Etc.

8-A Ordinance: Rezone 1403 E. Elm Street from R-2 (Single Family Residence District) to R-3 (Two Family Residence District) as Applied for by Doll Real Estate, LLC. (City Manager Barker/Doll Real Estate, LLC.)

8-B Request: Class S Liquor License for HV’s Food & Spirits’ Anniversary Party (Michelle Weiler)

8-C Request: Class S Liquor Licenses for the Sounds of Summer Free Concert Series (Tosha Hancock)

8-D Appointment: Mayor Pro-Tem (Mayor Lambird)

8-E Adoption of a Resolution for Maintenance of Streets and Highways by Municipality Under the Illinois Highway Code (City Manager Barker)

8-F Discussion/Possible Action: Ordinance to Allow Food Trucks on Public Property (City Manager Barker)

8-G Resolution: Accept Quote for Rehab to the Fehrenbacher Lift Station and Waive Formal Bidding Procedures (City Manager Barker)

8-H Resolution: Accept Quote for Two Riding Lawn Mowers for the Park Department, and Waive Formal Bidding Procedures (City Manager Barker)

8-I Ordinance: Amend Section 12.08.020 (Creation and Establishment of a City Tree Board) of the City of Olney Municipal Code (City Clerk Sterchi)

8-J Ordinance: Sale of Personal Property on GovDeals.com – Street Department (City Manager Barker)

8-K Discussion/Possible Ordinance: Amend Section 12.12.130 (Summer Recreation Fees) of the City of Olney Municipal Code (Councilman McLaughlin)

9. Reports from Elected and Appointed Officials

9-A Status Report-City Manager

9-B RCDC Report

9-C Chamber of Commerce Report

9-D Parks & Recreation Board Report

9-E Tourism Board Report

10. Public Comments/Presentations

11. Closed Session: Sale or Lease Price of Real Property; Acquisition of Real Property; Appointment, Employment, Compensation, and Performance of Specific Employees; and Collective Negotiating Matters

12. Reconvene Open Session

12-A Discussion/Possible Resolution: Cancellation or Rescheduling of City Council Meeting Scheduled for May 28, 2018 (City Manager Barker)

13. Adjourn
