Members of the Marshall City Council met at 6:30 p.m. Monday, July 11.
The Marshall City Council, which includes six members and the mayor, meets at 7:30 p.m. on the second and fourth Monday of each month at City Hall, 201 S. Michigan Ave.
Here are the meeting minutes as provided by the Marshall City Council:
Council Minutes of July 11, 2016
The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 6:30 P.M., with Mayor Camie Sanders presiding. Upon roll call, all council members were present except Macke. Macke was absent.
Sanders made a motion, seconded by Wallace, to approve the minutes of the previous meeting as written. Upon roll call, all council members present voted for. Motion carried.
Mayor Sanders then gave the “State of the City” address.
The Collector’s Report was read. $755,407.17 was collected in June 2016 and transferred to City funds. LeFever made a motion, seconded by McKittrick, to approve the Collector’s Report as read. Upon roll call, all council members present voted for. Motion carried.
The Treasurer’s Report was read. There was a balance in city funds of $7,906,349.19 on June 30, 2016. Strait made a motion, seconded by Sanders, to approve the Treasurer’s Report as read. Upon roll call, all council members present voted for. Motion carried.
The Investment Transaction Report was read. There were no Investment Transactions for June 2016. Strait made a motion, seconded by Sanders, to approve the Investment Transaction Report as read. Upon roll call, all council members present voted for. Motion carried.
The Police Report was read. $1,924.43 was collected in fines for the month of June 2016. Sanders made a motion, seconded by Strait, to approve the Police Report as read. Upon roll call, all council members present voted for. Motion carried.
The Building Permit Report was read. There were ten permits issued and $125.00 collected in fees during the month of June 2016. McKittrick made a motion, seconded by Sanders, to approve the Building Permit Report as read. Upon roll call, all council members present voted for. Motion carried.
Strait made a motion, seconded by Wallace, to approve the Safe Routes to School Sidewalk Addition Plan A. Kieffer Bros. will do the work. The cost of the project is $26,051.30. The City’s share will not exceed $14,051.30. Marshall Schools will contribute $12,000.00 for the project. Upon roll call, all council members present voted for. Motion carried.
Sanders made a motion, seconded by LeFever, to approve the purchase of a Hydro Excavator from Vermeer Midwest in the amount of $93,460.00. Upon roll call, all council members present voted for. Motion carried.
There was no discussion on the sale of the old Hydro Excavator.
McKittrick made a motion, seconded by LeFever, to table the discussion on the purchase of a new Ford F350 for the Water Department. Upon roll call, all council members present voted for. Motion carried.
Sanders made a motion, seconded by Wallace, to adopt ORDINANCE NO. 2016-O-13, an Ordinance Amending Chapter 82 Traffic & Vehicles Section 82-113 No Parking Zones Designated. Upon roll call, all council members present voted for. Motion carried.
LeFever made a motion, seconded by Sanders, to adjourn to Executive Session to discuss the ICOPS Contract. Upon roll call, all council members present voted for. Motion carried.
Raisner made a motion, seconded by Wallace, to adjourn to Open Session. Upon roll call, all council members present voted for. Motion carried.
Sanders made a motion, seconded by Raisner, to pay bills as presented in the amount of $189,676.08. Upon roll call, all council members present voted for. Motion carried.
Being no further business, LeFever made a motion, seconded by Wallace, to adjourn. Upon roll call, all council members present voted for. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:40 P.M.