Members of the Tuscola City Council met at 7:30 p.m. Monday, July 25.
The Tuscola City Council meets at 7:30 p.m on the second and fourth Monday of every month. If a city-recognized holiday falls on those days, the meeting is rescheduled for the following Tuesday. The meetings are held at the Tuscola City Hall, 214 N. Main St.
Here are the meeting minutes as provided by the Tuscola City Council:
July 25, 2016
In the absence of Mayor Kleiss, Hoey moved and Shoemaker seconded to appoint Alderman Henderson as Mayor Pro-Tem for the July 25 meeting. VOTE YEA* Cleland, Day, Hoey, Maxey, Shoemaker, Slaughter. Henderson abstained. Motion carried. Mayor Pro-Tem Henderson called the regular meeting of the city council to order with Cleland, Day, Henderson, Hoey, Maxey, Shoemaker, and Slaughter in attendance. Alderwoman Truitt and Mayor Kleiss were absent. Henderson led the Pledge of Allegiance,
Public Comment - None
Consent Agenda
Administrator Hoel went over the items on the consent agenda:
* Minutes of the July 11, 2016 meeting
* Financial report for June 2016
- Payment of bills totaling $156,579,48
* Community Building lease request from Laura and Nemecio Ortiz for a birthday party on
August 19, 2016
Hoey moved to approve the items on the consent agenda. Cleland seconded. VOTE YEA* Cleland, Day, Henderson, Hoey, Maxey, Shoemaker, Slaughter, Cleland moved to approve the consent agenda for July 25, 2016. Day seconded. VOTE YEA* Cleland, Day, Henderson, Hoey, Maxey, Shoemaker, Slaughter.
Requested Time on the Agenda - None
Mayor — No Report
City Clerk — No Report
City Treasurer
Treasurer Long reported the TIF delinquencies are Eddie Boutilier, Red Barn Vet Services, and Rachel Puckett.
City Attorney – No Report
City Administrator
Administrator Hoel would like council to look over the Community Building information that was sent out in the Council packets, adding two events for the Community Building have been cancelled and we have until the August 19 date to make sure the building is completed to our satisfaction. A study session will be held prior to the August 8 meeting to go over the building policies. The study session and regular meeting will both be held at the Community Building, Hoel stated. Hoel offered to open the building after tonight's meeting so council could go over and see the status of the improvements. Hoey asked what committee the Community Building falls under. Hoel answered public works had been the committee governing the building; however, this project was overseen by the TIF committee.
Shoemaker asked if the cancellations were due to the building renovations not being complete. Hoel answered they were not. Shoemaker also asked if we would hold an open house for the public before the August 19 rental. Hoel answered he would like to, but we are still waiting for some items to be completed. One big item is defective spots in the flooring. Hoel feels the defective tiles should be replaced but he has not heard a mediation plan yet from the contractor. Shoemaker asked Hoel if he was satisfied with the way the walls looked now. Hoel answered no, but it is better than it was. He and the architect walked through and noticed some of the issues have been corrected but not all.
Contracts and Agreements
Henderson opened discussion on the Tuscola Chamber and Economic Development request for a $5000 contribution to the Douglas County Enterprise Zone application. Administrator Hoel pointed out this is a collaborative approach by the county, several townships and municipalities, and some private entities to raise $70,000, to pay a consultant for the preparation of the application for a Douglas County Enterprise Zone. Hoel went on to say the enterprise zone is an economic development incentive tool, adding we do not compete well with surrounding counties when it comes to recruiting business. After a question from Hoey about location, Hoel answered the zone is limited to 12 square miles and snakes throughout the county. It would include parts of Atwood, the industrial area West of town, the commercial area on route 36, the new interchange area north of the mall, part of the mine in Murdock, as well as areas in Newman, Villa Grove, Arcola, and Arthur. The zone would be connected by a narrow three foot strip and provide each community with an industrial area that will help them recruit business. Hoey asked if other towns have kicked in on this, Hoel answered Arcola has committed; Arthur and Villa Grove will be voting soon. So far, $55,000 has been committed, which is enough to get the work started. Cleland moved to approve the $5000 contribution to the Douglas County Enterprise Zone Application expense. Hoey seconded. VOTE YEA* Cleland, Day, Henderson, Hoey, Maxey, Shoemaker, Slaughter.
The motion to adjourn was made by Henderson and seconded by Shoemak Day, Henderson, Hoey, Maxey, Shoemaker, Slaughter.