City of Casey City Hall | Wikipedia
City of Casey City Hall | Wikipedia
City of Casey City Council met May 20.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
The Regular Meeting of the City Council was held Monday May 20th, 2024; beginning at 6:00 p.m. Mayor Mike Nichols was present and called the meeting to order. Lou Brink led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call:
Present: Alderman Hanley
Alderman Mumford
Alderman Richardson
Alderman Williams
Alderman Wilson
Absent: Jenkins
A quorum was declared.
Public Forum:
Community Affairs:
Meeting Minutes:
Mayor Nichols looked for approval of the minutes of the May 6th, 2024 City Council Meeting.
Alderman Mumford motioned approval of the minutes of the May 6th, 2024 City Council Meeting, seconded by Alderman Hanley. Upon roll call the vote was:
Ayes: 5 – Hanley, Mumford, Richardson, Williams and Wilson Nays: 0 – None
Absent: 1 – Jenkins
Motion declared carried.
Officers Reports:
Clerk Mumford presented May 20th, 2024 Bills paid in the amount of $820,284.50 for approval.
Alderman Richardson motioned approval of the May 20th, 2024 Bills Payable, seconded by Alderman Wilson. Upon roll call the vote was:
Ayes: 5 – Hanley, Mumford, Richardson, Williams and Wilson Nays: 0 – None
Absent: 1 – Jenkins
Motion declared carried.
Treasurer Lorton presented the May 2024 Treasurer’s Collection Deposit report in the amount of $522,071.72 for approval.
Alderman Williams motioned approval of the May 2024 Treasurer’s Collection Deposit report, seconded by Alderman Mumford. Upon roll call the vote was:
Ayes: 5 – Hanley, Mumford, Richardson, Williams and Wilson
Nays: 0 – None
Absent: 1 – Jenkins
Motion declared carried.
Attorney Willenborg gave an update on the Greathouse of Pizza property. Deadline for a plan is May 21st, 2024. Next step would be to petition the court to allow us to demolish the property.
Superintendent Biggs gave an update on the ground storage tank inspection. We recently had an electric outage that was due to a computer glitch. June 22nd– June 29th will be our City Wide Clean up dates. Our water department is flushing hydrants this week so we can expect some off colored water. DARAD will be working on playground this week. The downtown bathrooms should be ready to go in a few days. He is also looking for approval to hire the following summer help workers: Jacob Frye, Luke Overbeck, Fred Thomas and Caden Henderson. They will start on June 3rd, 2024.
Alderman Wilson motioned approval to hire the summer help workers, seconded by Alderman Hanley. Upon roll call the vote was:
Ayes: 5 – Hanley, Mumford, Richardson, Williams and Wilson
Nays: 0 – None
Absent: 1 – Jenkins
Motion declared carried.
Dallas Richardson was present to present the 2024 MFT and non MFT resolutions. This years work will include more work on NW 8th street and also oil and chip throughout town.
Alderman Hanley motioned approval of Resolution #052024A: 2024 MFT work, seconded by Alderman Mumford. Upon roll call the vote was:
Ayes: 5 – Hanley, Mumford, Richardson, Williams and Wilson
Nays: 0 – None
Absent: 1 – Jenkins
Motion declared carried.
Alderman Wilson motioned approval of Resolution #052024B: 2024 Non-MFT work, seconded by Alderman Richardson. Upon roll call the vote was:
Ayes: 5 – Hanley, Mumford, Richardson, Williams and Wilson
Nays: 0 – None
Absent: 1 – Jenkins
Motion declared carried.
Superintendent Biggs presented Ordinance #559: Sale of playground equipment to the Nazarene Church for approval.
Alderman Hanley motioned approval of Ordinance #559, seconded by Alderman Richardson. Upon roll call the vote was:
Ayes: 4 – Hanley, Mumford, Richardson, and Wilson
Nays: 0 – None
Abstain: 1 – Williams
Absent: 1 – Jenkins
Motion declared carried.
Economic Development Director Tait reported that Jake Zambaldi was present via phone call to talk about the Business District. Jake went over the steps we would need to do to include other properties in the district. The next deadline we have to meet is October 1st, to be able to start collecting as of January 1st, 2025. Some of the Council would like to start including the gas stations in the business district. After some discussion Jake was instructed to come up with a plan and cost to make this change to the business district. He will have a contact put together that the Council will have to approve to get started.
Economic Development Director Tait then announced that she will be resigning from her City position. The Council wished her the best at her new job.
Chief Henderson gave an update on the property list.
EMA Director Craig gave an update on what they have been working on.
