
East Central Reporter

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Flora Community Unit School District 35 Board of Education met June 30

Flora Community Unit School District 35 Board of Education met June 30.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Members Present: McCoy, Leib, Porter, Cook, Brooks, Wiley, Dunahee

Administration Present: Hackney

Guests: None

Media: None

Call to Order: 5:32

1. Motion Brooks seconded by Dunahee, to enter into executive session at (5:33 p.m.). Roll Call: Cook, yes; McCoy, yes; Porter, yes; Brooks, yes; Wiley, yes; Leib, yes; Dunahee, yes.

2. Motion Leib seconded by Porter, to return to regular session at (7:40 p.m.). Roll Call: Wiley, yes; Porter, yes; McCoy, yes; Dunahee, yes; Brooks, yes; Leib, yes; Cook, yes.

3. Motion Brooks seconded by Leib, to accept the resignation submitted by Steve Harmon effective June 23, 2022. Roll Call: Dunahee, yes; Leib, yes; Brooks, yes; McCoy, yes; Porter, yes; Cook, yes; Brooks, yes.

4. Motion McCoy seconded by Porter, to accept the resignation submitted by Barb Williams effective June 30, 2022. Roll Call: Brooks, yes; Cook, yes; McCoy, yes; Leib, yes; Dunahee, yes; Porter, yes; Wiley yes.

5. Motion Wiley seconded by Dunahee, to employ Michelle Henson as part-time teacher for the 2022-2023 school year. Roll Call: Dunahee, yes; Leib, yes; Brooks, yes; McCoy, yes; Porter, yes; Cook, yes; Brooks, yes.

6. Motion Leib seconded by Brooks, to accept the resignation submitted by Adair Hollon. Roll Call: Porter, yes; Cook, yes; Wiley yes; Brooks, yes; Dunahee, yes; McCoy, yes; Leib, yes.

7. Motion Wiley seconded by McCoy, to approve the leave of absence request submitted by Jordyn Strange. Roll Call: Leib, yes; Wiley, yes; McCoy, yes; Cook, yes; Brooks, yes; Leib, yes; Dunahee, yes.

8. Motion Leib seconded by Porter, to adjourn the meeting at (8:13 p.m.).
