
East Central Reporter

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

El Paso City Council met March 19.

El Paso City Council met March 19.

Here is the agenda provided by the Council:

1. Call to Order:

2. Pledge of Allegiance:

3. Roll Call:

JW Price Mayor

Jennie Kearney Ward I

Sarah Steffen Ward I

Alex Brucker Ward II

Mary Ellen Kilpatrick Ward II

Chuck Burton Ward III

Ellen Rigsby Ward III

4. Approval of Agenda:

5. Consent Agenda:

A. Consideration and approval of the minutes for the March 5th, 2018 City Council Meeting.

B. Consideration and Approval of the Minutes from the March 16th, 2018 Water/ Sewer Committee meeting.

C. Consideration and approval of the Treasurer’s Report.

D. Consideration and approval of the Register of Bills for March 2018

6. Public Comments:

7. New City Council Business:

A. Consideration and approval of recommendations from the Water/ Sewer Committee meeting held on 03/16/2018

B. Discussion and possible approval of the continuation of the shared septic system at the Ivy Gardens and Depot properties located at 11 and 17 East Main Street.

C. Discussion and possible approval of Parking ban on Elm Street from 1st Street to the School.

D. Consideration and possible Approval of CDAP Loan to Chad Porter for the Alley Bar.

8.Director of Public Service Report:

9. Mayors Report:

10: City Council Comments:

11: Staff Reports:

A. Police Chief

B. Operations Supervisor

C. Parks and Recreation Department

D. City Clerk

E. City Attorney

12. Adjourn:
