
East Central Reporter

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Rep. Miller votes no on carbon capture legislation

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State Representative Chris Miller (il) | Representative Chris Miller (R) 101st District

State Representative Chris Miller (il) | Representative Chris Miller (R) 101st District

Rep. Miller Votes No on Carbon Capture and Sequestration Legislation

Representative Miller recently cast a vote against Senate Bill 1289, which addresses carbon capture and sequestration. In his statement, he expressed skepticism about the necessity of such measures in Illinois: “We don’t have a climate crisis in Illinois, but what we do have is a crisis of common sense. This legislation will not prevent a crisis but will create one by making energy completely unreliable and unaffordable for American industries and American consumers. If we eliminate all carbon from our atmosphere green plants won’t grow. This bill was crafted to please Biden and progressive environmental donors.”

Governor Signs $53.1 Billion Budget Including Tax Increase

The Governor has signed a $53.1 billion budget that includes a $750 million tax increase. More details can be found at The Center Square.

Concerns Over Spending on Non-Citizens

Chicago's expenditure of over $400 million this year due to open border policies and its 'sanctuary state' status has been criticized by Rep. Miller as "grotesquely irresponsible." He claims this money is being diverted from legal Chicago residents to fund services for non-American citizens.

Battery Producer Fee Controversy

Miller has also raised concerns about new regulations requiring battery producers to pay an annual fee of $100,000 to the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency for creating battery collection sites. He described this initiative as potentially another unaccountable government program that would ultimately burden consumers.

Republican Lawmakers Oppose Chinese EV Battery Manufacturers

In light of alleged forced labor practices in Chinese supply chains, Republican lawmakers are advocating for bans on companies with ties to Ford and Volkswagen from shipping goods to the U.S., including Gotion's planned site in Manteno, IL. Ford maintains that "gas cars are not being eliminated," emphasizing that electric vehicles are not yet sustainable as the primary mode of transportation.

Judicial Ruling Against Election Rule Changes

On June 5th, Sangamon County Circuit Judge Gail Noll halted an attempt by the Illinois Democrat Supermajority to change election rules affecting how political parties select their candidates, which Republicans argue was intended to block their candidates from challenging Democrats in upcoming elections.

Pension Reform Highlighted

New Trier Township HS District 203’s Superintendent Paul Sally is set to retire next year with lifetime pension benefits nearing $8 million. Miller criticizes these pension systems as unsustainable compared to private sector offerings.

Celebrating National Dairy Month

June marks National Dairy Month, celebrating dairy products and industry contributions across the country.

Summer Activities in Illinois

Residents are encouraged to enjoy some of Illinois’ best waterslides, wave pools, and lazy rivers as summer approaches.

District Information and Constituent Services

For assistance with state agency interactions or other issues, constituents can contact Rep. Miller’s office at 217-508-4108 or visit during office hours at 1113 Lincoln Ave, Charleston.


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