
East Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Olney City Council met April 9

Webp 12

Allen Barker, City Manager for the City of Olney | City of Olney

Allen Barker, City Manager for the City of Olney | City of Olney

City of Olney City Council met April 9.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

AGENDA #1 “CALL TO ORDER” The April 9, 2024, meeting of the Olney City Council was called to order at 6:01 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Olney City Hall located at 300 S. Whittle Avenue, Olney, Illinois, with Mayor Mark Lambird presiding.

AGENDA #2 “PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG-PRAYER” Council members and visitors joined in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. Steve Wingert led the group in prayer.

AGENDA #3 “ROLL CALL” The following Council members were present: Mark Lambird, John McLaughlin, Jack Eyer, and Julia Eichhorst. Morgan Fehrenbacher was absent. Also present were City Manager Allen Barker, City Treasurer Jane Guinn, City Engineer Mike Bridges, City Attorney Bart Zuber, and City Clerk Kelsie Sterchi.

AGENDA #4 “PUBLIC HEARING: 2024/2025 FISCAL BUDGET” The Illinois State Statute requires the Council to hold a public hearing for the tentative fiscal year 2024/2025 budget. Notice was given to the media that the tentative budget was available for viewing at City Hall. The purpose of the hearing would be to allow the public to express opinions and to ask questions regarding the tentative budget. Mayor Lambird then addressed the audience by asking if anyone had comments concerning the proposed budget. No one from the public wished to speak. The public hearing was closed.

AGENDA #5 “PUBLIC COMMENTS/PRESENTATIONS” No one from the public wished to speak.


6-A “Approve Minutes of the Council Meeting on March 26, 2024”

6-B “Approve and Authorize Payment of Accounts Payable April 10, 2024” Pooled Cash $169,030.76, Manual Pooled Cash $96,955.17, Petty Cash $242.14, Foreign Fire $1,299.98, MFT $1,578.50, IMRF $122.66, Tourism $19,392.94

6-C “Appointment: Kevin Ochs to the Police Pension Board”

AGENDA #7 “REMOVAL OF ITEMS FROM CONSENT AGENDA” No items were requested for removal from the consent agenda.

AGENDA #8 “CONSIDERATION OF CONSENT AGENDA” Councilman McLaughlin moved to approve the items on the consent agenda, seconded by Councilwoman Eichhorst. A majority affirmative voice vote was received.

AGENDA #9 “CONSIDERATION OF ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT AGENDA” No items were requested for removal from the consent agenda.


10-A “Request: 2024 Sponsorship of White Squirrel Saddle Club Youth & Adult Programs” Al Zellmer was present to speak to the Council about this request. Mr. Zellmer reminded the Council of their past sponsorships and expressed his appreciation. The programs were very well-attended.

This year, the White Squirrel Saddle Club (Saddle Club) would be offering a roping clinic for boys and girls. There would also be a free summer camp for Richland County youth.

The Council’s sponsorships also helped tourism as more people attended the horse shows and other events. The sponsorships also allowed for better equipment and better management of the grounds for public use.

Councilman Eyer was aware that the Council had granted $4,000.00 sponsorships in years 2022 and 2023. He asked if the Saddle Club would ever be able to self-sustain its own programs.

At this time, Mr. Zellmer said that the answer to the Councilman’s question would be no. If attendance and memberships continued to increase, that may change at some point in the future.

Councilwoman Eichhorst moved to authorize a $4,000.00 sponsorship to the Saddle Club for its youth and adult programs for 2024, seconded by Councilman McLaughlin. A majority affirmative voice vote was received.

10-B “Request: Class A Liquor License for NK Borgic Hospitality LLC.” The Council was provided with a Class A liquor license application for NK Borgic Hospitality LLC. Neil and Kiley Borgic were present to speak on the request.

Mr. Borgic explained that this liquor license would allow them to better serve guests of the Event Center and Best Western Plus. The Borgics were also interest in offering larger events in the future that would be open for attendance by the public.

Councilwoman Eichhorst was aware that customers who reserved the Event Center could, at this time, have alcohol supplied in another manner. She was curious if customers would still have that option or if they could only use alcohol as provided by the Event Center.

Mrs. Borgic felt that at some point, alcohol supply for events would be taken care of by the Event Center. Mr. Borgic added that they were also willing to work with their customers.

Councilman Eyer asked if the Borgics planned on having alcohol sales each day to the public, since they were asking for a Class A (Tavern) liquor license. Mr. Borgic replied that was not their intention. Mayor Lambird added that he felt that this type of license would make business easier on the Borgics.

