
East Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Donovan Community Unit School District 3 Board of Education will meet September 27.

Donovan Community Unit School District 3 Board of Education will meet Sept. 27.

Here is the agenda provided by the Board:

I. Call to Order

II. Roll Call of Members

III. Board Recognition - The Board will recognize the Elementary Students of the Month

IV. New Business

A. Presentation of, and action on, proposed Senior Class Trip.

B. Presentation by Miss Switzer re State Library Grant and approval.

V. Board Packet Information

A. Approval of Agenda

B. Approval of Consent Agenda

1. Approval of Regular Board Meeting Minutes of August 23,2017

2. Approval of Accounts Payable

C. Student Activity Accounts

D. FOIA Request -- Illinois Retired Teachers Association

VI. Public Participation

A. Visitors (five minute time limit)

B. Written correspondence to the Board Secretary

C. Other Communication to the Board

VII. Donovan Education Association Report

VIII. Administrative Reports

A. Superintendent B. Principal C. Special Education

D. Athletic Director

IX. Committee Report

A. Buildings & Grounds Committee — Rescheduled to September 29, 2017

X. Old Business

A. Second Reading of Policies listed in Appendix A and motion for approval.

XI New Business

C. Approve FY 2018 School Budget.

D. Discussion regarding changing law firms.

E. Approve donations from the Donovan Athletic Booster Club.

F. Executive Session: To discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance of specific employees of the District and individual student concerns.

G. Approve Executive Session minutes.

H. Personnel:

1. Approve resignation of Ms. Karen McDonald as HS Business teacher and Yearbook Sponsor retroactive to Friday, September 15,2017.

2. Appoint Mr. Milan as long term sub for HS Business classes subject to Board Policy 5:220 retroactive to Monday, September 18,2017.

3. Appoint Miss Knapper as Sophomore Class Sponsor and National Honor Society Cosponsor.

4. Appoint Mrs. O'Brien and Miss Page as HS Girls Basketball Co-Coaches.

5. Approve resignation of Mike Garrett as Elementary evening Custodian effective June 1,2018.

6. Other Personnel actions that may come before the Board.

I. Approve exiting from the River Valley Conference for Boys Basketball effective with the 2018 -19 season.

XII. Other

XIII. Adjournment

Next meeting: The next regular Donovan School Board meeting will be on Wednesday, October 25,2017, in the Superintendent's Office at the Elementary School.
