Ashley Pipher, Trustee | Village of Noble
Ashley Pipher, Trustee | Village of Noble
Village of Noble Village Board met Oct. 28.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
The Village Council met on the above date at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was called to order and present were Brad Kessler, Tresa Hundley, Carl Klingler, Paul Summers, Gary Ulm, Carol O’Dell and Ashley Pipher. Absent Janet Pflaum. Guest Darrel Johnson.
Opened with silent prayer and followed by reciting Pledge of Allegiance.
Motion made by Carol O’Dell to approve October 15, 2024, minutes. Seconded by Ashley Pipher. All voting Aye.
Darrel Johnson asked for approval to place a shipping container on his residential property for storage use. Mr. Johnson presented a quote for the cost of purchasing a shipping container vs a shed, a list of pros and cons for both and a list stating maintenance, placement and stating it would be used for storage only. Mr. Johnson asked what is allowed to be placed on residential property. The matter will be placed on the next agenda.
Noble Caucus will be held at the Noble Village Hall on Dec. 2. Peoples at 6p.m. & Citizens at 6:30p.m.: 3 Trustees 4yr term, 1 Trustee 2yr term remaining & Mayor 4yr term.
The Noble Lions club will hold their pancake breakfast on November 9.
The Village Tax Levy estimate may be provided at the next meeting.
The Noble Village Hall will be closed on November 11 in observance of Veteran’s Day. The next Board meeting will be held on TUESDAY, November 12 due to Veteran’s Day.
Leaf collection will begin on November 4 in village limits. Residents can call village hall to request pick up.
The Olney Christmas parade is being held in Olney on November 30. Noble is decorating the truck and trailer and is asking for volunteers.
Mayor Kessler gave an update on the nuisance case (W. North Ave.) and the Judge is asking someone from the Village to specifically take pictures and go through what exactly the village wants cleaned up and talk to Chapmans. Mayor Kessler will get pictures and contact residents.
Mayor Kessler contacted the Architect for the park restrooms for winterizing the plumbing. He was informed it wasn’t in the contract to have the original plumber return to winterize. So, the Architect said he could send his plumber, but it would be a cost of $420.00. Checking with Olney was mentioned, and Mayor Kessler will check with them.
The Personnel Committee met and discussed how to proceed with the impending retirement of the Village Clerk/Collector. Job descriptions for both Clerk/Collector and Treasurer were reviewed.
Because the Treasurer and Clerk positions cannot be combined, two different people will have to be hired. The Village will advertise for a full-time Treasurer/Secretary position first. Locis has approximately 20 hours remaining to date and that possibly could be used to train a new employee with their software. Once the new person has finished training, a part-time person will need to be hired for the Clerk position. The position will be 35 hours a week, with a starting pay of $25.00/hr. Benefits will include IMRF and 50% of the Village provided insurance will be paid. Applications will be accepted from November 1 – 15. An Ad and job description were provided for the Boards’ review. Motion made by Ashley Pipher to approve the Personnel Committees’ recommendation as presented. Seconded by Carl Klingler. All voting Aye.
Motion made by Ashley Pipher to cancel the second Board meeting on December 23rd. Seconded by Carl Klingler. All voting Aye.
Motion made by Ashley Pipher to pay bills. Seconded by Gary Ulm. All voting Aye.
Motion made by Carol O’Dell to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 p.m. Seconded by Carl Klingler. All voting Aye.
The meeting adjourned until November 12, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. at the Noble Village Hall.