City of Martinsville City Council met July 12.
Here is the minutes as provided by the council:
Roll call was answered by the following council members and elected officials: Chris Davidson, Mike
Cribelar, Melinda Lovell, Troy Propst, John Skinner and David Doran. Also in attendance were Mayor
Herman Davidson, Clerk Marlene Wilhoit and Treasurer Melinda Owen. Employees and citizens in
attendance are attached to the back of the minutes.
**Motion by M Cribelar 2nd by J Skinner to approve minutes from 06-28-17 council meeting and 07-06-17
Street & alley committee meeting
Upon roll call vote all council members present voted for the motion. (6)
**Motion by D Doran, 2nd by M Cribelar to approve the Treasurer’s report as presented.
Upon roll call vote all council members present voted for the motion. (6)
**Motion by D Doran, 2nd by C Davidson to approve June 2017 bills payable July 2017 in the amount of
Upon roll call vote all council members present voted for the motion. (6)
**Motion by C Davidson, 2nd by M Cribelar to accept the bid from Lawrence Gravel for MFT work at the
cost of $44,178.75
Upon roll call vote all council members present voted for the motion. (6)
**Motion by M Cribelar, 2nd by C Davidson to approve Ordinance No. 2017-7-1 titled: “An ordinance
appropriating for all corporate purposes of the City of Martinsville, Clark County, Illinois, for the fiscal year
beginning May 1, 2017, and ending April 30, 2018.
Upon roll call vote all council members present voted for the motion. (6)
**Motion by M Cribelar, 2nd by D Doran to accept the resignation of Tim Wilson, Jr as police chief and
effective August 1, 2017 change his position from Chief to patrolman with wages to change to that of
patrolman also.
Upon roll call vote all council members present voted for the motion. (6)
**Motion by C Davidson, 2nd by J Skinner to appoint Ryan Slater as chief of police effective August 1, 2017
with wages to change to that of Chief also.
Upon roll call vote all council members present voted for the motion. (6)
**Motion by C Davidson, 2nd by M Cribelar to freeze pay raises in all department for FY 2017-2018.
Upon roll call vote all council members present voted for the motion. (6)
**Additional projects will be submitted to the State for Motor Fuel Tax work. They are the shoulders being
scraped back on Cumberland Street from city limits to city limits and shoulders of road reworked on south
York Street between Cumberland Street and the Railroad plus part of the project replacing the culvert at the
west drive at the Grade School. Paperwork and approval will be forthcoming.
**Motion by T Propst, 2nd by M Cribelar to purchase 2017 Dodge Ram 3500 from JK Mitchell in Casey
Illinois along with a snow plow from Rahen Equipment in Danville, Illinois not to exceed $42,000.00.
Upon roll call vote:
Davidson/yes.Cribelar/yes.Lovell/yes.Propst/yes.Skinner/no.Doran/yes.motion passed.
**Motion by M Cribelar, 2nd by D Doran to amend the cost of grinding, cleaning and reseeding stumps from
$600 to $1200 to Woodchuck Stump Grinding.
Upon roll call vote all council members present voted for the motion. (6)
**Motion by M Cribelar, 2nd by D Doran due to financial situation to not pursue the ditch project along
Ferrell Street and the grade school.
Upon roll call vote all council members present voted for the motion. (6)
**Motion by J Skinner, 2nd by M Cribelar not to expend money to have the gutters along Elm Street
Upon roll call vote all council members present voted for the motion. (6)
Public Comments:
After doing inventory of the police department Mayor Davidson has determined that the following equipment
is missing and at this time unable to locate; 2 EMA portable radios, 4 Kenwood portable radios, 2 Kenwood
digital portable radios, 1 Star-com portable, 1 12 gauge shotgun, a portable radio charger.
Attorney Richard Bernardoni explained the tax levy calculation sheet. This will need passed by the 3rd
Wednesday in December.
Motion by C Davidson, 2nd by M Cribelar to adjourn the meeting @ 9:00 pm
Upon roll call vote all members present voted for the motion. (6)