Flora Community Unit School District 35 Board of Education met Jan. 30.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
Members Present: McCoy, Leib, Porter, Brooks, Wiley, Dunahee
Administration Present: Hackney, Leonard
Guests: Dalton Williams
Media: None
Call to Order: 5:30 p.m.
1. Motion Leib seconded by Dunahee, to enter into executive session at (5:30 p.m.) Roll Call: Unanimous
2. Motion Porter seconded by Leib, to return to regular session at (5:51 p.m.) Roll Call: Unanimous
3. Motion Wiley seconded by Porter, to approve the resolution for the expulsion of student 08391491 . Roll Call: McCoy, yes; Porter, yes; Wiley, yes; Brooks, yes; Dunahee, yes; Leib, yes.
4. Motion Leib seconded by Dunahee, to enter into executive session at (6:14 p.m.) Roll Call: Unanimous
5. Motion Leib seconded by Brooks, to return to regular session at (9:15 p.m.) Roll Call: Unanimous
6. Motion Wiley seconded by McCoy, to appoint Courtney Hatcher to fill a vacancy on the Flora CUSD #35 Board of Education. Roll Call: Brooks, yes; Leib, yes; Dunahee, yes; Wiley, yes; Porter, yes; McCoy, yes.
7. Motion Leib seconded by Porter, to adjourn the meeting at (9:24 p.m.). Roll Call: Unanimous.