City of Casey City Hall | Wikipedia
City of Casey City Hall | Wikipedia
City of Casey City Council met Feb. 5.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
Monday February 5th, 2024; beginning at 6:00 p.m. Mayor Mike Nichols was present and called the meeting to order. Marcy Mumford led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call:
Present: Alderman Hanley
Alderman Jenkins
Alderman Mumford
Alderman Richardson
Alderman Williams – was absent until 6:05 p.m.
Alderman Wilson
Absent: None
A quorum was declared.
Public Forum:
Community Affairs:
Meeting Minutes:
Mayor Nichols looked for approval of the minutes of the January 15th, 2024 City Council Meeting.
Alderman Mumford motioned approval of the minutes of the January 15th, 2024 City Council Meeting, seconded by Alderman Jenkins. Upon roll call the vote was:
Ayes: 5 – Hanley, Jenkins, Mumford, Richardson, and Wilson
Nays: 0 – None
Absent: 1 – Williams
Motion declared carried.
Officers Reports:
Clerk Mumford presented January 2024 Bills paid in the amount of $730,205.34 for approval.
Alderman Richardson motioned approval of January 2024 Bills Paid, seconded by Alderman Hanley. Upon roll call the vote was:
Ayes: 5 – Hanley, Jenkins, Mumford, Richardson, and Wilson
Nays: 0 – None
Absent: 1 – Williams
Motion declared carried.
Treasurer Lorton presented the January 2024 Treasurer’s Collection Deposit Report in the amount of $628,051.65 for approval.
Alderman Wilson motioned approval of January 2024 Treasurer’s Collection Deposit Report, seconded by Alderman Richardson. Upon roll call the vote was:
Ayes: 5 – Hanley, Jenkins, Mumford, Richardson, and Wilson
Nays: 0 – None
Absent: 1 – Williams
Motion declared carried.
Alderman Williams arrived at the meeting at 6:05 p.m.
Treasurer Lorton presented November 2023: $14,299,630.44 and December 2023: $14,406,202.93, statements of cash and investments for approval.
Alderman Wilson motioned approval of November and December 2023 Statements of Cash and Investments, seconded by Alderman Hanley. Upon roll call the vote was:
Ayes: 6 – Hanley, Jenkins, Mumford, Richardson, Williams, and Wilson
Nays: 0 – None
Motion declared carried.
New Business:
Alderman Williams reported on the Finance committee meeting held on 1/25/2024. Mayor Nichols looked for a motion to approve the purchase of furniture for the downtown bathroom from Barco Products not to exceed $18,354.00.
Alderman Jenkins motioned approval to purchase furniture for downtown bathroom, seconded by Alderman Wilson. Upon roll call the vote was:
Ayes: 6 – Hanley, Jenkins, Mumford, Richardson, Williams, and Wilson
Nays: 0 – None
Motion declared carried.
After some discussion they are going to send the dock project to the Park Committee and see about bid requirements.
Alderman Williams motioned approval of the Summer Concert series budget of $9,000 and to spend $3,000 for the summer movies, seconded by Alderman Richardson. Upon roll call the vote was:
Ayes: 6 – Hanley, Jenkins, Mumford, Richardson, Williams, and Wilson
Nays: 0 – None
Motion declared carried.
Alderman Hanley reported on a Public Safety Committee meeting held on 1/29/2024. After some discussions and changes to the EMA Policy Hanley made the following motion: Alderman Hanley motioned approval of the EMA Policy with changes made as discussed, seconded by Alderman Jenkins. Upon roll call the vote was:
Ayes: 6 – Hanley, Jenkins, Mumford, Richardson, Williams, and Wilson
Nays: 0 – None
Motion declared carried.
Unfinished Business:
Ordinance #554: An Ordinance Authorizing the sale of Real Estate (603 and 605 S Central) was presented. It was noted that to sell property the council has to have a 3/4s approval vote of the whole body, including the Mayor. So this ordinance needs 6 yes votes to pass. Alderman Jenkins motioned approval of Ordinance #554, seconded by Alderman Richardson. Upon roll call the vote was:
Ayes: 5 – Hanley, Jenkins, Mumford, Richardson, and Nichols
Nays: 2 – Williams and Wilson
Motion declared not carried due to needing 6 yes votes.
Alderman Reports:
Mayor Report:
There was no further Business of the City Council for the February 5th, 2024 Council Meeting.
Alderman Mumford motioned to adjourn, seconded by Alderman Jenkins. Upon roll call the vote was:
Ayes: 6 – Hanley, Jenkins, Mumford, Richardson, Williams, and Wilson
Nays: 0 – None
Motion declared carried.
Adjournment of the City Council was at 6:43 p.m.