
East Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Shelbyville Community Unit School District 4 Board of Education met Dec. 12

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IL State Scholars Announced: F-Row: Abigail Tomlin, Anna Tynan, Ella Storm; B-Row: Jack Lockart, Aydan Fisher, Isaac Chambers, Amber Lewis | Shelbyville School District | Facebook

IL State Scholars Announced: F-Row: Abigail Tomlin, Anna Tynan, Ella Storm; B-Row: Jack Lockart, Aydan Fisher, Isaac Chambers, Amber Lewis | Shelbyville School District | Facebook

Shelbyville Community Unit School District 4 Board of Education met Dec. 12.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

1. Call to Order and Roll Call

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Public Recognition and Communications - 12

4. Consent Agenda

a. Approval of Minutes from the November 16th, 2023 Open and Closed Meetings

b. Approval of November 2023 Financial Reports: Revenue Summary, Treasurer's, Board Bills, Expense Summary, Revolving Funds, Activity, and Fund Summary

5. Discussion Items

a. FFA National Convention Presentation

b. Site Feasibility Study

c. High School Baseball Field

6. Action Items

a. Approval of 2023 Tax Year Levy

b. Consideration and action on a Resolution abating taxes heretofore levied for the year 2023 to pay debt service on the General Obligation School Bonds (Alternative Revenue Source), Series 2014, of the District

c. Approval of Board Policy 7:300 - 2nd Reading

d. Approval of Reciprocal Reporting Intergovernmental Agreement Between Shelbyville CUSD #4, City of Shelbyville and the Shelbyville Police Department.

7. Request for Executive Session RE: Appointment, Employment, Compensation, Performance, or Dismissal of Specific Employee(s) of the School District and Litigation

8. Possible Action(s) as a result of Executive Session

a. Approve Employee Special Leave Request

9. Principals' Reports - SHS, Moulton, Main, Early, Athletic, Maintenance

10. Superintendent's Report

11. Approve Consent Agenda and Adjourn