Councilman Eyer moved to approve a Class A liquor license for NK Borgic Hospitality LLC., seconded by Councilman McLaughlin. A majority affirmative voice vote was received.

10-C “Possible Ordinance: Amend Section 5.12.070 (Restriction on Number of Licenses Authorized) of the City of Olney Municipal Code” The Council was provided with a proposed ordinance that would amend Section 5.12.070 (Restriction on Number of Licenses Authorized) of the City of Olney Municipal Code.

Mr. Barker explained that since the Council approved the Class A liquor license request, the Code would need to be amended to allow for an additional Class A license.

Councilman McLaughlin moved to approve Ordinance 2024-17, seconded by Councilwoman Eichhorst. A majority affirmative voice vote was received.

10-D “Resolution: Transfer Money from Tourism Fund to General Corporate Fund” The Council was provided with a proposed resolution that would transfer $10,000.00 from the Tourism Fund to the General Corporate Fund.

Mrs. Guinn explained that this action was taken each year to reimburse the General Corporate Fund for time spent by the City Clerk on tourism-related administrative tasks.

Councilwoman Eichhorst moved to approve 2024-R-27, seconded by Councilman Eyer. A majority voice vote was received.

10-E “Resolution: Amend the City of Olney Annual Budget for Fiscal Year 2023-2024” The Council was provided with a proposed resolution that would amend the current budget.

Mrs. Guinn told the Council that this resolution was mostly a housekeeping item to tie up the current fiscal year. A few expenses were slightly over what was budgeted, and these amendments would match up the differences.

The one non-housekeeping item was a budget amendment that would take funds from the Pool Bath/Pump House Roof line item and transfer them into the Ballpark Remotes/Receivers line item. It had been discussed that upgrade and repair of ballpark remotes and receivers would be included in next year’s budget, but since funds were still available in this year’s budget, she and the Park Department Supervisor recommended this budget amendment to take care of the project now and remove it out of next year’s budget.

Councilman McLaughlin moved to approve 2024-R-28, seconded by Councilman Eyer. A majority affirmative voice vote was received.

10-F “Ordinance: Temporary Amendment to Section 2.24.010 (Department Established) of the City of Olney Municipal Code” The Council was provided with a proposed ordinance that would authorize a temporary amendment to Section 2.24.010 (Department Established) of the City of Olney Municipal Code.

This proposed amendment would authorize 11 patrol officers instead of 10 patrol officers only until July 31, 2024. This temporary amendment was needed in order to best serve training schedules around the tight availability for the Academy. The Police Department had one patrol officer vacancy, and another would be created in a couple of months once a current officer was promoted to Sergeant.

Councilman McLaughin moved to approve Ordinance 2024-18, seconded by Councilwoman Eichhorst. A majority affirmative voice vote was received.

10-G “Resolution: Accept Bids for Furnishing and Delivery of Concrete for Street Patching, Curb and Gutter Construction, and Miscellaneous Construction” The Council was provided with a proposed resolution that would accept bids for the furnishing an delivery of concrete for street patching, curb and gutter construction, and miscellaneous construction.

On April 4th, sealed bids were opened for the purposes listed above. Doll’s and Schrey Systems both submitted bids. Mr. Barker told that Schrey Systems was the low bidder on all mixes, and it was recommended to approve these low bids.

Councilwoman Eichhorst moved to approve 2024-R-29, seconded by Councilman Eyer. A majority affirmative voice vote was received.

10-H “Resolution: Accept Bids for Furnishing and Delivery of Sand, Pea Gravel, Crushed Stone and Riprap” The Council was provided with a proposed resolution that would accept bids for the furnishing and delivery of sand, pea gravel, crushed stone, and riprap.

On April 4th, sealed bids were also opened for the purposes listed above. Charles H. Carter Trucking and Wolf Creek Trucking both submitted bids. Mr. Barker said that Charles H. Carter was the low bidder on all categories except for crushed stone 2” where they submitted a bid in the same amount as Wolf Creek Trucking. Because all other categories saw the low bid from Charles H. Carter Trucking, it was recommended to approve the crushed stone 2” bid to them as well for ease of ordering.

Councilman McLaughlin moved to approve 2024-R-30, seconded by Councilwoman Eichhorst. A majority affirmative voice vote was received.

10-I “Resolution: Authorize New Bank Accounts – Equipment Reserves & Main/Whittle Enhancements” The Council was provided with a proposed resolution that would authorize new bank accounts for equipment reserves, and the Main/Whittle Enhancements Project.

