Villages of Moweaqua Village Council met March 13.
Here is the minutes as provided by the council:
The Regular Meeting of the Moweaqua Village Council was called to order by Mayor Neece leading in the pledge to the flag. Roll Call was answered by Tatum Plain, Dana Shuster, Marcia Maynard, Joann Lower, Mike Reschke and Shawn Conlin. Employees present were Louis Jordan, Ramiro Estrada, Lola Allen, Amy Malone, Police Chief Roy Maki, Mischelle Davis and Attorney for the Village Ed Flynn was also present. Others attending included Jeanne and Brad Maki, Kelley, Liam, Kaleb and Kieran Herman, Ken and Linda Long, Steve Bainbridge, Steve Hooper, Michael Neece, Ed Hanley, Brian, Rose and Toby Wade, Mike Seitz and Stoney Falk.
Maynard made the motion to approve the Consent Agenda with additions and corrections, including the February Regular Meeting Minutes, Bills to be Paid in March and Treasurer’s Report, Conlin seconded. Council voting Yes: Plain, Shuster, Maynard, Lower, Reschke and Conlin. No: None.
Chairman of the Health and Safety Committee Dana Shuster inquired about the procedure for notifying citizens of complaints regarding improperly parked vehicles, lack of garbage service etc. Attorney Flynn stated that there are different ways of addressing these issues. He stated that it is best to handle each complaint individually rather than use an across the board system that may not take into account difficult circumstances. Flynn stated that he would explain in further detail after reviewing the code book.
Chairman of the Finance Committee Marcia Maynard reminded all departments that budgets are due by the end of March. Maynard also stated that she is in the process of getting prices for a new security system for the new Water Treatment Plant facility. The new security system will be on the April Regular Meeting Agenda.
Chairman of the Personnel Committee Michael Reschke stated that two Committee meetings have been held to interview insurance agents. Employee Health Insurance has increased substantially in just two years. Interviews were set up for two separate committee meetings with five agents. Reschke stated that the goal was to find out what options are available in order to get the best coverage and keep premiums as low as possible. Reschke stated that there will likely be more discussion closer to renewal time at the end of the year. Reschke stated that department supervisors should have employee evaluations done by the first part of April.
Chairman of the Police Committee Shawn Conlin introduced the newly hired Police Chief Roy Maki. Conlin stated that there will be an open house to welcome Chief Maki on March 18th at the Perfect Place and all are encouraged to attend.
Attorney Flynn reported that he has been made aware of a situation that occurred during a meeting that he was not present at. A member of the public who was at the meeting voiced his concern regarding all the Executive Sessions that have been taking place. Attorney Flynn stated that there are specific rules for entering Executive Session and the Village has been following those rules. Flynn stated that sensitive issues regarding personnel are always discussed in Executive Session.
Mayor Neece stated that everything he will be discussing is on the agenda. Mayor Neece then called on Police Chief Roy Maki to come forward and be sworn into office.
In New Business Mayor Neece called on Village Engineer Steve Bainbridge. Bainbridge presented Burdick Plumbing and Heating Change Order #5. The additional concrete work approved in Change Order #4 was anticipated to be completed in December, 2017. Due to extreme cold weather change in December, the concrete work schedule was delayed, to allow for better weather conditions. This schedule change also affected the scheduling of the delivery of the major equipment skids. In order to adequately provide time for final installation, disinfection and testing of the treatment equipment with the new delivery schedules, it is recommended that a 42-day time extension be granted. Completion date is now scheduled for May 19, 2018. There will be no change in the contract price due to this change order. After discussion Maynard made the motion to approve Burdick Plumbing and Heating Change Order #4, Lower seconded. Council voting Yes: Plain, Shuster, Maynard, Lower, Reschke and Conlin. No: None.
Bainbridge presented Burdick Plumbing and Heating Payment Estimate #14. Bainbridge stated that with this payment estimate the work on the new Water Treatment Plant facility is 58% complete. After discussion Maynard made the motion to approve Burdick Plumbing and Heating Payment Estimate #14 in the amount of $83,955.60, Shuster seconded. Council voting Yes: Plain, Shuster, Maynard, Lower, Reschke and Conlin. No: None.
Bainbridge presented the MFT Budget and Resolution for 2018 appropriating $150,000.00 of Motor Fuel Tax funds for the purpose of maintaining streets. After discussion Conlin made the motion to approve the 2018 MFT Budget and Resolution, Plain seconded. Council voting Yes: Plain, Shuster, Maynard, Lower, Reschke and Conlin. No: None.
