
East Central Reporter

Friday, January 24, 2025

Robinson Public Library District Board of Trustees met December 17

Webp meeting372

Robinson Public Library District Board of Trustees met Dec. 17.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

President Debbie Scott called the meeting to order at 5:40 pm in the Newlin Room of the Robinson public library.

Members present: Debbie Scott, Wendy Kastner, Debbie Walls, Allen Summers, Todd Liston

Members absent: Rhonda Moade, Michael Garrard

Staff present: Michelle Blair, Janice Shick

Public none

Minutes : Minutes of the November 19, 2019 board meeting was approved as corrected. Minutes of the December 3, 2019 meeting were approved as corrected.

Financials: The last property tax check was received. Check register for November was reviewed. Wendy Kastner made a motion to accept the November check register and Debbie Scott seconded. Motion passed.

Presidents report: 10 Old Business: a shelving order for Hutsonville and Flat Rock libraries was approved. Allen Summers made a motion to purchase New Shelving and Debbie Walls seconded. Motion passed

b) we decided after discussion to pay catering bill for the library Christmas dinner from the miscellaneous fund. Debbiw Walls made a motion to pay the bill from miscellaneous and Todd liston seconded. Motion passed.

c) Marathon agreement regarding property taxtabled as no information is currently available for discussion.

d.)The quote from Safety Med LLC was discussed and it was decided to accept the quote for basic CPR, AED, and First Aid knowledge and skillspertaining to adults , children and /or infants. The cost for 20 participants is $1300.00. Debbie Scott made a motion to accept the quote and Debbie Walls seconded. Motion passed.

2) New Business: a) board reviewed the Investment of Public Funds Policy.

b) The Freedom of Information Act Document was reviewed. Michelle Blair, Mindi Williamson, Wendy Kastner and Debbie Scott were appointed FOIA officers.

c) Open meetings Act officers were appointed. Michelle Blair and Debbie Scott.

d)The building project was tabled until the January meeting.

e) Personnel: the board regretfully accepted the resignation of Director Breyanna Weaver effective 12/20/2019 and approved payout for her remaining resignation and vacation hours payout request. Todd Liston made a motion and Wendy Kastner seconded to approve Breyanna’s resignation and vacation hours payout request. Motion passed.

The board appointed Michelle Blair as Interim Director and decided after discussion to raise her salary to $25.00 an hour starting 12/21/19. Debbie Walls made a motion and Todd Liston seconded to approve Michelle Blair as Interim Director and to raise her wages to $25.00/hour beginning 12/21/2019. Motion passed. It was decided to post the Director’s position in house first before posting the position online.