Mrs. Guinn reminded the Council that discussions had been taking place over the years about setting aside General funds at the end of a fiscal year for road projects and equipment. She already had a bank account in place to reserve funds for road projects, but she was now seeking authorization to go ahead and also set up a bank account to reserve funds for equipment.

Additionally, an amount of $250,000.00 was planned to be placed in the next fiscal year’s budget for the Main/Whittle Enhancements. Since she was not sure when the project would actually be completed, Mrs. Guinn wished to set up a bank account for this particular project now and transfer the $250,000.00 out of the General bank account and into the new account. If this was done, she would then remove that out of the proposed budget for next year since the funds would already be set aside.

Councilwoman Eichhorst moved to approve 2024-R-31, seconded by Councilman Eyer. A majority affirmative voice vote was received.


11-A “Status Report-City Manager” The Council was provided with a Status Report. Mr. Barker had nothing additional to add, but was open for questions.

11-B “RCDC Report” There was no report.

11-C “Chamber of Commerce Report” Councilwoman Eichhorst praised the Chamber and the Eclipse Festival Committee for their efforts surrounding the celebration of the total solar eclipse. She heard several compliments from visitors.

Mayor Lambird agreed and also thanked City staff for being so helpful. To his knowledge, all ran smoothly and many people were in town.

Councilwoman Eichhorst also stated that the Chamber’s Annual Luncheon would be held toward the end of the month.

11-D “Parks & Recreation Board Report” There was no report.

11-E “Tourism Board Report” Mayor Lambird had heard many visitors say that they would like to come back for another visit following the eclipse. The Mayor said that the community should be proud of the reminder given about what a nice town and community we have to call our own.

Councilwoman Eichhorst agreed and stated that business owners that she had spoken with were also pleased. Their shops were packed.


Councilman McLaughlin moved to adjourn to closed session to discuss the sale or lease price of real property; acquisition of real property; appointment, employment, compensation, and performance of specific employees; and collective negotiating matters, seconded by Councilman Eyer. A majority affirmative voice vote was received.

The meeting adjourned to closed session at 6:19 p.m.

AGENDA #13 “RECONVENE OPEN SESSION” Councilman McLaughlin moved to enter back into open session, seconded by Councilwoman Eichhorst. A majority affirmative voice vote was received. Open session resumed at 6:30 p.m.

13-A “Approve Minutes of Closed Session on March 26, 2024” Councilwoman Eichhorst moved to approve minutes of closed session from March 26, 2024, seconded by Councilman Eyer. A majority affirmative voice vote was received.

13-B “Resolution: Authorize Execution of Agreement Regarding Employment Benefits for Interim Fire Chief” The Council was provided with a proposed resolution that would authorize the execution of an agreement regarding employment benefits for the Interim Fire Chief. The Council was also provided with a copy of the proposed agreement.

Fire Chief Holmes’ last day as Chief would be April 12, 2024. Mr. Barker proposed appointing Firefighter Daron Harmon as Interim Fire Chief.

Councilman McLaughlin wished to take action on agenda items 13-B and 13-C together.

Councilman McLaughlin moved to approve 2024-R-32, and Ordinance 2024-19, seconded by Councilwoman Eichhorst. A majority affirmative voice vote was received.

13-C “Ordinance: Establish Salary of a Full-Time Employee & Pool Managers” The Council was provided with a proposed ordinance that would establish the salary of a full-time employee, and the pool managers. Action on this item was taken under 13-B.

Councilman McLaughlin was curious if the Elks were going to take over the Christmas Parade. Mayor Lambird replied that they would have a decision made at the next meeting of the Elks.

If the Elks were not interested, Councilman McLaughin indicated that no other organizations had expressed interest in taking over the parade. If there were no options, he suggested the creation of a committee where members could serve for two to three years. He suggested approximately six members be in the committee.

Mayor Lambird then told the Council that since the Eclipse Festival was such a success downtown, people were seriously considering hosting a similar downtown event each year.

An amount of $35,000.00 had been included in the current budget for the purchase of a Park Department pickup truck. Mr. Barker was able to receive a good quote of $31,500.00. He

wondered if the Council would be agreeable to purchasing the truck as soon as possible with formal action being taken at the next Council meeting.

No members of the Council objected.

AGENDA #14 “ADJOURN” With no further business to discuss, Councilman McLaughlin moved to adjourn, seconded by Councilwoman Eichhorst. A majority affirmative voice vote was received.

The meeting adjourned at 6:37 p.m.




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