
East Central Reporter

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Shiloh Community Unit School District 1 Board met February 20.

Webp hall

Shiloh Community Unit School District 1 Board met February 20.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

President Hales called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm in the Board of Education room.

Present: Tara Duzan, Dana Hales, Renee Henry, April Morris, Brian Rhode, Aaron Richardson, David Smith

Absent: None

Others Present: Superintendent Dr. Allen Hall, Principal Beth Harbaugh, Terence Sullivan, Cindy Wilson, Brooks Wilson, Nancy Zeman, Teresa Hawkins, Sam Hawkins, Bill Benner, Jessica Armstrong, Scott Armstrong, Kevin Ash, Amy Kincaid, W. Thompson

President Hales welcomed everyone to the meeting.


There were no requests to address the Board.

Richardson moved to approve the following Consent Agenda items:

Regular Meeting minutes of January 15, 2018

January 2018 Activity Fund Report

January 2018 Treasurer’s Report

Duzan seconded the motion

Aye: Hales, Henry, Morris, Rhode, Richardson, Smith, Duzan

Nay: None

Motion carried: Aye – 7 Nay – 0

Public Hearing: Discussion of Parent Action(s) at January 30, 2018, Junior High Basketball Game and Consideration of Consequence

Dr. Hall provided the following preliminary statements:

•Normally when there is a personnel issue dealing with school employees it is dealt with in Closed Session. The School Code states that if you are dealing with the public you must do so in Open Session.

• Shiloh received two letters from the IESA (Illinois Elementary School Association) about our fans sportsmanship. The second letter said that Shiloh needed to take action and that if the action was not sufficient then two school officials must go to Bloomington and sit before the twelve member board of directors and explain why nothing has been done to remedy our fans behavior at ball games. The reason for this hearing is that we have been called on the carpet by the IESA.

• Anything said in Open Session by those in the audience is not representative of the school board. Everyone must be very careful of not slandering another person.

• The IESA has stated that they will not listen to statements of how poor or how good the officiating was; it makes no difference. When the game is over it is over. They will not listen to comments about the quality of officiating.

• The IESA has stated that they will not listen to statements of how poor or how good the officiating was; it makes no difference. When the game is over it is over. They will not listen to comments about the quality of officiating.

• We will discuss the behavior of our coaches that night in closed session.

• The proper way for fans to voice their concerns of officiating is to notify school officials: the athletic director, the principal, or the superintendent. Usually it’s advised to wait twelve hours as we can put things in better perspective rather than acting on our emotions at the time.

• It’s easy to lose perspective that we are here for the athletes to have a good time, to enjoy themselves. We want to be good role models for them; we want to set a good example. Everyone has been at a game where they didn’t like a call but the thing we have to do here is to learn to rein in our emotions at the right time.

• The IESA/IHSA puts out in all of their pamphlets at the state tournament ten things to be a good sport, which I have summarized here.

Brooks Wilson officiated the game on January 30, 2018, addressed the board and described what occurred during and after the game:

• Impeding the game

• Fan was removed from the game

• Technical determined the outcome of the game

• Advised the second official to wait and let things die down before leaving the event

• Was verbally attacked by fans

• Assistant coach made derogatory comments as he passed by on his way out

• He walked out the front door and was followed to his truck by a parent making derogatory remarks

• Does not want to officiate games with Shiloh participating next year as he is afraid he may be biased

• Athletes need better role models to learn respect

• Has been told Shiloh parent has called area athletic directors advising them not to hire him

Billy Thompson: disagreed with Mr. Brooks’ report of what he (Thompson) said and when he said it.

Scott Armstrong: apologized to Mr. Wilson for his actions.

Mr. Wilson added that Mr. Thompson had left him a phone message apologizing for his actions.

Dr. Hall made the following recommendation of consequences: Mr. Thompson miss the first two games of his son’s 2018-2019 season and Mr. Armstrong and Mrs. Wilson miss the first twelve games of their son’s 2018-2019 season. With the understanding that if there are any further problems another hearing will be reconvened and you will be banned for a year.

Smith moved to suspend Billy Thompson from the first two (2) games of the 2018-2019 season.

Duzan seconded the motion.

Aye: Hales, Smith, Morris, Duzan, Rhode, Richardson, Henry

Nay: None

Motion carried: Aye – 7 Nay – 0

Richardson moved to suspend Scott Armstrong from the first eight (8) games of the 2018- 2019 season.

Duzan seconded the motion.

Aye: Duzan, Rhode, Richardson, Henry, Smith, Morris, Hales

Nay: None

Motion carried: Aye – 7 Nay – 0

Richardson moved to suspend Amanda Johnson from the first twelve (12) games of the 2018-2019 season.

Duzan seconded the motion.

Aye: Rhode, Richardson, Henry, Smith, Hales, Duzan

Nay: Morris

Motion carried: Aye – 6 Nay – 1

Board discussed the guidelines which will be sent to the IESA along with a letter and a draft copy of the minutes of this meeting.

Administrative Reports:

Principal’s Report – Beth Harbaugh-

In addition to her written report which was included in the board packet:

Mrs. Saddoris took a group of science students to Feb Fest at EIU last week which showcased the EIU science department. At the end of the event they competed and Shiloh won.

