
East Central Reporter

Saturday, October 5, 2024

City of Olney Plan Commission met Sept. 3

Webp 12

Allen Barker, City Manager for the City of Olney | City of Olney

Allen Barker, City Manager for the City of Olney | City of Olney

City of Olney Plan Commission met Sept. 3.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:

AGENDA #1 “CALL TO ORDER” The meeting of the Plan Commission was called to order at 7:43 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Olney City Hall, 300 S. Whittle Avenue, Olney, Illinois, by City Clerk Kelsie Sterchi.

AGENDA #2 “ROLL CALL” The following Plan Commission members were present: Zachary Holder, David Abell, Elliot Brazil, Vicki Lobacz, Scott Jones, Vic Colwell, Pat Everette, and Steve Eichhorst. Wesley Tolliver was absent. Also present were Code Enforcement Officer Dallas Colwell, City Clerk Kelsie Sterchi, City Attorney Bart Zuber, and City Manager Allen Barker.

AGENDA #3 “APPROVE MINUTES OF THE PLAN COMMISSION MEETING ON AUGUST 5, 2024” Mr. Holder moved to approve the minutes of the Plan Commission meeting on August 5, 2024, seconded by Mr. Jones. Mr. Holder, Mr. Abell, Mr. Brazil, Mrs. Lobacz, Mr. Jones, Mr. Colwell, Mr. Everette, and Mr. Eichhorst voted yes. There were no opposing votes. The motion carried.

AGENDA #4 “SWEARING IN” Mr. Eichhorst asked that anyone wishing to testify on behalf of the items being discussed to stand and be sworn in. City Clerk Sterchi asked the individuals standing to raise their right hand and “swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me God.” Brett Hickey and Karen Winkels were sworn in.

AGENDA #5 “PUBLIC HEARING: REZONING OF 4.39 ACRES OF 305 N. WEST STREET FROM R-1 (SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE DISTRICT) TO C-2 (COMMERCIAL DISTRICT)” Craig Kiser, pursuant to the terms of Section 17.12.040 of the City of Olney Municipal Code, had submitted a Petition for Rezoning. The petitioner requested the Commission to consider changes in zoning from R-1 (Single-Family Residence District) to C-2 (Commercial District) on 4.39 acres at 305 N. West Street, with Property Index Number 06-33-401-143. If the request for rezoning was granted, the property would be used for construction of a Starbucks Coffee Shop and infrastructure.

Mr. Hickey was representing Mr. Kiser as his civil engineer for the project. Mr. Hickey explained that if rezoned, their plan would be to build a Starbucks Coffee Shop, a drive-thru with two access points, and two storm water ponds designed to meet the ordinances of the City.

Mr. Abell asked if the petitioner had yet purchased the property. Mr. Hickey replied that they were in “due diligence,” but no purchase had yet been completed.

Mr. Eichhorst asked if two access points would be available off of N. West Street. Mr. Hickey again confirmed and added that IDOT had agreed that they would approve of that proposal. No official approval documents had been sent in or received because they did not want to get too far into the process if the property was not able to be rezoned.

Mr. Eichhorst asked if one access point would kill the deal. Mr. Hickey felt that they could challenge IDOT if that proved to be the case, but again, he indicated that IDOT had extended verbal approval for two access points. They would not plan to make any further changes unless the tides turned.

Mr. Abell asked if the development would be consistent with the area. Mr. D. Colwell replied that the Parkside Plaza was zoned C-2 and the plaza containing the Big R store was zoned C-4.

Mrs. Lobacz wondered how much of the 4.39 acres would be used for the Starbucks development itself. She also wondered if there were any plans for the portions of the acreage not being used for the Starbucks. Mr. Hickey indicated that the Starbucks would cover 1.20 acres itself. In theory, he felt that there could be future plans for additional subdividing for commercial plans. He clarified that there had been no serious discussion on that topic yet.

Mr. Everette asked if future developments would use their access points. Mr. Hickey indicated so. There was a portion on the plan stubbed off for future extensions.

Mr. Everette recalled the westerly area being low. Mr. Hickey agreed. They had a FEMA study conducted and planned to stay out of the flood zones.

Mr. Colwell hoped to see parking lots tied together so that drivers wouldn’t have to go out on the highway multiple times to get to different locations. Mr. Hickey understood but pointed out that would be a decision for other property owners.

From the audience, Ms. Winkels asked if there had been any consideration to accessing Starbucks from the Parkside access point. A traffic signal could also be placed there. Her concern was with the safety issues from left turns coming out of Parkside and also the City Park. Mr. Hickey replied that he would be deferring to IDOT’s current approval on the two access points. Should they require a traffic study in the future, they would comply.

Ms. Winkels then informed the Plan Commission that the 4.39 acreage was part of the Prairie Restoration Project that would now be lost, and also part of the cross country course.

An unidentified woman from the audience asked for the size of the Starbucks building. Mr. Hickey stated that the building would be 2,450 square feet. It would include inside seating, a patio, and a drive-thru.

AGENDA #6 “REZONING: 4.39 ACRES OF 305 N. WEST STREET FROM R-1 (SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE DISTRICT) TO C-2 (COMMERCIAL DISTRICT)” Mr. Jones moved to recommend rezoning of 4.39 acres of 305 N. West Street from R-1 (Single-Family Residence District) to C-2 (Commercial District), seconded by Mr. Abell. Mr. Holder, Mr. Abell, Mr. Brazil, Mrs. Lobacz, Mr. Jones, Mr. Colwell, Mr. Everette, and Mr. Eichhorst voted yes. There were no opposing votes. The motion carried.

Mr. Everette was curious as to the construction timeline. Mr. Hickey hoped to break ground around March of 2025.

Mr. Abell informed Mr. Hickey that the Plan Commission’s recommendation for rezoning would be heard by the Council. The Council would hear this recommendation at its September 9, 2024 meeting.

AGENDA #7 “PUBLIC COMMENTS/PRESENTATIONS” No one from the public wished to speak.

AGENDA #8 “ADJOURN” Mr. Everette moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Jones. Mr. Holder, Mr. Abell, Mr. Brazil, Mrs. Lobacz, Mr. Jones, Mr. Colwell, Mr. Everette, and Mr. Eichhorst voted yes. There were no opposing votes. The motion carried. The Plan Commission meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
