
East Central Reporter

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Miller: 'Illinois could see one of the most expensive winters in history'


Rep. Chris Miller (R-Robinson) | https://repcmiller.com

Rep. Chris Miller (R-Robinson) | https://repcmiller.com

Rep. Chris Miller talks about the rising electricity prices and how it is turning towards one of the most expensive winters in history.

In an Oct. 6 Facebook post, Miller pointed to just how much electricity prices have risen.

"The Citizens Utility Board said Ameren Illinois‘ said electricity price has gone up 126 percent compared to one year ago on Saturday, October 1. CUB is now saying Illinois could see one of the most expensive winters in history," MIller said.

Chris Miller, born June 15, 1954, was first elected to the Illinois House in 2018. A Republican, their legislative experience includes serving on the International Trade & Commerce and International Trade & Commerce. Miller is a state representative, according to the Illinois House.

In his Facebook post, Miller shared an article from Fox 2 Now, which reported: "The Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) said Ameren’s non-summer per-kilowatt-hour (kWh) price to compare to other suppliers is 12.36 cents per KWh for 0-800 kWh and 9.777 cents per kWh for usage over 800 kWh. The CUB made note that, “The rate for the first 800 kWh of usage represents a 126 percent increase over the price last October. The “price to compare” includes the supply price, a transmission charge and a supply cost adjustment. Ameren does not profit off the price of electricity—they pass those costs onto customers with no markup. This rate is in effect through May 31, 2023.”

Miller is a member of the Illinois Freedom Caucus, with Rep. Dan Caulkins, Rep. Brad Halbrook, Rep. Adam M. Niemerg, and Rep. Blaine Wilhour. This summer, the group held a variety of meetings to share information and discuss issues of concern with constituents, including energy prices.

In July 2021, Miller joined Halbrook and Caulkins on a downstate energy tour. According to his website, the trio visited Prairie State Energy Campus, Hamilton Co. Coal, Ashmore Solar Field, Newman Wind Farm, and Clinton Power Station. "As a farmer and environmentalist, I am alarmed that what Democrats are pushing as “green energy” really isn’t green at all. Wind turbines and solar panels are insanely expensive and unreliable in addition to being horrible for the environment. Illinois won’t able to cool your home or power your manufacturing plants without coal, gas, and nuclear energy," Miller said.