Linn Park, featuring the world's largest anvil. The Martinsville Library is in the background. | WikipediA
Linn Park, featuring the world's largest anvil. The Martinsville Library is in the background. | WikipediA
City of Martinsville City Council met Jan. 10.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
Alderman Roll Call:
Chris Davidson
Jacob Hammond
Bob Lovell
Shane Pendleton
Chris Perry
Ashley Wilhoit
Attendance: Mayor Herman Davidson, Clerk‐ Christy Perisho, City Attorney Richard Bernardoni, Treasurer‐ Terri Connelly
Visitors: Dan Kibler‐Marshall Advocate, Kelsey Swing, Sheena Hammond
Meeting called to order by Mayor Davidson at 7:00 PM.
Prayer: Bob Lovell. All in attendance recited the “Pledge of Allegiance.”
Kelsey Swing addressed council to present audit report.
‐‐Motion by A. Wilhoit, 2nd by J. Hammond, to approve the previous meeting minutes, 12‐13 & 12‐18. Record Vote:
Davidson Yes Pendleton Yes
Perry Yes Hammond Yes
Lovell Yes Wilhoit Yes
Motion carried.
‐‐Motion by A. Wilhoit, 2nd by C. Perry, to approve bill list.
Record Vote:
Davidson Yes Pendleton Yes
Perry Yes Hammond Yes
Lovell Yes Wilhoit Yes
Motion carried.
‐‐Motion by A. Wilhoit, 2nd by C. Perry, to approve treasurer report.
Record Vote:
Davidson Yes Pendleton Yes
Perry Yes Hammond Yes
Lovell Yes Wilhoit Yes
Motion carried.
‐‐Motion by A. Wilhoit, 2nd by C. Perry, to approve Ordinance # 2024‐1‐1.
Record Vote:
Davidson Yes Pendleton Yes
Perry Yes Hammond Yes
Lovell Yes Wilhoit Yes
Motion carried.
‐‐Motion by A. Wilhoit, 2nd by C. Perry, to approve Collector paying necessary bills when regular scheduled meeting is missed.
Record Vote:
Davidson Yes Pendleton Yes
Perry Yes Hammond Yes
Lovell Yes Wilhoit Yes
Motion carried.
‐‐Purchase of vehicle and body worn cameras for police department.
‐‐Compensation for elected officials for the next election.
‐‐Motion by A. Wilhoit, 2nd by C. Perry, to close the meeting.
Meeting adjourned 7:50 PM.