
East Central Reporter

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Shiloh Community Unit School District 1 Board met March 19.

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Shiloh Community Unit School District 1 Board met March 19.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

President Hales called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm in the Board of Education room.

Present: Tara Duzan, Dana Hales, Renee Henry, April Morris, Brian Rhode, Aaron Richardson, David Smith

Absent: None

Others Present: Superintendent Dr. Allen Hall, Principal Beth Harbaugh, Terence Sullivan, Gary Henry, Teresa Hawkins, Amy Kincaid, Bill Benner, Barb Board

President Hales welcomed everyone to the meeting.


There were no requests to address the Board.

Thank you card from the Pine Family for Frieda Pine memorial donation was received.

Smith moved to approve the following Consent Agenda items:

Meeting minutes of February 20, 2018

February 2018 Activity Fund Report

February 2018 Treasurer’s Report

FY19 IHSA Membership

FY19 IESA Membership

Student Accident Insurance

Imprest Fund Bond and Secretary Bond

Rhode seconded the motion

Aye: Hales, Henry, Morris, Rhode, Richardson, Smith, Duzan

Nay: None

Motion carried: Aye – 7 Nay – 0

Administrative Reports:

Principal’s Report – Beth Harbaugh-

In addition to her written report which was included in the board packet:

S.H.I.P. program has received a grant with the intent being to expand the program to provide services for children ages 0 to three in the Shiloh, Chrisman, Kansas, and Oakland school districts. The main office will be relocated to Newman if current plans work out. The program will be renamed Partnership In Parenting (P.I.P.). Additional staff will be hired and all costs will be covered by the grant.

Superintendent’s Report – Dr. Allen Hall-

FCCLA has submitted a trip request to attend the State Convention in Springfield.

There were no objections voiced to the request.

Discussion of the practice shuttle coming from Oakland stopping in Newman to drop off athletes. Consensus of the Board was to stop in any of the towns the bus is going through. Consensus of the board was to drop off students in the towns the bus is traveling through on its return to Shiloh.

Henry moved to approve payment of the bills.

Richardson seconded the motion.

Aye: Henry, Morris, Rhode, Richardson, Smith, Duzan, Hales

Nay: None

Motion carried: Aye – 7 Nay – 0

Announcements And Discussion:

Water Heater: Due to a lack of response will proceed with getting other bids.

School Security: Met with Jeff Trotter of Professional Security Enterprises about providing a resource officer to the district. Quoted a cost of $36/hour with the district to set the schedule. Discussion of increasing student psychological, social worker, and/or guidance services.

Tri-County Cooperative Agreement: Attend a meeting of each districts superintendent, principal, and a board member. Most of the meeting centered on cleaning up the language of the agreement with brief discussion of having one athletic director for the cooperative.


Henry moved to approve the FY19 Fuel Bid from Illini FS.

Richardson seconded the motion.

Aye: Morris, Rhode, Richardson, Smith, Duzan, Hales, Henry

Nay: None

Motion carried: Aye – 7 Nay – 0

Richardson moved to approve the FY19 Fee Schedule.

Morris seconded the motion.

Aye: Rhode, Richardson, Smith, Duzan, Hales, Henry, Morris

Nay: None

Motion carried: Aye – 7 Nay – 0

Morris moved to approve the FY19 Board of Education Meeting Schedule.

Smith seconded the motion.

Aye: Richardson, Smith, Duzan, Henry, Morris, Rhode

Nay: Hales

Motion carried: Aye – 6 Nay – 1

Smith moved to approve the Final Reading of the following Amended District Policies:

2:125 Board Member Expenses

4:80 Accounting and Audits

Morris seconded the motion.

Aye: Smith, Duzan, Hales, Henry, Morris, Rhode, Richardson

Nay: None

Motion carried: Aye – 7 Nay – 0

Richardson moved to approve the Catastrophic Student & Athlete Accident Insurance.

Duzan seconded the motion.

Aye: Duzan, Hales, Henry, Morris, Rhode, Richardson, Smith

Nay: None

Motion carried: Aye – 7 Nay – 0

Rhode moved to accept resignations of Amie Lugo, Elementary Teacher and Zachary Werkheiser, Junior High Boys Basketball Assistant Coach.

Duzan seconded the motion.

Aye: Hales, Henry, Morris, Rhode, Richardson, Smith, Duzan

Nay: None

Motion carried: Aye – 7 Nay – 0

Smith moved to adjourn to Executive Session at 7:51PM to discuss:

The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodges against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity; and

Collective negotiating matter between the public body and its employees or their representatives, ad deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees; and Discussion of minutes of meetings lawfully closed under the Act, whether for purpose of approval by the body of the minutes or semi-annual review of the minutes.

Morris seconded the motion.

Aye: Duzan, Hales, Henry, Morris, Rhode, Richardson, Smith

Nay: None

Motion carried: Aye – 7 Nay – 0

Board returned to Open Session at 8:30 pm.

Smith moved to approve Executive Session minutes of February 20, 2018.

Hales seconded the motion.

Aye: Henry, Morris, Rhode, Richardson, Smith, Duzan, Hales

Nay: None

Motion carried: Aye – 7 Nay – 0

Richardson moved to approve employment of Julia North, Business Education Teacher; Ashley Kolakowski, Softball Assistant Coach; and Charles Cox, High School Boys & Girls Volunteer Assistant Coach.

Duzan seconded the motion.

Aye: Morris, Rhode, Richardson, Smith, Duzan, Hales, Henry

Nay: None

Motion carried: Aye – 7 Nay – 0

Henry moved to approve the Collective Bargaining Agreement between Shiloh CUSD #1 and the CUSD #1 Education Association, IEA/NEA.

Morris seconded the motion.

Aye: Richardson, Smith, Duzan, Hales, Henry, Morris, Rhode

Nay: None

Motion carried: Aye – 7 Nay – 0

Richardson moved to approve non-union salaries of:

Dick Wagoner – Maintenance/Transportation Director $49,016.00

Zachary Werkheiser – Bookkeeper $44,200.00

Barbara Board – District Treasurer $5,516.00

Barbara Board – School Board Recording Secretary $1,771.00

Duzan seconded the motion.

Aye: Smith, Duzan, Hales, Henry, Morris, Rhode, Richardson

Nay: None

Motion carried: Aye – 7 Nay – 0

Smith moved to approve release of Matt Reasor, Junior High Boys Basketball Coach.

Rhode seconded the motion.

Aye: Henry, Morris, Rhode, Richardson, Smith, Duzan, Hales

Nay: None

Motion carried: Aye – 7 Nay – 0

Rhode moved to adjourn at 8:36 pm.

Smith seconded the motion.

Voice vote: Aye – 7, Nay – 0

The March 19, 2018, regular meeting of the Shiloh CUSD #1 Board of Education adjourned at 8:36 pm.