The next 5th Hour Project will be February 26th. Will give teachers some topics they might discuss with the students.

Has signed up for an emergency safety training session (train the trainer) on April 27th. On February 9th training was provided to all staff on Mental Health First Aid. It was very well received by the faculty. Having a psychologist at the school two and one-half days each week has been very beneficial. We would benefit having one here every day.

Discussed recent job fair for Small and Rural Schools held at EIU. Twenty districts participated in recruiting potential candidates for teaching positions.

Superintendent’s Report – Dr. Allen Hall-

Distributed current textbook list.

Zero Hour: might offer one or two classes at 7 AM next school year – mostly for juniors and seniors. Considering offering a P.E. class as the end of the day P.E. classes are large. This will give students more flexibility in scheduling their classes or they could leave earlier in the afternoon.

Need to order junior high boys’ basketball uniforms. The uniforms we have are in bad shape.

Received a call from Jeremy Larson, Paris High School Superintendent, about allowing Shiloh students to go to PHS for vocational classes. Will have to consider the tuition cost, students getting to Paris on their own, and the school time to drive back and forth to Paris. Mrs. Harbaugh does not feel this is a good idea as what is being considered at this time is welding which we can offer here.

Suggested the board amend the agenda to add and Dismissal of Personnel to XII.

Business, Item A. Request to approve Employment of Personnel.

The new web hosting service has an up-front cost of $6,000 for the set up. One year cost is ~$1,600 per year. The per-year cost will come down with a long term contract. Board consensus was to purchase this service.

Discussed the possibility of employing a resource officer. It was suggested the teachers be surveyed about using a resource officer. There was much discussion about what has been done for safety at the school and what additional precautions may be taken.

Smith moved to amend the agenda to add and Dismissal of Personnel to XII. Business, Item A. Request to approve Employment of Personnel.

Hales seconded the motion.

Aye: Henry, Hales, Smith, Morris, Duzan, Rhode, Richardson

Nay: None

Motion carried: Aye – 7 Nay – 0

Henry moved to approve payment of the bills.

Morris seconded the motion.

Aye: Henry, Morris, Rhode, Richardson, Smith, Duzan, Hales

Nay: None

Motion carried: Aye – 7 Nay – 0

Announcements And Discussion:

Tri-County Cooperative Agreement-

A meeting is scheduled for February 28th with each districts superintendent, principal(s), and a board member for each school.

Water Heater-

Received a quote of $18,706 for a water heater and $11,147 for a water softener. Superintendent will seek a better quote on the water heater and will go ahead with the water softener.

Valedictorian and Salutatorian-

Many schools are doing away with these honors as many universities do not take these into consideration and they look strictly at grade point averages while some private scholarships do take this into consideration.

Illini Division Meeting – March 1, 2018-

Henry will attend.


Smith moved to approve the 2018-2019 Public School Calendar.

Hales seconded the motion.

Aye: Morris, Rhode, Richardson, Smith, Duzan, Hales, Henry

Nay: None

Motion carried: Aye – 7 Nay – 0

Henry moved to approve the First Reading of the following Amended District Policies:

2:125 Board Member Expenses

4:80 Accounting and Audits

Duzan seconded the motion.

Aye: Rhode, Richardson, Smith, Duzan, Hales, Henry, Morris

Nay: None

Motion carried: Aye – 7 Nay – 0

Rhode moved to adjourn to Executive Session at 8:31PM to discuss:

The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodges against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity; and

Collective negotiating matter between the public body and its employees or their representatives, ad deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees; and Discussion of minutes of meetings lawfully closed under the Act, whether for purpose of approval by the body of the minutes or semi-annual review of the minutes.

Morris seconded the motion.

Aye: Duzan, Hales, Henry, Morris, Rhode, Richardson, Smith

Nay: None

Motion carried: Aye – 7 Nay – 0

Board returned to Open Session at 9:26 pm.

Richardson moved to approve employment of the following:

Jennifer Weber-Hall, Elementary Secretary

Brandon Richards, Bus Driver

Tara Eakle, Part Time Custodian

Ryan Buckler, 5th/6th Basketball Coach

Darren Moses, 5th/6th Basketball Coach

Rhode seconded the motion.

Aye: Hales, Henry, Morris, Rhode, Richardson, Smith, Duzan

Nay: None

Motion carried: Aye – 7 Nay – 0

Smith moved to approve Executive Session minutes of January 15, 2018.

Morris seconded the motion.

Aye: Henry, Morris, Rhode, Richardson, Smith, Duzan, Hales

Nay: None

Motion carried: Aye – 7 Nay – 0

Hales moved to approve the Semi-Annual Review with no release of Executive Session minutes.

Henry seconded the motion.

Aye: Morris, Rhode, Richardson, Smith, Duzan, Hales, Henry

Nay: None

Motion carried: Aye – 7 Nay – 0

Morris moved to adjourn at 9:27 pm.

Rhode seconded the motion.

Voice vote: Aye – 7, Nay – 0

The February 20, 2018, regular meeting of the Shiloh CUSD #1 Board of Education adjourned at 9:27 pm.




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