
East Central Reporter

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Villa Grove City Council met May 8

City of Villa Grove City Council met May 8.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:


The City Council of the City of Villa Grove met in regular session on Monday, May 8, 2023, in Council Chambers. Mayor Eversole-Gunter called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Roll call found the following members present: Alderman Blaney, Garrett, Cheely, Pangburn, and Johnson. Aldermen Hooker was absent. City Administrator Athey, Clerk Osborne, PW Director Mixell, PD Chief Rea, CCPS Director Surowka were also present.

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - The Mayor stood and led all attendees in The Pledge of Allegiance.

CONSENT AGENDA (ITEMS FOR SINGLE-VOTE APPROVAL WITHOUT DISCUSSION) - Alderman Garrett motioned to approve the full consent agenda. Alderman Johnson seconded the motion. Roll Call: Blaney, yea, Johnson, yea, Garrett, yea, Cheely, yea, Pangburn, yea. Motion approved.

1. Minutes of the last Regular City Council Meeting and Last closed session, held April 10, 2023

2. Minutes of the last Regular Committee of the Whole Meeting, held April 24, 2023

3. Minutes of the last Closed Session of the Committee of the Whole Meeting, held April 24, 2023

4. Authorization for the Payment of Bills

5. Financial Reports for the Month Ending March 31, 2023

6. Cash Balance Report for the Month Ending April 30, 2023

7. Broeren Russo Pay Req No 10

8. Purchase of BBuilt Rake-N-Ator for $3200

PUBLIC COMMENTS - A group of citizens whose addresses will be affected by the upcoming street name changes were in attendance to express concerns and to learn what will happen. Council discussed issues and let them know the changes are to take place July 1, 2023. One item to come out of this discussion is a request for the Zest for Life Center to be available to help citizens with issues associated with the address updates.


1. Ordinance 2023-MC09—An Ordinance Authorizing the Mayor to Execute the Collective Bargaining Agreement Between the City of Villa Grove and the Teamsters Local 26 for the Public Works Department/Administrative Office Bargaining Unit and Granting the Mayor and City Administrator Certain Powers Regarding Collective Bargaining - Alderman Garrett made the motion to approve Ordinance 2023-MC09. Alderman Johnson seconded the motion. Roll Call: Blaney, yea, Johnson, yea, Garrett, yea, Cheely, yea, Pangburn, yea. Motion approved.

2. Ordinance 2023-MC10—An Ordinance Authorizing the Mayor to Execute the Collective Bargaining Agreement Between the City of Villa Grove and the Teamsters Local 26 for the Police Bargaining Unit and Granting the Mayor and City Administrator Certain Powers Regarding Collective Bargaining - Alderman Garrett made the motion to approve Ordinance 2023-MC10. Alderman Johnson seconded the motion. Roll Call: Blaney, yea, Johnson, yea, Garrett, yea, Cheely, yea, Pangburn, yea. Motion approved.

3. Approve Change Orders for small items–Community Center - Alderman Garrett motioned to approve Change orders for small items at the Community Center. Alderman Johnson seconded the motion. Roll Call: Blaney, yea, Johnson, yea, Garrett, yea, Cheely, yea, Pangburn, yea. Motion approved.

4. Approve Richman Park Master Planning quote from Engineering Resource Associates - Alderman Johnson motioned to approve the Richman Park Master planning quote from ERA. Alderman Garrett seconded the motion. Roll Call: Blaney, yea, Johnson, yea, Garrett, yea, Cheely, yea, Pangburn, yea. Motion approved.

RECOGNITION OF ALDERMAN GARRETT - This is Alderman Garrett’s last meeting. The Mayor and Council thanked Mr. Garrett for his service to the council and to the community and wished him the best in his future endeavors.