New Business:
Mayor Nichols opened bids for properties that the City is selling. The following are bids the City received:
204 E Van Buren
Durnal and Gowin $750
K. Davidson $2,500
H. Garrett $3,960
Roberts and Ridgley $1,000
S. Davidson $3,501
605 S Central
Durnal and Gowin $750
* K. Davidson $1,500.00
603 S Central
Durnal and Gowin $750
* K. Davidson $1,500
707 S Central
Durnal and Gowin $750
* K. Davidson $1,500
802 SW 4th
* Sidwell and Carter $1,000
D. Bennett $100
105 W Jefferson
* Durnal and Gowin $250
107 W Jefferson
* Durnal and Gowin $250
201 W Harrison
* Durnal and Gowin $750
702 E Madison
* Durnal and Gowin $500
507 SW 2nd
Durnal and Gowin $500
* Remlinger $1,250
310 SW 3rd
* Remlinger $500
After some discussion the ones with asterisks the council recommended to Attorney Willenborg to bring back in Ordinance form for approval at the next Council Meeting. For 204 E Van Buren they will think about.
Unfinished Business:
Finance Chaiman Williams reported on recent Finance committee meetings and made the following recommendations.
Alderman Williams motioned approval of a 3% water rate increase, seconded by Alderman Hanley. Upon roll call the vote was:
Ayes: 5 – Hanley, Mumford, Richardson, Williams and Wilson
Nays: 0 – None
Absent: 1 – Jenkins
Alderman Williams motioned approval of installation of a fuel tank by Bolin Enterprises for bulk fuel, seconded by Alderman Wilson. Upon roll call the vote was:
Ayes: 5 – Hanley, Mumford, Richardson, Williams and Wilson
Nays: 0 – None
Absent: 1 – Jenkins
Alderman Williams motioned approval of a $20,000 donation to the Casey Popcorn Festival, seconded by Alderman Richardson. Upon roll call the vote was:
Ayes: 5 – Hanley, Mumford, Richardson, Williams and Wilson
Nays: 0 – None
Absent: 1 – Jenkins
Mayor Nichols looked for a motion to go into Executive Session for the purpose of the following subjects, pursuant to 5 ILCS 1120/2 (c); Personnel/Compensation – Section 2 (c) (1) and Purchase of Property – Section 2 (c) (3).
Alderman Richardson motioned approval to go into Executive Session, seconded by Alderman Mumford. Upon roll call the vote was:
Ayes: 5 – Hanley, Mumford, Richardson, Williams and Wilson
Nays: 0 – None
Absent: 1 – Jenkins
Executive session began at 7:44 p.m.
Regular meeting resumed at 7:58 p.m.
Roll call back in regular Session:
Ayes: 5 – Hanley, Mumford, Richardson, Williams and Wilson
Nays: 0 – None
Absent: 1 – Jenkins
Alderman Mumford motioned approval of Ordinance #558: Appointment Ordinance, seconded by Alderman Williams. Upon roll call the vote was:
Ayes: 5 – Hanley, Mumford, Richardson, Williams and Wilson
Nays: 0 – None
Absent: 1 – Jenkins
Alderman Richardson motioned approval to set the Assistant Collector’s Salary at $34,819.20, seconded by Alderman Hanley. Upon roll call the vote was:
Ayes: 5 – Hanley, Mumford, Richardson, Williams and Wilson
Nays: 0 – None
Absent: 1 – Jenkins
Alderman Reports:
Alderman Williams reported that he has received a message from the gas station company that was interested in building across the interstate and they are on board again with doing this project. After some discussion Jerome asked for consensus to start this project. To have Shelby start getting the engineering figured out for this project so they can get it done. The Council agreed. The Mayor gave his concerns with this project and spending this money on this project. Alderman Wilson congratulated the 2024 Seniors and wished them well. Alderman Hanley gave his thoughts on the bids the City received and would like to see us award the bid on 204 E Van Buren to Roberts and Ridgley as they are wanting to come back to Casey and raise their family. After some discussion most of the Council agreed.
Alderman Mumford asked if there were any state regulations on laundry mats.
Mayor Report:
Mayor Nichols congratulated the seniors and also recognized Grant Cochonour for a Chicago Bears award he received.
There was no further Business of the City Council for the May 20th, 2024 Council Meeting. Adjournment:
Alderman Mumford motioned to adjourn, seconded by Alderman Wilson. Upon roll call the vote was:
Ayes: 5 – Hanley, Mumford, Richardson, Williams and Wilson
Nays: 0 – None
Absent: 1 – Jenkins
Motion declared carried.
Adjournment of the City Council was at 8:12 p.m.