Governor Rauner fired him for basically being a racist, Attorney General Candidate Erika Harold still plans on attending his Coles County Lincoln Day Dinner and giving the key-note speech, and his fellow Coles County Republican Precinct Committeemen appear to be happy with him representing them as their voice to the voters.
Dan Caulkins feels Illinois Lottery Control Board Chairman Blair Garber violated an unspoken oath assumed by all public servants when he blasted East St. Louis as the “sh**hole of the universe
Government pension funds in Olney, Shelbyville and Lawrenceville depended least on taxpayer contributions to make ends meet in 2016, according to the Illinois Department of Insurance.
Dwight Kay, a Glen Carbon Republican who is running for the seat held by Rep. Katie Stuart (D-Edwardsville) in the 112th House District, thinks Blair Gerber did the only thing he could do.
About 28 percent of Altamont Grade School students passed annual English language arts assessments in 2017 and nearly three quarters of students failed.
An Illinoisan attending the University of Illinois will spend nearly $8,000 more per year than a Missourian at Missouri State University-Springfield, according to a Higher Education Tribune analysis of 116 four-year public universities in 10 Midwestern states based on enrollment.