City of Casey City Hall | Wikipedia
City of Casey City Hall | Wikipedia
City of Casey City Council met Aug. 5.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
The Regular Meeting of the City Council was held Monday August 5th, 2024; beginning at 6:00 p.m. Mayor Mike Nichols was present and called the meeting to order and led the pledge of allegiance.
Roll Call:
Present: Alderman Hanley
Alderman Mumford
Alderman Richardson
Alderman Williams
Alderman Wilson
Absent: Alderman Jenkins
A quorum was declared.
Public Forum:
Nancy Bollenbaugh was present and gave the council a petition signed by residents in her subdivision in regards to not allowing semi’s to park in their subdivision. After speaking on the subject, Mayor Nichols and Attorney Willenborg responded with what we think we can and can’t do in regards to this situation. Attorney Willenborg will continue to look into this problem and see if we can come up with a solution.
Community Affairs:
Mayor Nichols moved up Nancy Smith with the Clark County Enterprise Zone. Nancy presented Ordinance #569: An Ordinance to add Territory to the Clark Couty Enterprise Zone. This would add the Sassafras Ridge to the zone.
Alderman Hanley motioned approval of Ordinance #569, seconded by Alderman Mumford. Upon roll call the vote was:
Ayes: 5 – Hanley, Mumford, Richardson, Williams, and Wilson
Nays: 0 – None
Absent: 1 – Jenkins
Motion declared carried.
Meeting Minutes:
Mayor Nichols looked for approval of the minutes of the July 15th, 2024 City Council Meeting. Alderman Mumford motioned approval of the minutes of the July 15th, 2024 City Council Meeting, seconded by Alderman Williams. Upon roll call the vote was:
Ayes: 5 – Hanley, Mumford, Richardson, Williams and Wilson
Nays: 0 – None
Absent: 1 – Jenkins
Motion declared carried.
Mayor Nichols looked for approval of the minutes of the July 15th, 2024 Public Hearing. Alderman Richardson motioned approval of the minutes of the July 15th, 2024 Public Hearing, seconded by Alderman Hanley. Upon roll call the vote was:
Ayes: 4 – Hanley, Mumford, Richardson, and Williams
Nays: 0 – None
Absent: 1 – Jenkins
Abstain: 1 – Wilson
Motion declared carried.
Officers Reports:
Clerk Mumford reported that Economic Development Director Daughhetee has been working with the Monroe PTO and has a back to school event scheduled for Friday August 16th, 2024. The activities will begin at 4:00 p.m. at central park and will end with a movie that night. He asked that West Main be shut down like we normally do for movie night.
Clerk Mumford presented July 2024 Bills Paid in the amount of $1,042,962.31 for approval. Alderman Wilson motioned approval of July 2024 Bills Paid, seconded by Alderman Richardson. Upon roll call the vote was:
Ayes: 5 – Hanley, Mumford, Richardson, Williams and Wilson
Nays: 0 – None
Absent: 1 – Jenkins
Motion declared carried.
Treasurer Lorton presented the July 2024 Treasurer’s Collection Deposit Report in the amount of $505,647.48 for approval.
Alderman Williams motioned approval of July 2024 Treasurer’s Collection Deposit Report, seconded by Alderman Wilson. Upon roll call the vote was:
Ayes: 5 – Hanley, Mumford, Richardson, Williams and Wilson
Nays: 0 – None
Absent: 1 – Jenkins
Motion declared carried.
Superintendent Biggs reported that the Wren Road water project was progressing. We have started demolition of City own property this week. He will be soliciting bids for Tree Removal project soon. He will also be advertising bids for sidewalk replacement soon.
Chief Henderson sent out an updated property list report.
New Business:
Alderman Hanley went over the Public Safety meeting they held on 7/26/2024. They talked about patrol car usage and a possible new incentive. They would like to allow full time officers that have worked with the City for 5 years to be able to be assigned their own patrol car, and if they live within City Limits they get to drive that vehicle home. After some discussion the following motion was made.
Alderman Williams motioned approval to start a new Police Department Incentive that after 5 years of work with the City of Casey, a Full Time officer will be able to get assigned their own vehicle, if they live within City Limits they will get to drive that assigned vehicle home, seconded by Alderman Mumford. Upon roll call the vote was:
Ayes: 5 – Hanley, Mumford, Richardson, Williams and Wilson
Nays: 0 – None
Absent: 1 – Jenkins
Motion declared carried.
Alderman Jenkins was absent so they will table his Ordinance report until the next meeting.
Unfinished Business:
Jared Kanallakan was present with Moran Economic Development. He presented the Blight Analysis and amended Business Development District Plan. This update would add in the gas stations to the Business District. He presented Ordinance #568: which sets a public hearing for this Business District change on Tuesday September 3rd, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. Alderman Richardson motioned approval of Ordinance #568, seconded by Alderman Williams. Upon roll call the vote was:
Ayes: 5 – Hanley, Mumford, Richardson, Williams and Wilson
Nays: 0 – None
Absent: 1 – Jenkins
Motion declared carried.
Mayor Nichols looked for a motion to go into Executive Session for the following: pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 (c), Section 2 (c) (25) Municipal utility contract for purchase, sale or delivery of utilities discussion and Section 2 (c)(5) Personell.
Alderman Williams motioned approval to go into Executive Session, seconded by Alderman Richardson. Upon roll call the vote was:
Ayes: 5 – Hanley, Mumford, Richardson, Williams and Wilson
Nays: 0 – None
Absent: 1 – Jenkins
Motion declared carried.
Executive Session began at 6:59 p.m.
Regular meeting resumed at 7:37 p.m.
Roll call for regular session:
Present 5 – Hanley, Mumford, Richardson, Williams and Wilson
Absent: 1 – Jenkins
Alderman Reports:
Alderman Williams asked about getting streetlights on NE 2nd and East Delaware corner. Alderman Wilson had a tree complaint on East Jefferson and SE 1st. She asked about an old truck sitting on East Washington Rd. Also reported that some of the bolts on the playground are now loose. Shelby said he would have it looked at and taken care of.
Mayor Report:
Gave a property update and reported on the wood carving. Talk about the park pond and stocking it. DNR will continue to assist the City in stocking the pond.
There was no further Business of the City Council for the August 5th, 2024 Council Meeting.
Alderman Hanley motioned to adjourn, seconded by Alderman Richardson. Upon roll call the vote was:
Ayes: 5 – Hanley, Mumford, Richardson, Williams and Wilson
Nays: 0 – None
Absent: 1 – Jenkins
Motion declared carried.
Adjournment of the City Council was at 7:46 p.m.