Mayor Neece stated that he would like to appoint Jim Mahone to the Golf Course Board, replacing Bob Moberly. Maynard made the motion to approve appointing Jim Mahone to the Golf Course Board, Lower seconded. Council voting Yes: Plain, Shuster, Maynard, Lower, Reschke and Conlin. No: None.
Mayor Neece stated that Barbara Jostes has passed away. Barbara supervised the Memorial Tree Park business for many years and was instrumental in establishing the park in 1992. Mayor Neece requested that a memorial be given in Barbara’s name to the Moweaqua Living Memorial Tree park that she loved so much. Maynard made the motion to donate $500.00 to the Memorial Tree Park Fund in memory of Barbara Jostes, Conlin seconded. Council voting Yes: Plain, Shuster, Maynard, Lower, Reschke and Conlin. No: None.
Mayor Neece presented Amended Revolving Loan Fund Ordinance #2018-24. After review and discussion Shuster made the motion to approve the Amended Revolving Loan Fund Ordinance #2018-24, Lower seconded. Council voting Yes: Plain, shuster, Maynard, Lower, Reschke and Conlin. No: None.
Mayor Neece entertained discussion regarding the hours of operation for Class D Liquor Licenses. The closing time stated in the Ordinance currently is 10:00 P.M. Mayor Neece stated that he has been approached and asked to change the time to 12:00 A.M. After discussion Lower made the motion to amend the Liquor Code Class C and D licenses to 12:00 A.M., Plain seconded. Council voting Yes: Plain, Shuster, Maynard, Lower, Reschke and Conlin. No: None. An Ordinance will be prepared for passage at the April Regular Meeting.
Mayor Neece presented a request from the POW WOW Committee for a donation. The Committee provided a list of possible sponsorships that are available. After discussion Conlin made the motion to approve donating $345.00 to the Moweaqua POW WOW in sponsorship of Richard Landry Magician for Children, Plain seconded. Council voting Yes: Plain, Shuster, Maynard, Lower, Reschke and Conlin. No: None.
Finance Committee Chairman Marcia Maynard requested approval to loan the Golf Course $6,000.00 from the General Fund Savings to the Golf Course Checking for payment of Stiner Plumbing and Heating Invoice #17-510. The work was done in order to install city water service to the Golf Course. After discussion Maynard made the motion to approve loaning $6,000.00 from the General Fund Savings Account to the Golf Course Checking Account for payment of Stiner Plumbing Invoice #17-510, Reschke seconded. Council voting Yes: Plain, Shuster, Maynard, Lower, Reschke and Conlin. No: None.
Street & Alley Superintendent Ramiro Estrada requested approval to schedule Spring Clean Up Days May 2nd through 5th. Shuster made the motion to approve holding the annual Spring Clean Up Days May 2nd through 5th, Conlin seconded. Council voting Yes: Plain, Shuster, Maynard, Lower, Reschke and Conlin. No: None.
Estrada requested approval to install sidewalks in the DMJ Subdivision directly in front of the occupied lots on the North Side of Cherry Street. After discussion, Lower made the motion to approve installing sidewalks in the DMJ Subdivision directly in front of the occupied lots on the North Side of Cherry Street, Conlin seconded. Council voting Yes: Plain, Shuster, Maynard, Lower, Reschke and Conlin. No: None.
Estrada presented quotes for the Street Sign Project for review and approval. Shuster made a motion to approve the quote of $8,756.00 from Econo Signs for the State required Sign Retroreflectivity Compliance project, Reschke seconded. Council voting Yes: Plain, Shuster, Maynard, Lower, Reschek and Conlin. No: None.
Estrada presented a quote of $500.00 from Chastain & Associates for Maintenance Shed drawings. Estrada explained that he would like to see half of the Maintenance Shed be built now and the other half when funds allow. Estrada stated that Village employees will finish the inside. Lower made the motion to approve the quote of $500.00 from Chastain & Associates for maintenance shed drawings, Conlin seconded. Council voting Yes: Plain, Shuster, Maynard, Lower, Reschke and Conlin. No: None.
Shuster made the motion to enter Executive Session regarding the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of a specific employee and also Real Estate, Lower seconded. Council voting Yes: Plain, Shuster, Maynard, Lower, Reschke and Conlin. No: None.
Conlin made the motion to end Executive Session, Shuster seconded. Council voting Yes: Plain, Shuster, Maynard, Lower, Reschke and Conlin. No: None.
Maynard made the motion to adjourn, Lower seconded. Council voting Yes: Plain, Shuster, Maynard, Lower, Reschke and Conlin. No: None.
Approved April 10, 2018