RECOGNITION OF LONGTIME EMPLOYEES ELSTON AND ATHEY - The Mayor called Police Secretary Beth Elston and City Administrator Jacki Athey to the front for recognition of their long-time employment with the City. Beth Elston has over 30 years of full-time employment and 3 years of part-time employment with the City of Villa Grove mainly as the Secretary of the Police Department. Beth has also served in many other capacities, such as in the Fire Department as a First Responder, assisted with duties at City Hall, and many more when asked of her. Beth is reliable and someone who does every job with a great attitude and attention to detail. We recognize her contributions to the City so far and thank Beth Elston for being a dedicated employee.

Jacki Athey has been employed over 30 years with the City of Villa Grove in a financial and administrative capacity. Jacki is dedicated and does her job with confidence and is detail oriented. Jacki has always filled roles as have been asked of her. Along with being a city employee, Jacki is also the Treasurer of long standing for the City. Jacki has worked her way up and now serves as the City Administrator for the City of Villa Grove. We thank Jacki Athey for her years of being a dedicated employee.

SWEARING IN OF NEWLY ELECTED OFFICIAL-WADE LORENZ, ALDERMAN, WARD 3 - Mr. Wade Lorenz was sworn in to replace Alderman Garrett as the new Alderman of Ward 3. We welcome Mr. Lorenz and look forward to his contributions to the City of Villa Grove.


CITY ADMINISTRATOR REPORT - Jacki Athey reported: April 30 was the end of Fiscal year 2023. She also asked about doing the annual depreciation transfers for the Fire Department, etc. It was decided she will speak with the department heads about this. The Tax Levy expected amount will be $309, 000. The Street Name change letters will go out this week. Fehr-Graham will update the City maps with new names and the North End and Tri-City annexes also. A request was made to have the City enter the garbage and recycling collection dates on the website, since they are on two separate days now.

DEPARTMENT HEAD REPORTS: Chief of Police Rea: Bob reports working with the city attorney on the status of the Front Street property. Reminders have gone out about tall grass that needs to be mowed by homeowners.

Director of PW Mixell report: Reports the new machine shop has been completed and they are working on organizing it with equipment storage, etc. The storm that passed through last week had some downed trees reported, and they took care of them. There were no huge damage issues from the storm this time. The crews have been busy patching roads also.

Director of CCPS Surowka: Reported plumbing and HVAC are 99% complete. Painting of the track railing is in process; the stone veneer is complete. Floors in team rooms are done. The new hydrant line is complete. The marquis base and posts are being put in. She is working to finalize a software for scheduling. There were 20 participants in the Summer Rec Skills day on Loyalty Day.

MAYORAL REPORT - The rodeo company could not be here tonight, but they will attend our next meeting on May°22 and present their plan. The Street Dedications on Loyalty Day went very well and were well attended and emotional. Upcoming events to look forward to are the Alumni gatherings on Memorial Day weekend and Ag Days on August 3-4.


1. Approve IDOT Resolution for Motor Fuel Road Program 2023 - Alderman Lorenz motioned to approve the IDOT MF Road Program. Alderman Cheely seconded the motion. Roll Call: Johnson, yea, Lorenz, yea, Blaney, yea, Pangburn, yea, and Cheely, yea. Motion approved.

2. Approve reimbursement to Mayor Eversole-Gunter for landscaping purchases - Alderman Cheely motioned to approve reimbursement to the Mayor for purchase of landscaping plants. Alderman Pangburn seconded the motion. Roll Call: Johnson, yea, Lorenz, yea, Blaney, yea, Pangburn, yea, and Cheely, yea. Motion approved.

CLOSED SESSION - Alderman Cheely motioned to go into Closed Session at 7:03 pm under the Open Meetings Act per Section 2/(c)(1) of 5 ILCS/120/2 Exceptions to Open Meetings Act for the discussion of appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees. Alderman Pangburn seconded the motion. Roll Call: Johnson, yea, Lorenz, yea, Blaney, yea, Pangburn, yea, and Cheely, yea. Motion approved.

Council returned to open session at 7:12 pm.

ADJOURNMENT - With no further business, Alderman Cheely motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:13 pm. Alderman Pangburn seconded the motion. Roll Call: Johnson, yea, Lorenz, yea, Blaney, yea, Pangburn, yea, and Cheely, yea. Motion approved.
