Tuscola City Council met Monday, Feb. 27.
City Council meetings are held on the second and fourth Monday of every month. If a city recognized holiday falls on a second or fourth Monday the meeting is rescheduled for the following Tuesday. The meetings are held at the Tuscola City Hall, 214 N. Main at 7:30 pm. City Council meeting are open to the public.
Here are the minutes as provided by Tuscola:
February 27, 2017
In the absence of Mayor Kleiss, Truitt moved and Cleland seconded Alderman Boyd Henderson act as Mayor Pro-Tem for the February 27, 2017 meeting. VOTE YEA" Cleland, Day. Hoey, Shoemaker, Truitt, Waldrop. Alderman Henderson abstained. Motion carried.
The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order with Cleland, Day, Henderson, Hoey, Shoemaker, Truitt, and Waldrop in attendance. Mayor Kleiss and Alderman Slaughter were absent. Mayor Pro-Tem Henderson led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Public Comment - None
Consent Agenda Mayor Pro-Tem Henderson went over the items on the consent agenda:
Minutes of the February 13, 2017 meeting
Financial Report for January 2017
Payment of bills totaling $84,767.87
Fundraising request from Becky's Buddies Relay for Life Team to collect funds (Q) various locations around town during the Relay for Life event June 3, 2017
Community Building lease request with alcohol from the Tuscola Rotary for an auction on March 29, 2017
Hoey moved to approve the items on the consent agenda. Cleland seconded. VOTE YEA" Cleland, Day, Henderson, Hoey, Shoemaker, Truitt, Waldrop. Shoemaker moved to approve the consent agenda for February 27, 2017. Day seconded. VOTE YEA" Cleland, Day, Henderson, Hoey, Shoemaker, Truitt, Waldrop.
Mayor - No Report City Clerk - No Report
City Treasurer
Treasurer Long reported the TIF delinquencies are Eddie Boutilier, Red Barn Vet Services, and Racheal Puckett.
City Attorney - Nothing
City Administrator - Nothing
Administrator Hoel gave a brief summary of the ordinance to regulate parking. The ordinance has been discussed for several meetings, Hoel added, and has not changed. The three major points of the ordinance require hard surface parking in the front yard setback; license and registration of any vehicle stored outside; and reduces from 30 to five days the amount of time an inoperable, trashed or Wrecked vehicle can be parked outside. Hoey moved to approve ordinance 2017-0-3, an ordinance amending Chapters 72 and 93 of the City of Tuscola code of ordinances to regulate parking. Shoemaker seconded. VOTE YEA" Cleland, Henderson, Hoey, Shoemaker, Truitt, Waldrop. VOTE NAY' Day. Motion carried.
Contracts and Agreements
Administrator Hoel stated the wind turbine is in need of some repairs in order to improve the rotation of the turbine blades. The city has a long-term maintenance contract with Northern Power Systems who monitors our turbine and takes care of regular maintenance, Treasurer Long pointed out we have always had the maintenance contract and have paid very little in repairs. Henderson asked how the payout was working out on the turbine. Administrator Hoel noted the power production is above projections, but the payout isn't as quick since our electric rates are lower than buying off the grid. Treasurer Long added the original projection for the wind turbine to pay for itself was 7-10 years. The projection now is 4-6 years. Cleland moved to approve the repairs to the wind turbine in the amount of $3558.80, by Northern Power Systems. Truitt seconded. VOTE YEA* Cleland, Day, Henderson, Hoey, Shoemaker, Truitt, Waldrop.
Hoel discussed the backstop wall pads for the Little League Diamond, stating these will be placed once S&K completes the fencing. Fisher Athletics, Camargo, has submitted a quote in the amount of $2910.53 for the pads. Hoel noted Fisher also did the pads at the South Diamond. Waldrop moved to approve the quote in the amount of $2910.53, from Fisher Athletics for backstop padding at the Little League Diamond. Day seconded. VOTE YEA" Cleland, Day, Henderson, Hoey, Shoemaker, Truitt, Waldrop.
Hoel reported a valve in a meter in the master meter station outside of town needs repair or replacement. This valve was rebuilt three years ago, Hoel stated, and he recommends We not go the rebuild route again. Hoey moved to approve the quote in the amount of $4133.85, from Illinois American Water Company for meter replacement in the master meter station. Day seconded. VOTE YEA' Cleland, Day, Henderson, Hoey, Shoemaker, Truitt, Waldrop.
1. Administrator Hoel stated Foreman Cruzan has recommended a step increase for two street maintenance workers and the Mayor has concurred. Cody Mann and Blane Reinhart will be promoted to Street Maintenancell, increasing their salaries from $16.47 to $20.60 per hour. Cleland moved to approve the promotions to Street Maintenance for Cody Mann and Blane Reinhart. Waldrop seconded. VOTE YEA" Cleland, Day, Henderson, Hoey, Shoemaker, Truitt, Waldrop.
2. Hoel reported he has arranged budget meetings with most of the committee chairs and will be sending out notices soon.
3. Hoel discussed action taken at the last council meeting regarding The Vault, at 100 North Main. Council approved a short term lease on this property for Bend in the River Inc., and discussed an option to extend the lease or assume the existing redevelopment agreement with John McDevitt to Bend in the River Inc. Hoel Went on to say We have not formally acted on this option, but he plans to present this at the next meeting. Hoel Wanted to confirm there are no objections to offering this option and the lessee's would like to know this option is available to them.
The motion to adjourn was made by Hoey and seconded by Shoemaker. WQTE YEA" Cleland, Day, Henderson, Hoey, Shoemaker, Truitt, Waldrop.