City of Charleston Fire and Police Board of Commissioners met March 12.
Here is the agenda as provided by the board:
Call to Order
Roll Call
Approval of Minutes
1. Accept and approve the general and executive session minutes of the February 12, 2018
regular meeting.
2. Accept and approve the general and executive session minutes of the February 23, 2018
special meeting.
New Business
3. Accept and approve the oral interview portion of the hiring process for Firefighter-Paramedic
Candidate Alan T. Colvis.
4. Accept and approve the background report for Firefighter-Paramedic Candidate Alan T.
5. Authorize Board Secretary to schedule physical and psychological examination reports for
Firefighter-Paramedic Candidate Alan T. Colvis.
Recommendations for Removal, Hire, and Promotion
Recommendations for Final Certification
Audience Participation