Members of the Charleston City Council met Tuesday, Aug. 2.
"The City Council is the duly elected legislative and policy-making body of the City of Charleston. The fundamental job of the City Council is to make policy decisions for the City based on relevant and accurate information received from the full-time City Manager and his staff. Committees and Advisory Boards of the City Council render recommendations to the full body regarding municipal projects, facilities, services, finance and personnel as well as issues of health, safety, and welfare of the community at large. The City Council solicits and receives the support of many volunteer citizen committees to ensure a democratic, citizen-centered process."
Here are the meeting minutes as provided by the Charleston City Council:
The Council of the City of Charleston, Coles County, Illinois, met for the regular scheduled session at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, August 2, 2016, at 520 Jackson Avenue,
Charleston, Illinois, with Mayor Brandon Combs, presiding. The meeting commenced at 6:30 p.m. The Mayor directed the City Clerk to call the roll and the following were physically present and answered affirmatively to the call of his or her name: Council Members Jim Dunn, Jeff Lahr, Tim Newell and Mayor Brandon Combs were physically present. Council Member Matthew Hutti was not in attendance. Other City Officers present were: City Manager Scott Smith, City Attorney Rachael Cunningham, City Clerk
Deborah Muller; Police Chief Bryan Baker; Fire Chief Steve Bennett; Assistant Fire Chief Tim Meister; Comptroller Heather Kuykendall; Public Works Director Curt Buescher; City Planner Steve Pamperin; Parks & Recreation Director Brian Jones; and Building Code Official Alex Winkler.
Mayor Combs welcomed everyone and then led the audience in the Pledge of
Mayor Combs then introduced and reviewed the CONSENT AGENDA, which
consisted of the following: 1) MINUTES—Regular meeting held on July 19, 2016; 2)
PAYROLL—Regular Pay Period ending July 23, 2016; 3) BILLS PAYABLE—August
5, 2016; and 4) PROCLAMATION—Recognizing the Week of August 7-13, 2016, as National Farmers Market Week.
A written motion was made by Council Member Newell and seconded by Council Member Lahr that the Consent Agenda be approved as presented.
Mayor Combs directed the City Clerk to call the roll and the following voted Yea:
Council Members Dunn, Lahr, Newell, and Mayor Combs. Mayor Combs declared the
motion carried by a vote of 4 Yeas, Nays—0.
With regard to Item 5, Mayor Combs explained that this Ordinance had been placed on file for public inspection at the July 19, 2016 Council Meeting. He noted that he had not received any objections to it or Item 6, and Council added that they had received no comments with regard to these Items either.
ITEM 5: A written motion was made by Council Member Lahr and seconded by Council Member Dunn that the Ordinance amending the City Code of Ordinances concerning Title 3: Business and License Regulations; Chapter 3: Alcoholic Beverages;
Section 13: Restrictions On and conditions Of License AND Section 16: Underaged Persons, be approved.
Mayor Combs directed the City Clerk to call the roll and the following voted Yea:
Council Members Dunn, Lahr, Newell, and Mayor Combs. Mayor Combs declared the motion carried by a vote of 4 Yeas, Nays—0.
With regard to Item 6, Mayor Combs noted that this Ordinance would allow the
City to regulate the sale of alternative nicotine products, such as e-cigarettes and vaping to minors.
ITEM 6: A written motion was made by Council Member Dunn and seconded by Council Member Lahr that the Ordinance amending the City Code of Ordinances concerning Title 5: Public Safety; Chapter 4: Minors: Section 2: Tobacco Sales to
Minors, be approved.
Mayor Combs directed the City Clerk to call the roll and the following voted Yea:
Council Members Dunn, Lahr, Newell, and Mayor Combs. Mayor Combs declared the motion carried by a vote of 4 Yeas, Nays—0.
With regard to Item 7, Mayor Combs explained that this Ordinance addressed a
Concept Plan for an Indoor Storage Facility at 11665 Old State Road. He explained that this was for Owen Motorsports, which wanted to add on a storage facility there. It had already gone before the Corridor Review Committee and had been approved with a 5:0 vote.
ITEM 7: A written motion was made by Council Member Newell and seconded by Council Member Lahr that the Ordinance approving the Concept Plan for the Purpose of Indoor Storage Facility at 116655 Old State Road (to be used in conjunction with
Owen Motorsports Vehicle Sales), be approved and the layover period waived.
Mayor Combs directed the City Clerk to call the roll and the following voted Yea:
Council Members Dunn, Lahr, Newell, and Mayor Combs. Mayor Combs declared the motion carried by a vote of 4 Yeas, Nays—0.
With regard to Item 8, a Presentation, Mayor Combs turned the floor over to Fire Chief Steve Bennett who would be recognizing Damion Knorr.
ITEM 8: PRESENTATION: Fire Chief Steve Bennett recognized the Mayor,
Council, Staff, and guests, and noted that one of the critical missions of fire departments across the nation was to provide public education and fire safety to all the public school children. Occasionally, the information that was learned in these classes was put into practice in the case of an emergency.
In this particular case, Damion Knorr, aged 12, was staying at his aunt’s house on Westgate Drive back in the first part of June. While they were preparing lunch, a pot of grease on the stove caught fire. And Damion knew what to do. Damion knew enough not to use water on grease, which would have spread the fire; he also knew to call 911 immediately, so that the fire department would be en route; and he also knew to evacuate the rest of the children from the house to a point of safety. Damion’s quick actions helped prevent the spread of the fire and prevent further injuries.
Chief Bennett said that in his capacity as Fire Chief, he deemed these actions worthy of recognition and thereby presented a Certificate of Recognition to Damion Knorr. The presentation was met with applause by all in attendance which included Damion’s parents—Valerie & Travis Owens; aunt—Stephanie Stewart; grandparents—Jon & Bonnadelle Willoughby; great grandparents—Ronald Beasley and Larry & Jane Lovell; great aunt—Kathleen Beasley; and great great aunt—Linda Knifley.
Mayor Combs congratulated Damion on the good job he had done and for his quick thinking.
The Mayor said that this concluded the Agenda items.
The Mayor asked if there were any comments from Council; there were not.
The Mayor asked if there were any comments from City Attorney Cunningham or
City Manager Smith; there were not.
The Mayor then opened the floor to any public comments, communications and presentations. He asked that those doing so come up to the podium and give the Clerk their name and address for the record. He noted that this was solely for the benefit of the Clerk, and was not required. He asked that they limit their comments to 3 minutes and avoid repetition.
Seeing no one, Mayor Combs said that he would entertain a motion to adjourn.
A written motion was made by Council Member Lahr and seconded by Council Member Dunn to adjourn.
Mayor Combs directed the City Clerk to call the roll and the following voted Yea:
Council Members Dunn, Lahr, Newell, and Mayor Combs. Mayor Combs declared the motion carried by a vote of 4 Yeas, Nays—0.
Mayor Combs declared the motion carried by a vote of 4 Yeas, Nays—0.
Adjournment: 6:37 p.m.
Minutes approved this 16th Day of August 2016.
Brandon Combs, Mayor
Deborah Muller, City Clerk