City of Marshall City Council met December 14.
Here is the agenda as provided by the council:
I. Roll Call (6:30PM)
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Minutes of Previous Meeting and correction and/or approval of same
IV. Public Comments (Persons wishing to address the council will have a time limit of 3 minutes)
V. New Business
VI. Presentation of the Audited Financial Statements for the City of Marshall by Kelsey Swing.
VII. Consider and take action on the Collection, Treasurer’s, Building and Police Reports for October 2020.
VIII. Consider and take action on an Ordinance for the Levy and Assessment of Taxes.
IX. Consider and take action on a Lease Agreement with Pilot Travel Centers LLC.
X. Consider and take action on purchase of a boulder to be placed at the Pilot Travel Center in the amount of $12,450.00.
XI. Consider and take action on Pay Application #5 from Maguire Iron Inc. in the amount of $129,124.50.
XII. Consider and take action on a proposal from Hoerr Construction Inc. for Sanitary Sewer Cleaning in the amount of $53,815.00.
XIII. Consider and take action on a service agreement with Vandevanter Engineering for pump repair in the amount of $11,424.45.
XIV. Consider and take action on payment to Burbach Aquatics Inc. in the amount of $52,053.64.
XV. Consider and take action on the City of Marshall Council meeting schedule for 2021.
XVI. Committee Reports
XVII. Pay Bills
XVIII. Adjourn