
East Central Reporter

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

City of Casey City Council met Feb. 21

City of Casey City Council met Feb. 21.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Roll Call:

Present: Alderman Jenkins

Alderman Mumford

Alderman Richardson

Alderman Ruffner

Alderman Williams

Alderman Wilson

Absent: None

A quorum was declared.

Public Forum:


Community Affairs:


Meeting Minutes:

Mayor Nichols looked for approval of the minutes of the February 6

th, 2023 City

Council Meeting.

Alderman Mumford motioned approval of the minutes of the February 6th, 2023

City Council Meeting, seconded by Alderman Richardson. Upon roll call the vote was:

Ayes: 6 – Jenkins, Mumford, Richardson, Ruffner, Williams and Wilson

Nays: 0 – None

Abstain 0 – None

Motion declared carried.

Officers Reports:

Treasurer Lorton presented the February 17th, 2023 Bills Paid for approval in the amount

of $561,953.91.

Alderman Jenkins motioned approval of the February 17th, 2023 Bills Paid, seconded by

Alderman Williams. Upon roll call the vote was:

Ayes: 6 – Richardson, Ruffner, Williams, Wilson, Jenkins and Mumford.

Nays: 0 – None

Abstain: 0 – None

Motion declared carried.

Treasurer Lorton presented the January 2023 Statement of Cash & Investments for approval in the amount of $15,262,718.06.

Alderman Wilson motioned approval of the January 2023 Statement of Cash & Investments for $15,262,718.06, seconded by Alderman Ruffner. Upon roll call the vote was:

Ayes: 6 – Ruffner, Williams, Wilson, Jenkins, Mumford and Richardson

Nays: 0 – None

Abstain: 0 – None

Motion declared carried.

Treasurer Lorton presented the February 2023 Treasurer’s Collection Deposit Report totaling $720,131.70 for approval.

Alderman Wilson motioned approval of the February 2023 Treasurer’s Collection Deposit Report totaling $720,131.70, seconded by Alderman Mumford. Upon roll call the vote was:

Ayes: 6 – Williams, Wilson, Jenkins, Mumford, Richardson and Ruffner

Nays: 0 – None

Abstain: 0 – None

Motion declared carried.

Superintendent Biggs reported that the water leak by Lori Wilson’s had been repaired. The gum trees on main had been removed. He stated that while the Gas prices are low he will be looking into locking in the Gas price until 2027. He then requested that the Council hire Ryan Yukich for the Street Department.

Alderman Richardson motioned approval of the hire of Ryan Yukich, seconded by Alderman Jenkins. Upon roll call the vote was:

Ayes: 6 – Wilson, Jenkins, Mumford, Richardson, Ruffner and Williams

Nays: 0 – None

Abstain: 0 – None

Motion declared carried.

Chief Henderson was questioned by Mayor Nichols about the purchase of a new squad car. Chief Henderson reported that Morrow Brothers had cars on the lot that were equipped closely with what we needed. The Finance Committee will meet to discuss this on Wednesday, February 22nd, 2023. He also reported that the list of properties had been sent to Attorney Willenborg.

New Business:

Economic Development Director Tait introduced Nancy Smitley. Ms. Smitley advised the Council of additional territory wanting to be added to the Enterprise Zone. Alderman Mumford motioned to approve Ordinance # 529 An Ordinance to Add Territory to the Clark Co. Enterprise Zone, seconded by Alderman Richardson. Upon roll call the vote was:

Ayes: 6 – Jenkins, Mumford, Richardson, Ruffner, Williams and Wilson

Nays: 0 – None

Abstain: 0 – None

Motion declared carried.

Economic Development Director Tait reported on the Committee Meeting of the Whole and the discussion of establishing a Business District. Bailey requested approving Ordinance # 530 An Ordinance of the City of Casey that sets the Public Hearing date for the Establishment of a Business District in Casey.

Alderman Jenkins motioned approval of Ordinance # 530 that sets the Public Hearing date for the establishment of a business District in Casey which was set for March 20, 2023 at 5:00 p.m., seconded by Alderman Wilson. Upon roll call the vote was:

Ayes: 6 – Mumford, Richardson, Ruffner, Williams, Wilson and Jenkins

Nays: 0 – None

Abstain: 0 – None

Motion declared carried.

Alderman Richardson reported on the Park Committee held on Wednesday, February 15, 2023. The committee discussed new Playground Equipment. She informed the Council that you could not attach new playground equipment to the old. The best option is to tear out the existing, get a new base, new equipment and rubber mulch. The new playground will not be here until October if ordered now. Superintendent Biggs reported that there is a State Bid dealer in Effingham he is going to check with.

Alderman Reports:

Alderman Jenkins reported that he had been informed that the Flag next to the softball museum needs replaced.

Alderman Wilson thanked the Utility Dept. for fixing the water leak.

Mayor Reports:

Mayor Nichols reported that he is still working on getting the old KFC building condemned. He informed the council that Mr. Yost submitted his plan to the State again. In the future he would like to see “Mini Homes” build in Casey.


Alderman Mumford motion to adjourn, seconded by Alderman Jenkins. Upon roll call the vote was:

Ayes: 6 – Jenkins, Mumford, Richardson, Ruffner, Williams and Wilson

Nays: 0 – None

Abstain: 0 – None

Motion declared carried.

Adjournment of the City Council was at 6:41 p.m.
