
East Central Reporter

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Village of Arthur Water & Sewer Committee met Jan. 30

Village of Arthur Water & Sewer Committee met Jan. 30.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

Called to Order 5:00 PM

Roll Call - Rod R., Matt B., Mike H., Christy M., Jim F., Grant C.

Public Comment - None

New Business

1. The FY 2023-2024 Capital Improvement Plan projects were presented to those in attendance. Discussion was led by Grant C. where he described the clarifier/imhoff tank removal project at the wastewater treatment facility. Additionally, he mentioned inspecting the wet well at the water treatment plant and the already approved SCADA project for the water treatment plant. The estimated costs associated with each project was presented as well.

2. The preliminary FY 2023-2024 Water/Sewer budget was presented by Grant C. All of the Capital Improvement Plan projects for the fiscal year had funding available in the budget. Discussion of a facility fence at the WWTP was led by Grant C., Matt B. inquired about the proposed fence project at the water tower as well. Other topics were a UTV with a shared cost between all departments, enclosing the dumpster at the WWTP rake room building, as well as installing new siding on the existing buildings to give a uniform appearance.

3. The preliminary FY 2023-2024 Street/Alley budget was presented by Grant C. Major projects included downtown parking lot resurfacing projects, E. Illinois St. resurfacing, alleyway concrete projects, and the sidewalk project at Arthur Grade School. There was also brief discussion on other concrete projects which included the intersection of Ash & Lincoln Street. The topic of this intersection led to questions from Christy M. about storm water drainage. Rod R. mentioned how storm water doesn't have a funding source. Grant C. informed the committee how some other communities have established a storm water user fee. Grant C. suggested having an engineer look at the Village as a whole and come up with a master plan with estimated costs for storm water upgrades in problematic areas. Christy M. also inquired about the sidewalk survey that was performed by Coles County Regional Planning. Grant C. said the last time he inquired that the survey was complete, but they were supposed to be providing the Village with a replacement plan. It was noted by the committee that overall Village-wide sidewalks are in poor condition. Grant C. said he would contact them about their report. Grant C. suggested if they weren't going to provide one, then the committee should review the survey and devise their own replacement plan. There was brief additional discussion on a few equipment items including the street sweeper, fork lift, and one ton dump truck that was on order with Morrow Bros.

4. A sanitary sewer repair at 425 S. Pine St. was the final item and discussion was led by Grant C. He provided the committee with a letter from IMLRMA, where they were denying the insurance claim submitted on behalf of the Village. Grant C. stated that he didn't believe they fully understood the scope of what took place and too much time and lapsed in between the Village's work and the homeowners discovery that they were no longer attached to the Village's sewer main. Grant C. stated that although the homeowner had additional work to repair their service he felt like a 50% reimbursement was in order because the Village had in fact removed the service from the sewer main during their point repair in November 2019. Matt B. was going to speak with the homeowner and see if they would be in agreeance with a 50% reimbursement. The homeowner's total bill was $8,268.94 for the repairs.

Adjourned 6:00 PM
