State Representative Chris Miller |
State Representative Chris Miller |
Chris Miller, representing Illinois' 101st State House District and a father of seven homeschooled children, expressed his belief that the Homeschool Act (HB2827) is a direct assault on families across Illinois. He made this statement in a Facebook post on March 18.
"HB2827 is scheduled for the House Education Policy Committee tomorrow," said Miller, State Representative, according to Facebook. "As a father of 7 homeschooled children, I find this bill to be a direct assault on families across Illinois!."
House Bill 2827, known as the "Homeschool Act," mandates the Illinois State Board of Education to develop a homeschool declaration form for administrators to submit information to the school district where the student would otherwise attend. The bill outlines penalties for students whose homeschool administrators fail to notify the public school district of their status and requires homeschool students to provide proof of immunization and health exams or a signed exemption certificate. Filed by Representative Terra Costa Howard on February 5, the bill was assigned to the House Education Policy Committee on March 4.
Screenshot of State Representative Chris Miller's March 18 Facebook post.
| State Representative Chris Miller's Facebook page
In another post, Miller raised concerns about an amendment added to the Homeschool Act and urged parents of homeschooled students and concerned individuals to fill out witness slips. Those interested in testifying regarding House Bill 2827 can register their interest at a designated website after providing contact information such as name, address, business or agency title, and phone number. The form also asks whether the testimony will be oral, written, or for record appearance only.
The amendment mentioned by Miller was filed on March 13 after the Homeschool Act was referred to the Assignments Committee on March 4. It was then referred to the Rules Committee on March 13 and subsequently to the Education Policy Committee on March 18. According to the website dedicated to the bill, there will be two hearings on House Bill 2827: one on March 19 at 8 a.m. and another on March 20 at 2 p.m.
Miller was first elected to the Illinois State House of Representatives in 2019 and is an Illinois native. He is a third-generation cattle farmer and grain operator in Hindsboro. He earned an associate degree in agriculture from Lake Land College and holds a Bachelor of Science in Education according to his official biography.