The Casey City Council held a regular meeting at 6 p.m. Monday, June 6.
The Casey City Council meets at 6 p.m. on the first and third Monday of each month at City Hall, 108 E. Main St.
Here are the meeting minutes as provided by the Casey City Council:
MONDAY, JUNE 6, 2016
6:00 P.M.
i. Call to Order - Mayor Bolin
ii. Pledge of Allegiance
iii. Roll Call
iv. Public Forum
1. Fifteen Minutes Allotted for Pre-registered by signup only.
v. Meeting Minutes
1. Council Action: Approval of the Minutes of the May 16th, 2016
vi. Officers Reports
1. Clerk Mumford
a. Council Action: Approval of the May 2016 Bills paid.
2. Treasurer Lorton
a. Council Action: Collection Deposit report for May 2016.
b. Council Action: Statement of Cash & Investments for April
3. Attorney Mette
4. Superintendent Biggs
a. Lon Gardner with HWC Engineering to present monthly
update on Wastewater Construction Fund.
b. Council Action: Approval to pay from the Wastewater
Project Fund: Division A (Wastewater and CSO Treatment
Facilities): $488,004.49
c. Council Action: Approval to pay from the Wastewater
Project Fund to HWC Engineering: $24,512.20
d. 2016 MFT Oil & Chip Program
1. Possible Council Action to approve the 2016 MFT Oil
and Chip Program in the amount of $57,000
e. 2016 Main Street East Overlay and Engineering Agreement
1. Possible Council Action to approve the 2016 Main
Street East Overlay and Engineering Agreement in
amount of $94,140.00
f. Summer Hires
1. Possible Council Action: Approval of Summer Hires
5. Chief Jenkins
a. Possible Council Action: Approval of hiring of new Police
6. Collector Hutton
7. Fire Chief Garver
8. EMA Director Brewer
vii. New Business
1. Park Committee: Chairman Nichols to report on Meeting held on
May 23rd with Friends of Fairview Park
2. Salary & License Committee: Chairman Nichols to report on
meeting held on May 23rd to discuss dog pound fees and salaries of
non-union employees.
a. Council Action: Go into executive session to discuss
b. Council Action: Adjourn Executive session and Resume
Regular meeting
c. Possible Council action: Approval of non-union wage
3. Finance Committee: Chairman Jenkins to report on meetings held
on May 24th and May 31st for work on FY17 Appropriations.
4. Public Utility: Chairman Nichols to report on meeting held May 26th
about discussing purchase of new Backhoe
a. Council Action: Approve Purchase of Backhoe from Martin
viii. Unfinished Business
ix. Alderman Reports
1. Ward I Alderman Wimbley
2. Ward I Alderman Nichols
3. Ward II Alderman Jenkins
4. Ward II Alderman Dennis
5. Ward III Alderman Dane
6. Ward III Alderman Wilson
x. Mayor Bolin Reports
xi. Adjournment – Council Action